New update delayed AS USUAL for Oculus Home
BC canada Join Date: 2016-08-03 Member: 220950Members

On the steam version, you can play it in VR, or in desktop mode. Oculus Home version is exactly the same. There is precisely zero excuse to delay patches for it. I should have bought it on Steam because updates are ALWAYS delayed. How bought 1.0 launch day? WIll it be the same deal there too?
Is it possible to get a Steam key? You're selling a game on a client you don't properly support.
Is it possible to get a Steam key? You're selling a game on a client you don't properly support.
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it's been said that vr support will be completed post-release
edit : better-informed response a few posts down
I've been here before with the official site and people incapable of reading...
Let me go over it one more time. Try and keep up. Steam ( with me so far) version, you can play on your monitor....or VR! Neat, right? Same thing with Oculus Home. Now explain to me, why they delay patches. It is EXACTLY the same game that's on Steam. I just want what I payed for, and what Steam owners get. If you can't read, don't reply. And the thread is aimed at UW devs, not random people who can't read and say the same predictable thing every time.
Oculus Home version does not preclude playing on your monitor. Neither does Steam version. It's the same game.
Did you catch that? Oculus Home version does not preclude playing on your monitor. Neither does Steam version. It's the same game.
UW, if you can't properly support your product on a client /platform, then don't offer it for sale there.
I'm not interested in your damn opinion on how many people have a VR set up ( FYI we're talking a few million at this point but I digress) nnd "informing" me of when VR support will be finished was not requested, or required.
You can be angry and disappointed with the delays all you like, but it doesn't give you the right to take it out on other people here. Let me remind you that this a public forum and that gives everyone the right to respond and react to your post.
If you want exclusive attention from the devs for your exclusive problem - try contacting the devs directly through discord or private messages. And try to not be so rude and obnoxious when talking to them if you want them to address your concerns. Friendly advice.
I'm still quite curious as to what is causing the delay, might it be something similar to what Microsoft demands with their approval process. I'm pretty sure they aren't out to specifically thwart @Someonestolema02 gaming experience!
Or are they
Have you considered the possibility that UW submitted the same version at the same time to all stores ?
Different stores have different procedures before games get released to their customers. Some are fast, some are slow. And it would certainly be directly against UW's interests to put the blame on their distributors just to appease a few customers. I mean, UW publicly blaming the companies they have contract with to sell their game and send part of collected money back their way so they can recoup development costs... What could go wrong ?
You may be barking up the wrong tree.
That being said, I understand the frustration. But, by your own words, it's the exact same game. Do you really think they just hold back the Occulus build to spite them? Use your head a little, there's something going on here that's not quite right. Perhaps there's a script not working correctly, perhaps the upload got corrupted. There's never a problem getting updates on Steam, the versions are the same, so there's either something screwing up, or you might as well go play another game because UWE is incompetent (which is what you seem to be insinuating). They're not, so that leaves the other possibilities.
And one more thing: that reply to snail attack is not acceptable at all buddy maybe you were angry at that time but somewhat understandable but try not unload it on others buddy
I hope you get the latest version as soon as possible
What's your point exactly? They release official patches for the Steam version, which supports VR too. The Oculus Home version plays in desktop mode or VR, just like the Steam version. This patch was clearly good enough for the Steam version. I don't even understand what you're saying. So it's ok to ship glitchy unfinished games to Steam but Oculus HOme, they what...treasure it more and want to wait to give it the best possible finished game? Gimme a break. So let me get this straight: Subnautica was ok to sell on Oculus home in it's previous /current glitchy, unfinished state, but not good enough to receive the patch Steam gets? So, Steam version is worse? better? I'm trying to understand your flawed logic. VR can't be the excuse. In fact I'm not even talking about VR. You like every single other poster always go there and miss the point entirely. I really don't care. In fact the irony is I got a holier than thou, educational reply on the state of VR. As if I asked for that. As if that's what my thread is about.
As for hitting the disagree button guys, could you be ANY more clueless? You are disagreeing with facts and it makes no sense what so ever. The Oculus Home version is EXACTLY the same game with OPTIONAL beta VR support. There is no reason to delay patches. I totally regret getting this damn game on Oculus Home. UW does not support it properly and treats it like the red headed step child.
Take your own advise. Sorry if my posts are wrapped in a pretty bow and I hurt your wittle feeweings.
Your logic is flawed. It's the same game, on the same platform. Just a different client. PC vs PC is not a different system. It's you and the rest of you that don't seem to get that.
However, that's where my apologies end. What you don't seem to understand is that there's obviously going to be more work involved to make any newly-completed update work on a different, non-steam platform. Seeing as the Steam version, being the oldest and most popular version, will have its update completed first, is it fair to make them wait for the update? I have the Xbox One edition of Subnautica because my computer can't run it, and I'm okay with the devs releasing the update to Steam first and waiting a couple of days or even weeks for them to complete our version of the game.
Sometimes certain platforms, such as the aforementioned Xbox One edition, require an unavoidable series of tests and quality checks to be run by the store owners. It's certainly been said before that the Oculus Home version of the game will experience minor delays.
I'm also not sure why you refer to me, the only replier to your thread at the time, as a "random people who can't read and say the same predictable thing every time". That's an incredibly rude and shallow thing to say, not to mention your "did you catch that" BS.
And why you think that my kind informing of the planned VR Support update is unwarranted is just beyond me.
Because it has nothing to do with this.
Steam gets these updates. Explain that? If they don't want to ship updates because "VR isn't ready yet" or what not THEN WHY DOES STEAM GET IT. Steam version is exactly the same. You can put on a VIve or a Rift or play it on your monitor. So why did Steam get the update if your reason is correct?
My favorite part of flamewars is when one of the devs come.
Here's my opinion on this.
Oculus uses a different platform.
Updates can be applied with the click of a few buttons on steam, but I have no clue how it could work on Oculus.
Best option: Please calm down, and wait calmly for the new updates to be on Oculus. Obraxis has said they will begin supporting VR more after 1.0 is released.
Hmm, oddly that seems to make sense... Come on lads, give him his o2 back!
Where my mods/devs at, let's get some answer in here so his flamebait can be extinguished. @Foxy, @GhoulofGSG9. Happy now Ghoul
All of you are wrong. So coming back at me with it's me who can't read or something to that effect doesn't fly. Steam vs Oculus home is like Steam vs GOG. It is NOT like browser vs Steam. At all. Not sure if you really think that, or if that was just a terrible example but no. no no no.
I mean...yes? I don't know about naturally, but comming back with Oculus Home vs Steam is like Browser vs Steam really took the cake. You can't be any more incorrect than that. I am arguing with people that thought or think Oculus Home is a head set when it's a bloody client. They kind of lost the battle before they even started typing.
I'm sorry you're frustrated that an update has been delayed but unfortunately this is the nature of software, particularly early access. I'm not in anyway familiar with the differences between the various development branches of the game but what I would say is that even if the Steam branch and Oculus Home branch are literally identical, the approval process between Steam and Oculus Home is likely not. There is a plethora of reasons as to why the Oculus Home patch would be delayed but speculating about them isn't going to solve anything.
As you've seen, there's a very passionate community here that will happily engage in positive discourse with you and answer any questions you may have and that they are able to, but antagonising them all isn't very nice and not very advisable.
This sums it up nicely:
Please keep it polite and civil at all times. Thanks.