On save and quit-to-menu; this is only when you're in game. After you're back on the Title Screen then you'll have a quit to desktop button. It's just a little useful thing for those who - sometimes - just mindlessly quit and then it's like "Oh, shit, I forgot to save!" Which can happen.
But as DrownedOut mentioned, sometimes you do something and prefer *not* to save that.
An example just from tonight -- through my own clumsiness I managed to drop my scanner while near a wreck in the grassy plains. Trouble is, I dropped it right into a large patch of that red seaweed and damned if I could find it. I searched for a good five minutes back and forth, no luck. Fortunately, I could exit out of the game *without an auto-save* and then reload the last save. I lost a bit of progress but much better than having to craft another scanner.
IMHO, an auto-save system only works if you can also make manual saves, and when you load a game you can choose which save to load. So the system has to allow for multiple saves per game, not just one for each game like we have now.
On save and quit-to-menu; this is only when you're in game. After you're back on the Title Screen then you'll have a quit to desktop button. It's just a little useful thing for those who - sometimes - just mindlessly quit and then it's like "Oh, shit, I forgot to save!" Which can happen.
But as DrownedOut mentioned, sometimes you do something and prefer *not* to save that.
An example just from tonight -- through my own clumsiness I managed to drop my scanner while near a wreck in the grassy plains. Trouble is, I dropped it right into a large patch of that red seaweed and damned if I could find it. I searched for a good five minutes back and forth, no luck. Fortunately, I could exit out of the game *without an auto-save* and then reload the last save. I lost a bit of progress but much better than having to craft another scanner.
IMHO, an auto-save system only works if you can also make manual saves, and when you load a game you can choose which save to load. So the system has to allow for multiple saves per game, not just one for each game like we have now.
Well, there is the debug code GAMERESET which reloads the current gamefile from the last save point, and I might add it loads a heckuva lot faster than exiting to menu and reloading manually.
Could the developers change one of the current "Save" buttons with this code function instead and call it "Reload from last savepoint"? Then we could have a simple fast Save, as well as simple fast Reload.
KlinnLost in a caveJoin Date: 2016-03-09Member: 214022Members
Thanks for the debug command, I'll have to remember that for next time!
What you're describing is basically a Quick Save / Quick Load system that many games have, and yes, I think it would be a great addition to Subnautica too.
Better in a sense, for oil only needing 1 seed is great. Also if you have extra seeds and are going to craft rubber the fabricator makes multiple rubber instead of just 1 at a time. Maybe the devs can expand that to other crafting if you have more material to craft more than one item.
So I thought I'd go and make some coffee with the new machine we're getting...
I gotta say, I love the aesthetic design of Alterra and their corporate conglomerate products. UWE is doing a smashing job with all of their model designs! With that said, I have just one teeny-tiny request... could the low-res models of the Aurora's Vending Machine and the gameworld's Coffee Dispensers be replaced with the new models eventually? It feels weird to see such a rough model in game, then scan it and suddenly I can replicate an updated model I don't have access to (and did I mention the low-res models look rough?)
... and went out to my Moon Pool; but then I saw that It'd been smashed up into all these broken fragments...
I am glad however to see that some of the generic "safe" models will be replaced with more appropriate ones. Although I know they will eventually replace all the placeholder models as time goes on, I hope they don't completely remove it, what with it having been a part of early-access for so long. I'd personally like to see the Safe model added to the Captain's Quarters, and have it made scannable and craftable; maybe with a snarky flavor text about keeping valuables from being plundered and left strewn on the ground, lol.
I was reading the Subnautica Development Trello page, and stumbled across this entry: Fix intro voice stuff. I'm glad they're working on making the early game more relaxed and allowing exploration near the Aurora not be as rushed (points 2 and 3) - new players should be able to check out the world before having it 'locked off' too soon.
However I was disappointed in reading the #1 Point:
Jonas Grohmann: 1. Track down whatever is triggering the voice line "Good job not dying..." which triggers when the PDA is first booted after the fire is put out, and cut it. This line is not being translated, and has been replaced by a new line, which is in english.json.
Jonas Grohmann: Found and fixed #1. @simonchylinski I removed the voice tracks from tools\pda\first_use . Now it's only playing the first boot sound effect. The voice over is in player\goal_pdaloading.
Does this mean the PDA will no longer snark about us surviving a cataclysmic starship explosion and concussion?! How else will my victory feel hollow, when my only companion I have makes my surviving seem like a trivial ordeal to such a digital persona?? (PDA: "Pff, you survived certain death and dismemberment? I'll function for decades without encountering any debilitating issues - come back to me when you have a real problem.")
Please, reconsider this decision and give us our snarky PDA back!
Welp dev's finally got around to replacing the quartz model in game in experimental
Does it still glow at night? I was so proud of myself when I finally figured out that the reason I can never find any quartz is because you are supposed to look for it at night, and I'll be disappointed if that trick doesn't work anymore.
I was reading the Subnautica Development Trello page, and stumbled across this entry: Fix intro voice stuff. I'm glad they're working on making the early game more relaxed and allowing exploration near the Aurora not be as rushed (points 2 and 3) - new players should be able to check out the world before having it 'locked off' too soon.
However I was disappointed in reading the #1 Point:
Jonas Grohmann: 1. Track down whatever is triggering the voice line "Good job not dying..." which triggers when the PDA is first booted after the fire is put out, and cut it. This line is not being translated, and has been replaced by a new line, which is in english.json.
Jonas Grohmann: Found and fixed #1. @simonchylinski I removed the voice tracks from tools\pda\first_use . Now it's only playing the first boot sound effect. The voice over is in player\goal_pdaloading.
Does this mean the PDA will no longer snark about us surviving a cataclysmic starship explosion and concussion?! How else will my victory feel hollow, when my only companion I have makes my surviving seem like a trivial ordeal to such a digital persona?? (PDA: "Pff, you survived certain death and dismemberment? I'll function for decades without encountering any debilitating issues - come back to me when you have a real problem.")
Please, reconsider this decision and give us our snarky PDA back!
Agreed. The snarky PDA should be *expanded* to give the game more humor, and add voice lines when entering new biomes, picking up important fragments, or finding cool new stuff.
Seriously, removing this is a large "fun factor" mistake. While the team might be feeling stressed, they shouldn't get too serious and axe the personality of the game! In fact, the people I've showed it to got a nice chuckle due to the snarky PDA line at the beginning and have mentioned it more than any other feature of the game. Otherwise the intro is WAAAAY too serious, and is gonna turn off casual players.
Short version: I'd rather have a fun, humorous girlfriend who is unreliable and sometimes crashes despite how awesome she is than a responsible, serious, fully finished lady. People like laughing more than they want to be serious, especially when they're all alone on a strange planet. It will be the feature people remember long after wetting their pants over seeing their first Reaper. Though that does rank rather high ; ) Devs, please hear us plebs on this one.
Wherever there is evil under the waves.
Wherever the rank stench of the Carar is to be found.
He will be there.
Faster than a speeding Crashfish, stronger than an enraged Reaper, smarter than a genius Warper, and all-around better than Super Garryfish.
Hero Peeper.
Not the Peeper we deserve, but the Peeper we need.
Hero Peeper, coming to a theatre near you this August.
Rated R for scenes of intense awesomeness.
Yeah, you need the # part when adding friends. You should have a new request.
Oh god if this is a baby Sea Dragon...
But as DrownedOut mentioned, sometimes you do something and prefer *not* to save that.
An example just from tonight -- through my own clumsiness I managed to drop my scanner while near a wreck in the grassy plains. Trouble is, I dropped it right into a large patch of that red seaweed and damned if I could find it. I searched for a good five minutes back and forth, no luck. Fortunately, I could exit out of the game *without an auto-save* and then reload the last save. I lost a bit of progress but much better than having to craft another scanner.
IMHO, an auto-save system only works if you can also make manual saves, and when you load a game you can choose which save to load. So the system has to allow for multiple saves per game, not just one for each game like we have now.
Well, there is the debug code GAMERESET which reloads the current gamefile from the last save point, and I might add it loads a heckuva lot faster than exiting to menu and reloading manually.
Could the developers change one of the current "Save" buttons with this code function instead and call it "Reload from last savepoint"? Then we could have a simple fast Save, as well as simple fast Reload.
What you're describing is basically a Quick Save / Quick Load system that many games have, and yes, I think it would be a great addition to Subnautica too.
That could be a nice feature.
It is, it's currently in experimental
That was fast. The card was just put up today.
How is it?
I just tried this. 1 Creepvine Seed Cluster now makes 2 Silicone Rubber.
... before I strapped on the new High Capacity Tanks...
... and went out to my Moon Pool; but then I saw that It'd been smashed up into all these broken fragments...
So I went back to the other Vending Machine for some Snacks...
At least it wasn't broken!
Man, they've been adding so many good models lately.
I gotta say, I love the aesthetic design of Alterra and their corporate conglomerate products. UWE is doing a smashing job with all of their model designs! With that said, I have just one teeny-tiny request... could the low-res models of the Aurora's Vending Machine and the gameworld's Coffee Dispensers be replaced with the new models eventually? It feels weird to see such a rough model in game, then scan it and suddenly I can replicate an updated model I don't have access to (and did I mention the low-res models look rough?)
I am glad however to see that some of the generic "safe" models will be replaced with more appropriate ones. Although I know they will eventually replace all the placeholder models as time goes on, I hope they don't completely remove it, what with it having been a part of early-access for so long. I'd personally like to see the Safe model added to the Captain's Quarters, and have it made scannable and craftable; maybe with a snarky flavor text about keeping valuables from being plundered and left strewn on the ground, lol.
That playermodel
48169 /main/andrew-prison 2017-05-19 15:35:23 Andrew Jones Replaced sea emperor that I accidentally deleted it's fine it's fine nothing to see here.
Peepers purposefully propelling properly through precisely placed pipes!
Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
And when I read piping Peepers, I imagined
However I was disappointed in reading the #1 Point:
Does this mean the PDA will no longer snark about us surviving a cataclysmic starship explosion and concussion?! How else will my victory feel hollow, when my only companion I have makes my surviving seem like a trivial ordeal to such a digital persona?? (PDA: "Pff, you survived certain death and dismemberment? I'll function for decades without encountering any debilitating issues - come back to me when you have a real problem.")
Please, reconsider this decision and give us our snarky PDA back!
Does it still glow at night? I was so proud of myself when I finally figured out that the reason I can never find any quartz is because you are supposed to look for it at night, and I'll be disappointed if that trick doesn't work anymore.
Agreed. The snarky PDA should be *expanded* to give the game more humor, and add voice lines when entering new biomes, picking up important fragments, or finding cool new stuff.
Seriously, removing this is a large "fun factor" mistake. While the team might be feeling stressed, they shouldn't get too serious and axe the personality of the game! In fact, the people I've showed it to got a nice chuckle due to the snarky PDA line at the beginning and have mentioned it more than any other feature of the game. Otherwise the intro is WAAAAY too serious, and is gonna turn off casual players.
Short version: I'd rather have a fun, humorous girlfriend who is unreliable and sometimes crashes despite how awesome she is than a responsible, serious, fully finished lady. People like laughing more than they want to be serious, especially when they're all alone on a strange planet. It will be the feature people remember long after wetting their pants over seeing their first Reaper. Though that does rank rather high ; ) Devs, please hear us plebs on this one.
Also this: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HsojwT9zgzlcfSnEF5LSFg2oxol2PKqcsS2GEbSHOus/edit Google Document!
They're updating everything!