I mean... Don't get me wrong, It sounds really cool and they nailed the style and tone of the thing, but why does it speak English? The Precursors didn't. We need to decode what their data says through our 'PDA.' And my other, probably more significant problem with it is why is it announcing everything it's doing like a cliche sci-fi robot?
Because, like the Mesmer, it's speaking psychically in concepts. Your brain is providing the words.
51729 /main 2017-08-07 13:30:56 Scott Thunelius - Depricated Item Based Signal System; Signals are now completely located on the ping manager and are no longer pickupable. Old Signals from past save games will work as they did before.
Oh fucking finally!
51725 /main 2017-08-07 13:13:27 Simon Chylinski bunch of mixing and Alterra logo corporate jingle when booting up the PDA
There was also another checkin for BKZT changes:
51740 /main/andrew-bk-deep-trench-improvements 2017-08-07 15:54:39 Andrew Jones Widened BK deep trench and added more glow lights to help with navigation.
and new cards for the Mountains to ILZ connection: https://trello.com/c/IAzBj5Y4/6546-mountains-lz-path-detail-pass
51729 /main 2017-08-07 13:30:56 Scott Thunelius - Depricated Item Based Signal System; Signals are now completely located on the ping manager and are no longer pickupable. Old Signals from past save games will work as they did before.
Oh fucking finally!
Hell to the yeah! I'm glad that's finally taken care of. So... that begs the question now: With the Compass eliminated due to being moved to vehicles, the Thermometer eliminated due to being moved to specific equipment, and now Signal pings made internal to the PDA... what will the Upgrade Slots be used for now that nothing exists for them anymore?
51729 /main 2017-08-07 13:30:56 Scott Thunelius - Depricated Item Based Signal System; Signals are now completely located on the ping manager and are no longer pickupable. Old Signals from past save games will work as they did before.
Oh fucking finally!
Hell to the yeah! I'm glad that's finally taken care of. So... that begs the question now: With the Compass eliminated due to being moved to vehicles, the Thermometer eliminated due to being moved to specific equipment, and now Signal pings made internal to the PDA... what will the Upgrade Slots be used for now that nothing exists for them anymore?
51729 /main 2017-08-07 13:30:56 Scott Thunelius - Depricated Item Based Signal System; Signals are now completely located on the ping manager and are no longer pickupable. Old Signals from past save games will work as they did before.
Oh fucking finally!
Hell to the yeah! I'm glad that's finally taken care of. So... that begs the question now: With the Compass eliminated due to being moved to vehicles, the Thermometer eliminated due to being moved to specific equipment, and now Signal pings made internal to the PDA... what will the Upgrade Slots be used for now that nothing exists for them anymore?
Scanner Room HUD upgrade is the only thing left.
I started writing up an idea to give the Upgrade Slots more of a practical use, but the post started to get long and kind of derailed the purpose of the Epic Trello thread. So I made a post in the Ideas and Suggestions board as to keep this entry relatively short. But really, they need more than just one mildly useful item to use, since pretty much everything equippable is off the table now.
If anyone's hoping for an update tomorrow (since that's what the Roadmap still says), it was just confirmed on Steam that we'll have to wait at least another week.
(Cosigning that second user's comment about "last minute polishing" being a good thing, btw. I'll gladly wait longer for a better update.)
I started writing up an idea to give the Upgrade Slots more of a practical use, but the post started to get long and kind of derailed the purpose of the Epic Trello thread. So I made a post in the Ideas and Suggestions board as to keep this entry relatively short. But really, they need more than just one mildly useful item to use, since pretty much everything equippable is off the table now.
IMHO, an upgrade in one area should lead to a downgrade in another area. That is how you get varied gameplay instead of a linear progression.
As for the other, I don't think it's necessary, by the time you get the thermal recharge you're on your way to having Ion batteries anyway, and you're travelling in hot areas enough for power to never be a problem. Heck, most people build near a thermal, just park the Cyclops over it.
Some more notable checkins:
51941 /main 2017-08-10 10:17:34 Scott Thunelius - PDA Signal Notification
51950 /main 2017-08-10 12:39:37 Louis Karim Sped up cyclops hatch enter and exit animations
51956 /main 2017-08-10 13:46:46 Andrew Jones Widened the blood kelp deep trench a little bit and added glow lights along the walls. Hopefully this will improve navigation there.
51962 /main 2017-08-10 14:29:45 Louis Karim Updated cutefish with interaction, follow and stay animations.
51963 /main 2017-08-10 14:33:21 Igor Popov make reapers and juvenile emperors attack leviathans
51964 /main/shel-cureballPass 2017-08-10 15:02:27 Sylvain Hel add more ripples to the curball shader
51976 /main/ck - Emperors New Groove 2017-08-10 19:33:40 Colin Knueppel Latest exports
I think this has something to do with the implementation of the updated Sea Emperor Leviathan textures.
More checkins:
52004 /main 2017-08-11 07:08:09 Scott Thunelius - Knife no longer damages bases or subs
52008 /main 2017-08-11 09:11:58 Simon Chylinski adding VO for signal uploading to pda
52009 /main 2017-08-11 09:16:02 Simon Chylinski made pda boot up voiceover present tense. like a boss
52010 /main 2017-08-11 09:58:44 Simon Chylinski low battery voice over ready for code
52016 /main/andrew-lz-corridor-polish 2017-08-11 11:04:25 Andrew Jones Added a thermal vent and additional detail to the mountains->LZ route.
52019 /main 2017-08-11 11:44:19 Andrew Jones Part one of detail pass on mountains -> LZ path.ass on mountains -> LZ path.
52030 /main 2017-08-11 13:27:59 Sylvain Hel fix missing speed FX on the Seamoth
52029 /main 2017-08-11 13:06:00 Sylvain Hel fix missing wireframe effect when using the sonar
Hell yeah! The sonar wireframe isn't perfect, but thanks anyway devs! Love the speed lines!
52033 /main 2017-08-11 14:48:14 Igor Popov fixed escape pod first time exit animations could be not deserialized properly
Wonder if that fixes the escape pod lower hatch being locked on reload?
More checkins:
52004 /main 2017-08-11 07:08:09 Scott Thunelius - Knife no longer damages bases or subs
Praise be to RNGesus, harvesting growbeds just got less annoying
I'm not trying to be facetious or anything, but is this really an issue? I've used the Indoor Growbed many times before in seabases and the Cyclops, and I've never had a time where harvesting seeds with a knife caused damage to my surroundings. Even after I heard this was such a thing, I tried knifing my base walls in corridors, the MP Room and Moonpool; and I never once sprang a leak. The only time I've caused damage at all was by punching them with the Exosuit - which fascinated me, as I was unaware up until then (6 months or so ago) that bases could be damaged.
I'm very excited for all of these quality of life improvements being put into this update. The new Cyclops-sized access tunnel to the LR and ILZ is very nice as well, I'm glad the devs were smart about how they removed the old Aurora tunnel by replacing it with something better (although I do wish we still had some sort of access tunnel or other important POI out in the dunes to give us a reason to actually brave the reapers to go out there).
I'm not trying to be facetious or anything, but is this really an issue? I've used the Indoor Growbed many times before in seabases and the Cyclops, and I've never had a time where harvesting seeds with a knife caused damage to my surroundings. Even after I heard this was such a thing, I tried knifing my base walls in corridors, the MP Room and Moonpool; and I never once sprang a leak. The only time I've caused damage at all was by punching them with the Exosuit - which fascinated me, as I was unaware up until then (6 months or so ago) that bases could be damaged.
I didn't have a lot of problems with it either, but it was very annoying when it happened. Small plants were the main problem because they were harder to hit, planter pots gave a higher chance on a leak than growbeds, and for some reason observatories were the worst for this (possibly the angle of the wall at any given point?). Double worse with observatories (and glass hallways) was that when you hit them with the knife above water, it was as good as impossible to find the leak.
More checkins:
52004 /main 2017-08-11 07:08:09 Scott Thunelius - Knife no longer damages bases or subs
Praise be to RNGesus, harvesting growbeds just got less annoying
I'm not trying to be facetious or anything, but is this really an issue? I've used the Indoor Growbed many times before in seabases and the Cyclops, and I've never had a time where harvesting seeds with a knife caused damage to my surroundings. Even after I heard this was such a thing, I tried knifing my base walls in corridors, the MP Room and Moonpool; and I never once sprang a leak. The only time I've caused damage at all was by punching them with the Exosuit - which fascinated me, as I was unaware up until then (6 months or so ago) that bases could be damaged.
Can you see any point in keeping knife damage to bases in?
I guess it's situational, where you build your growbed, so it's understandable not everyone will get this problem. But I and others have had it, and I think a new player would find it confusing and annoying.
Looks like the rocket to me. Could it be that you only can launch one from the rocket while starting or something? I beleive I remember something about everyone only being able to launch a single one per game
52117 /main/Fixed bug where leaving on intro screen would proc PDA messages 2017-08-14 10:52:35 Scott Thunelius double oops
52116 /main/Fixed bug where leaving on intro screen would proc PDA messages 2017-08-14 10:51:47 Scott Thunelius oops
52115 /main/Fixed bug where leaving on intro screen would proc PDA messages 2017-08-14 10:51:16 Scott Thunelius Updated terrible awful WTF I can't believe you've done this what were you thinking WHY OH GOD WHY naming conventions
More checkins:
52004 /main 2017-08-11 07:08:09 Scott Thunelius - Knife no longer damages bases or subs
Praise be to RNGesus, harvesting growbeds just got less annoying
I'm not trying to be facetious or anything, but is this really an issue? I've used the Indoor Growbed many times before in seabases and the Cyclops, and I've never had a time where harvesting seeds with a knife caused damage to my surroundings. Even after I heard this was such a thing, I tried knifing my base walls in corridors, the MP Room and Moonpool; and I never once sprang a leak. The only time I've caused damage at all was by punching them with the Exosuit - which fascinated me, as I was unaware up until then (6 months or so ago) that bases could be damaged.
Interesting post.
I was shocked and dismayed they left this bug in the game for almost two months. Given that a 100% health Seamoth repeatedly crashed into your base doesn't cause damage, it was exceedingly odd that a single knife swing did more damage than a punch from the PRAWN and caused a leak.
I wonder if there was some weird issue where this bug only occurred on certain hardware. For example, maybe it only occurred on NVIDIA cards but not Radeon. Or, maybe it only occurred on certain NVIDIA cards--since you said you have a 650TI and I have 750TI and saw this bug. Who knows. If not for my respect for you, I'd jokingly suggest you just didn't even play the game during the two months this bug existed.
In my case, I saw this bug extremely frequently and found this bug trivially easy to reproduce. In fact, I stopped playing the game while waiting for them to fix it. It was great. I as extremely productive. I think I wrote three novels--all the same length as War and Peace.
I like this explanation, updating headcanon.
The update is ready on August 4th. After that is bugfixing time and around ~ August 10th is the update live for downloading
Oh fucking finally!
51725 /main 2017-08-07 13:13:27 Simon Chylinski bunch of mixing and Alterra logo corporate jingle when booting up the PDA
Oh, cool!
51740 /main/andrew-bk-deep-trench-improvements 2017-08-07 15:54:39 Andrew Jones Widened BK deep trench and added more glow lights to help with navigation.
and new cards for the Mountains to ILZ connection:
and open ocean creatures.
Hell to the yeah! I'm glad that's finally taken care of.
Scanner Room HUD upgrade is the only thing left.
51828 "adding in more Popups & Encyc entry pics. Relic Encyc images & popups hooked up, fix for jumper Encyc entry & popup"
I've found a lot of fragments you scan that don't notify you of the new blueprint, hopefully this fixes those cases.
I started writing up an idea to give the Upgrade Slots more of a practical use, but the post started to get long and kind of derailed the purpose of the Epic Trello thread. So I made a post in the Ideas and Suggestions board as to keep this entry relatively short. But really, they need more than just one mildly useful item to use, since pretty much everything equippable is off the table now.
(Cosigning that second user's comment about "last minute polishing" being a good thing, btw. I'll gladly wait longer for a better update.)
IMHO, an upgrade in one area should lead to a downgrade in another area. That is how you get varied gameplay instead of a linear progression.
"You think you can steal from me?! Let me introduce you... to my Tank of Mesmers..."
More efficiency is good!
Can't wait to play with tame Mesmers
As for the other, I don't think it's necessary, by the time you get the thermal recharge you're on your way to having Ion batteries anyway, and you're travelling in hot areas enough for power to never be a problem. Heck, most people build near a thermal, just park the Cyclops over it.
51941 /main 2017-08-10 10:17:34 Scott Thunelius - PDA Signal Notification
51950 /main 2017-08-10 12:39:37 Louis Karim Sped up cyclops hatch enter and exit animations
51956 /main 2017-08-10 13:46:46 Andrew Jones Widened the blood kelp deep trench a little bit and added glow lights along the walls. Hopefully this will improve navigation there.
51962 /main 2017-08-10 14:29:45 Louis Karim Updated cutefish with interaction, follow and stay animations.
51963 /main 2017-08-10 14:33:21 Igor Popov make reapers and juvenile emperors attack leviathans
51964 /main/shel-cureballPass 2017-08-10 15:02:27 Sylvain Hel add more ripples to the curball shader
...wait, what??
Any idea what this translates to in English/game terms?
51976 /main/ck - Emperors New Groove 2017-08-10 19:33:40 Colin Knueppel Latest exports
I think this has something to do with the implementation of the updated Sea Emperor Leviathan textures.
52004 /main 2017-08-11 07:08:09 Scott Thunelius - Knife no longer damages bases or subs
52008 /main 2017-08-11 09:11:58 Simon Chylinski adding VO for signal uploading to pda
52009 /main 2017-08-11 09:16:02 Simon Chylinski made pda boot up voiceover present tense. like a boss
52010 /main 2017-08-11 09:58:44 Simon Chylinski low battery voice over ready for code
52016 /main/andrew-lz-corridor-polish 2017-08-11 11:04:25 Andrew Jones Added a thermal vent and additional detail to the mountains->LZ route.
52019 /main 2017-08-11 11:44:19 Andrew Jones Part one of detail pass on mountains -> LZ path.ass on mountains -> LZ path.
Praise be to RNGesus, harvesting growbeds just got less annoying
Hell yeah! The sonar wireframe isn't perfect, but thanks anyway devs! Love the speed lines!
Wonder if that fixes the escape pod lower hatch being locked on reload?
I'm not trying to be facetious or anything, but is this really an issue? I've used the Indoor Growbed many times before in seabases and the Cyclops, and I've never had a time where harvesting seeds with a knife caused damage to my surroundings. Even after I heard this was such a thing, I tried knifing my base walls in corridors, the MP Room and Moonpool; and I never once sprang a leak. The only time I've caused damage at all was by punching them with the Exosuit - which fascinated me, as I was unaware up until then (6 months or so ago) that bases could be damaged.
I didn't have a lot of problems with it either, but it was very annoying when it happened. Small plants were the main problem because they were harder to hit, planter pots gave a higher chance on a leak than growbeds, and for some reason observatories were the worst for this (possibly the angle of the wall at any given point?). Double worse with observatories (and glass hallways) was that when you hit them with the knife above water, it was as good as impossible to find the leak.
Can you see any point in keeping knife damage to bases in?
I guess it's situational, where you build your growbed, so it's understandable not everyone will get this problem. But I and others have had it, and I think a new player would find it confusing and annoying.
This looks nothing li
Thank you for finding that one! This bug was around for almost two months!! I'm happy to see they finally fixed this one!
52117 /main/Fixed bug where leaving on intro screen would proc PDA messages 2017-08-14 10:52:35 Scott Thunelius double oops
52116 /main/Fixed bug where leaving on intro screen would proc PDA messages 2017-08-14 10:51:47 Scott Thunelius oops
52115 /main/Fixed bug where leaving on intro screen would proc PDA messages 2017-08-14 10:51:16 Scott Thunelius Updated terrible awful WTF I can't believe you've done this what were you thinking WHY OH GOD WHY naming conventions
Interesting post.
I was shocked and dismayed they left this bug in the game for almost two months. Given that a 100% health Seamoth repeatedly crashed into your base doesn't cause damage, it was exceedingly odd that a single knife swing did more damage than a punch from the PRAWN and caused a leak.
I wonder if there was some weird issue where this bug only occurred on certain hardware. For example, maybe it only occurred on NVIDIA cards but not Radeon. Or, maybe it only occurred on certain NVIDIA cards--since you said you have a 650TI and I have 750TI and saw this bug. Who knows. If not for my respect for you, I'd jokingly suggest you just didn't even play the game during the two months this bug existed.
In my case, I saw this bug extremely frequently and found this bug trivially easy to reproduce. In fact, I stopped playing the game while waiting for them to fix it. It was great. I as extremely productive. I think I wrote three novels--all the same length as War and Peace.