How do we want to save (Do we want autosave)?
Join Date: 2016-03-28 Member: 214968Members
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Always save on quit no matter what.
Also get rid of Quit to Desktop and always quit to menu instead.
Make the button called "Save and Quit".
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Always save on quit no matter what.
Also get rid of Quit to Desktop and always quit to menu instead.
Make the button called "Save and Quit".
That's why I put Autosave, Manual Save, and also ability to "Exit without saving", or revert to previous manual save (although that would probably be better handled in the load game section, "load autosave or manual save?"
I used to use a minecraft mod that did this exact thing.
-Manual save
-Save & exit
If players want an "Ironman" style run of the game only autosaving, doing so regularly and at major events (like death) so that the player cannot save scum (cannot do so easily at least, usually there are ways around it), then let that be an option.
If people want manual saving or a hybrid of autosaving and manual saving, let that be an option.
The way a player can save can influence the difficulty and risk quite a bit, so why not give the option to modify it when starting a new game?
- A consensus that players don't want to be forced to only use autosave (everyone wants a manual save option)
- Disagreement about whether players should be able to quit without saving (with a minority of players wanting players to be forced to play 'ironman')
The biggest change is restructuring the game's start up menu(s) to allow for multiple saves.
Right now we have multiple game slots, but loading any of those games always takes you to the last save point for that game. I get the feeling we're looking for more flexibility.
How about this -- to the right of a game's slot are three buttons:
To cut down on visual clutter, those buttons only appear when your cursor is hovering over the specific game slot.
Once we get the ability to choose which save point to load, then we can debate the value of auto-saves and when they should occur, quick-save and quick-load keys, ironman modes, etc.
Edit: Would be really nice if we could enter a name for our game(s) and save point(s) so when looking at the lists we can easily tell what's what.
Standart players should have more than a save as they can die multiple times anyway.
But you might want to keep a save for testing purposes or as a showcase for others. Or there is a bug and a dev wants to look into the save file, but that would be overwritten long ago. So creating a second save should be always possible. Maybe these second saves could be called testsaves and be stripped from achievements and further saving, so once a testsave is made, it can't be saved again, only loaded or sent to a dev or another player.
So I'd pledge for a single forced save system, but with exporting testsaves that can be saved only once. Loading from an exported testsave should disable saving.
I like the ability to exit to menu without saving, so I can build or test new stuff without making it a permanent change.
Manual save only. Autosave is annoying and encourages lazy play. Manual save system should absolute include a good old F5 quick-save as it's the best innovation in gaming history.
However, saving should be limited. You should only be able to save while inside your base(s) so every excursion outside is a risk, something to overcome and survive.
If you are able to save anywhere, every single bit of tension in the game is removed. So keep saving limited to when your character is "safe" inside the base.
You only live once. The game will only save upon exiting the game, and only when inside your base. If you try to quit when outside the game will warn you the game won't be saved.
Usually I would also say "If you die, the game is automatically deleted" however, with this game, you will always have a chance to die from bugs. Clipping into things and getting stuck then drowning etc.
Besides, there's nothing stopping a player from copying the save file at regular intervals anyway, if their conscience allows it.
This game really isn't ever going to be stable enough for a proper Ironman mode, so maybe just allow one save slot on hardcore, but still allow reloading because at some point you will inevitably get killed by a bug, and if that happens after 50 hours you're going to be furious.
Might be immersion-breaking, but also a lifesaver.
Reminds me of the immersion-breaking O2 reminder that doesn't do a good job anyways.
Although ... in nature if our human body gets in danger the body signals flood our perception with non immersive pain more than enough.
But as long as we agree on a single savegame, autosaving every minute would be far more immersive and save.
Imagine a player being stuck walking on the ocean floor and unable to swim due to the base glitch... one could easily get trapped in a depression.
Saving anywhere else should probably be removed.
Base = any powered base. One may argue the cyclops counts also as a save point.
Have the option to choose where the saves are stored!
More options are always better, and the fewer options there are the easier it is for a crash or bug to wreck hours of work.
And leave Exit to Desktop. I already have enough games where it's faster to terminate them through task manager on alt-tab/second monitor than to exit from ingame. I really don't want another.
Forced autosaving will also prevent people from reverting back before serious bugs. Which still happen.
I personally would like the game to autosave, but also have a Fallout-type quicksave, so you can quicksave before doing something risky.
Takes 10 seconds to make a memory dump and load it as needed. Even if game has no saving feature as long as you are on PC you can save.
Autosave in secure points would be very helpful, those moments you forget to save after returning with a massive haul, only to have the game crash shortly after... Yesch.
Agreed. I started a new run a couple days ago, entered and exited my base a bunch, but forgot to do a manual save before exiting. Get back in... and the last autosave was somehow only 10 minutes in.
Also, I like being able to save anywhere. Way down in the caves in my seamoth and want to do something else or get tired and want to go to bed? As it is right now, I don't have to spend 10 minutes finding my way back up to my base.
There is absolutely no reason to force upon other players, ones particular favorite play-style.
There's no actual effect to other players if one chooses to save at a particular point or not.
It's not really cheating, since the only one being affected is oneself.
And if one doesn't have the capacity to Not Use a particular game saving option, then that's that players problem and shouldn't be an argument against Not Having a particular saving option for others.
There is also no actual effect to other players if one chooses not to use a particular saving option. (Ironman)
Therefore, having as many Saving Options in the game as the Dev's choose to, and have time too create is the best option for all.
If you start a new game the autosave gets overwritten on first save, so before making a new game you would want to create a full save first. Also for this to work out, I would like the ability to name my saves.
autosave points every 5-120 minute intervals that can be adjusted from options as well as options to turn on and off the save feature.
finally an autosave on exit while retaining the ability to manually save. the autosave file is in it's own save point and can not be overwritten from in game with an attempted manual save over it. it can only be overwritten by another autosave and underneath is several manual save points.
To go with the idea behind this, i am hoping the devs come up with a way to export the save folder out so you can create new save folders and load up old ones. i figure perhaps before loading into the game and after choosing a new game that there is an in game character naming so each save folder can be named invididually and and loaded up as such with an extended load and save support.