Precursor Buildables, Tools, e.t.c

Venom0103Venom0103 Join Date: 2017-08-27 Member: 232682Members
It would be really cool to be able to find a new Precursor facility where you can scan parts to be able to make Precursor Bases yourself and use the lifts and containments for big creatures to "study" those too.

a new Precursor Diving Suit which has a 80% Reduction to all damage sources but is really hard to make because you need all precursor materials (Artifacts, Ion Crystals e.t.c)

Precursor Versions of the available tools but they work 200% Better and get the Precursor Color scheme. (and maybe add a Handheld Mining beam.)

Maybe even add a new Precursor Sub to the game having special features like a small electroshock-projectile shooting turret which can stun enemies like the Stasis Rifle but use a lot of energy in the process.

What do you guys think?


  • SnailsAttackSnailsAttack Join Date: 2017-02-09 Member: 227749Members
    I think there's a line between utilizing some of their technologies in things like, say, ion batteries, but having structures and equipment based directly off the of the technology isn't really something I'd want.
  • Timelord_FredTimelord_Fred Join Date: 2017-07-05 Member: 231596Members
    Maybe something for an expansion pack
  • adel_50adel_50 Join Date: 2016-09-01 Member: 221973Members
    Tarkannen wrote: »
    Well, there IS the Moonpool in the Planetary Defense Array. While it's a convenient place to park a Cyclops in it, there has to be a reason it was built by the Precursors. What vehicle did they have to use it with... and could we eventually build one ourselves? :smiley:

    This might come after 1.0
  • Quiet_BlowfishQuiet_Blowfish Join Date: 2017-09-11 Member: 232955Members
    I'd agree it would be nice to occasionally access more little treasures of alien tech. But I'd not hope to see full-on Precursor base-building, I think that would undermine player feelings of smallness and awe.

    Alien tech I'd like see available:
    - Force-field habitat doors
    - Batteries that soup-up appliance and vehicle functions (I want a Seamoth that does barrel-rolls you see)
    - A wrecked alien sub that could be repaired by completing a lengthy scavenger hunt of their bases for parts. Once repaired this would allow a access to a very deep area that is the scene for a Subnautica 2.0 expansion.
  • Quiet_BlowfishQuiet_Blowfish Join Date: 2017-09-11 Member: 232955Members
    Oh yeah, and I'll most definitely need my robot crab pet to scuttle about inside the sub!
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