Are we ever going to get more creature behaviours?

GlyphGryphGlyphGryph USA Join Date: 2015-02-19 Member: 201435Members
One of the best things about this game is the atmosphere, and one of the best ways it was communicated early on was through the behaviour of creatures, like the Stalker, that have behaviours that give them a place in the world, behaviours player can discover and interact with. Like you're dealing with actual living beings in an actual ecosystem.

But it seems the longer development goes on, the less of this there is. All of the new creatures just feel like basic "patrol/aggro" robots. None of them really do anything. This has only gotten worse with the Cyclops update. Why is that? Is behaviour simply going to be added later? Or has that whole aspect of development just being abandoned in favour of a more FPS style "everyone you are fighting is an unthinking, unfeeling killbot" behaviour set?

Edit: Actually the new companion critter is obviously good for behaviours too! But I mean more in terms of normal wildlife.


  • Pilipin0_pridePilipin0_pride Join Date: 2017-09-29 Member: 233295Members
    I agree. Stalkers, if they are as intelligent as their PDA entry suggests, should behave more like sharks or killer whales, which share the same ecological niche. There should be an "intermediate" behavior when the player enters their detection radius, instead of an instantaneous, flat-out attack.
  • SnailsAttackSnailsAttack Join Date: 2017-02-09 Member: 227749Members
    I agree. Stalkers, if they are as intelligent as their PDA entry suggests, should behave more like sharks or killer whales, which share the same ecological niche. There should be an "intermediate" behavior when the player enters their detection radius, instead of an instantaneous, flat-out attack.

    Speaking of which, I think that all hostile creatures need warning sounds. Getting mauled to death out of nowhere isn't fun.
  • garathgarath Texas Join Date: 2017-02-08 Member: 227730Members
    I agree. Stalkers, if they are as intelligent as their PDA entry suggests, should behave more like sharks or killer whales, which share the same ecological niche. There should be an "intermediate" behavior when the player enters their detection radius, instead of an instantaneous, flat-out attack.

    Speaking of which, I think that all hostile creatures need warning sounds. Getting mauled to death out of nowhere isn't fun.

    I thought all creatures *did* have warning sounds?

  • AkuMasterofMastersAkuMasterofMasters Join Date: 2017-09-10 Member: 232934Members
    garath wrote: »
    I agree. Stalkers, if they are as intelligent as their PDA entry suggests, should behave more like sharks or killer whales, which share the same ecological niche. There should be an "intermediate" behavior when the player enters their detection radius, instead of an instantaneous, flat-out attack.

    Speaking of which, I think that all hostile creatures need warning sounds. Getting mauled to death out of nowhere isn't fun.

    I thought all creatures *did* have warning sounds?

    They don't they just make noises when they are charging you
  • AvimimusAvimimus Join Date: 2016-03-28 Member: 214968Members
    You know, I'd like the opposite - greater intervals between predators making noises. It'd add more of a need to look around - and make some environments more fearful.

    IMHO, if predators were more surprising, unpredictable or moved around over greater distances - then we could get by with less of them. This would make encountering even a sandshark exciting and interesting.
  • AvimimusAvimimus Join Date: 2016-03-28 Member: 214968Members
    GlyphGryph wrote: »
    One of the best things about this game is the atmosphere, and one of the best ways it was communicated early on was through the behaviour of creatures, like the Stalker, that have behaviours that give them a place in the world, behaviours player can discover and interact with. Like you're dealing with actual living beings in an actual ecosystem.

    But it seems the longer development goes on, the less of this there is. All of the new creatures just feel like basic "patrol/aggro" robots. None of them really do anything. This has only gotten worse with the Cyclops update. Why is that? Is behaviour simply going to be added later? Or has that whole aspect of development just being abandoned in favour of a more FPS style "everyone you are fighting is an unthinking, unfeeling killbot" behaviour set?

    Edit: Actually the new companion critter is obviously good for behaviours too! But I mean more in terms of normal wildlife.

    My own personal perspective:

    The game would be a lot better if the predators had randomised levels of aggression.

    Imagine trying to guess whether a predator is full? Trying to decide whether it is safe to swim nearby it. It'd add a bit of complexity. I made a mod years ago for Notrium which had the level of aggro oscillate depending on the exact distance to the player (the aggro change wasn't linear - it was hi lo hi lo hi lo)... it gave the predatory aliens something of an unpredictable nature (randomly affected by player movements relative to them) which really enriched the experience.
  • dillandillan East America Join Date: 2017-06-12 Member: 231075Awaiting Authorization
    The current ai system is actually pretty in-depth. Creatures have several different traits that control their behaviour. Stuff like, hunger, curiosity, aggression, happiness, and friendliness, to name a few. They have a bunch of different behaviours they can choose from based on the values of these functions. The system is very modular and intuitive. With the advent of modding, a creature behaviour overhaul is a very real possibility.
  • adel_50adel_50 Join Date: 2016-09-01 Member: 221973Members
    A while ago they removed what its called eco event system which was causing a lot of the lag and frame drops in the past

    And according to the devs it was added for the interactions of the environment with the player so does removing this system means no behaviors for creatures
    Like the ones you guys are talking about?

    I don't know but for myself I like interacting with the environment whether its fauna or flora
  • suspensionrailwaysuspensionrailway the best country Join Date: 2017-11-01 Member: 233804Members
    I've had some ideas for mods that implement more immersive creature behaviours/events. Stuff like stalkers coming to the safe shallows to hunt at night, and fish hiding and sleeping at night. Basically more time specific/species wide events for creatures that make them break off of their normal behaviour. I'm still developing the idea, and am open to suggestions too. But I would definitely like to see some better behaviour in the normal game.
  • NuclearTestingNuclearTesting Join Date: 2017-07-27 Member: 232082Members
    I agree! The creature AI seems basically the same across the board from my (limited) experience. Creatures should behave with differing levels of intelligence. They are basically robots.
  • AkuMasterofMastersAkuMasterofMasters Join Date: 2017-09-10 Member: 232934Members
    I agree! The creature AI seems basically the same across the board from my (limited) experience. Creatures should behave with differing levels of intelligence. They are basically robots.

    Exactly, take bonesharks for example, they don't even act like they think you're a threat, they just charge at you with their mouth gaping open
  • gamer1000kgamer1000k Join Date: 2017-04-29 Member: 230121Members
    I also agree, other than the stalkers and a very small number of other creatures (cutefish, some of the running away behavior for peepers and such), everything is either completely passive or laser-focusing on killing you.

    Which is a real shame, since what we can see of the stalker's behavior shows the promise of a much more interesting, dynamic behavior system that the devs originally intended but weren't able to make work. Also, the undue aggression of much of the wildlife doesn't mesh well at all with the game's stated goal of not including much in the way of weaponry for self-defense.

    Hopefully we can get a mod/update at some point that improves creature behaviors across the board.
  • GlyphGryphGlyphGryph USA Join Date: 2015-02-19 Member: 201435Members
    dillan wrote: »
    The current ai system is actually pretty in-depth. Creatures have several different traits that control their behaviour. Stuff like, hunger, curiosity, aggression, happiness, and friendliness, to name a few. They have a bunch of different behaviours they can choose from based on the values of these functions. The system is very modular and intuitive. With the advent of modding, a creature behaviour overhaul is a very real possibility.

    If they've got all that... why don't they actually use it. None of those factors play into the behaviour of most creatures at all. We've got... Stalkers using curiosity I guess, and Sandsharks using hunger... possibly? Maybe the shroom worm dudes as well? It seems based more on fish proximity though. Do they track all that stuff and then, just... not use it? Or is it implemented so poorly it doesn't really have any impact on the behaviour fo the critters?
  • AvimimusAvimimus Join Date: 2016-03-28 Member: 214968Members
    I agree! The creature AI seems basically the same across the board from my (limited) experience. Creatures should behave with differing levels of intelligence. They are basically robots.

    Exactly, take bonesharks for example, they don't even act like they think you're a threat, they just charge at you with their mouth gaping open

    ...and everything always attacks - there is no randomisation whatsoever!
  • Morph_GuyMorph_Guy Join Date: 2016-04-21 Member: 216034Members
    edited November 2017
    dillan wrote: »
    The current ai system is actually pretty in-depth. Creatures have several different traits that control their behaviour. Stuff like, hunger, curiosity, aggression, happiness, and friendliness, to name a few. They have a bunch of different behaviours they can choose from based on the values of these functions. The system is very modular and intuitive. With the advent of modding, a creature behaviour overhaul is a very real possibility.

    I haven't seen anything like that in the game.

    Right now curiosity doesn't seem to be a thing aside from in Cuddle Fish and kind of in Sea Dragons last I checked. Happiness and friendliness only seem to be a thing in Stalkers, and it's pretty basic there. Aggression just appears to be an attack state that creatures go into if you enter their range with no real variation. And there isn't any type of hunger system that I can see. I've seen a couple biters go through multiple schools of fish with no indication of stopping, and half of the time they don't even eat the fish they kill.

    Behaviours like what you listed were planned early on, but it seems to have been pushed off over time and eventually abandoned, and now it seems like the only chance of getting more behaviour variation is in post v1.0 updates.

    These limited interactions between you and the environment, and the environment and itself compared to what was originally planned are my biggest disappointment with the game right now. I'm not saying the game isn't good the way it is, but I would have preferred more focus on the fauna, flora, and the general ecosystem.
  • SuaveSteveSuaveSteve Join Date: 2017-10-31 Member: 233793Members
    dillan wrote: »
    The current ai system is actually pretty in-depth. Creatures have several different traits that control their behaviour. Stuff like, hunger, curiosity, aggression, happiness, and friendliness, to name a few. They have a bunch of different behaviours they can choose from based on the values of these functions. The system is very modular and intuitive. With the advent of modding, a creature behaviour overhaul is a very real possibility.

    The roaches in HL did various things, hardly anyone knows about them.

    Perhaps we need more reasons to interact with the creatures beyond eating them and running away from them.
  • Xenodrone98Xenodrone98 U.S Join Date: 2016-08-26 Member: 221726Members
    What I would like to see in game is more fauna Flora interactions. Considering the only fauna and flora interactions are crabsnakes & mushrooms, and the tiger plants. I'm not counting the crashfish here. Other than that it seems like the fauna don't pay attention to them.
  • Morph_GuyMorph_Guy Join Date: 2016-04-21 Member: 216034Members
    edited December 2017
    Yeah. There were apparently supposed to be interactions involving Peepers getting scared by Writhing Weeds early on (which is where this animation was supposed to be used), but that got scrapped along with all of those other behaviours.
  • Xenodrone98Xenodrone98 U.S Join Date: 2016-08-26 Member: 221726Members
  • SnailsAttackSnailsAttack Join Date: 2017-02-09 Member: 227749Members
    Morph_Guy wrote: »
    Yeah. There were apparently supposed to be interactions involving Peepers getting scared by Writhing Weeds early on (which is where this animation was supposed to be used), but that got scrapped along with all of those other behaviours.

    oh my god that's awesome
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