Was the Aurora ever meant to land on 4546B?
Naperville Illinois Join Date: 2018-01-04 Member: 234809Members

If the Aurora’s auxilary misson was to locate and possibly recue the Degasi survivors and was equipped with aquatic vehicles then was the Aurora going to land on the planet. If the QEP didn’t shoot it down then how were those P.R.A.W.N suits and Seamoths were to get onto the planets surface?
Orbit; much more likely.
I just want a minigame where we can punch some meteorites,
Yeah it does say that the sea moth can be used in space and the prawn might of also been used for repairs on a ship if they had like a repair arm and the grapple arm. But I doubt they could withstand re-entry.
@Aurora_Survivor asked:
They were supposed to be used during construction of the phasegate.
The game lore implies they would just fly by over 4546B and scan for the Degasi crew. If extraction was at hand, they probably had other ways to land, as you noted yourself.
As it isn't detailed in game lore it's up to your imagination.
Probably with some kind of shuttle.
Bear in mind that everything we build in the game starts with an emergency fabricator. Just imagine what could be done within the Aurora. They probably would build a new shuttle from scratch.
Persons, corporations and Planetary Governments are warned that severe legal action will follow any allegations surrounding the presence ALTERRA science ships at planets infected with weaponisable bacteria.
The seamoths require an upgrade to protect against solar radiation, I'd assume. Pretty sure that the seamoth can't be brought in proximity with the Aurora when the reactors are still shot.
Well... depends. Your standard suit (I forget the name) might be able to handle that much radiation. A leaky reactor probably throws off a lot more than that, unless you were really, really close to the sun.
Maybe they were meant to be used nearby Stations or Capital Ships, and those would be tasked with creating a protecting field.
So, looking at the Aurora, its smooth design actually does make me think maybe it could do an ocean landing. And we know it had multiple, fully-assembled Cyclops aboard, as well as several PRAWNs and Sea Moths. None of those things could be easily deployed from orbit, so I'm thinking the answer is yes, they were planning on landing on this water world to search for the Degasi survivors!
A smooth design doesn't dictate the environment something is meant to work in. A 747 has a smooth line but that doesn't mean it's meant to work in water. (It does, however, operate in its own fluid environment, which accounts for its shape.) As for the Aurora, though, it's pretty clear that Alterra really doesn't care much about practicalities, so it's not unreasonable to suspect that their design team took a form over function approach and just made it "pretty" so that it looks better for marketing purposes.
Fully-assembled Cyclops? I don't recall seeing that on any of my playthroughs. PRAWNs and Seamoths, sure, plenty - but no Cyclops. And as for those, recall the literature and comments in-game: they were never meant to be deployed from orbit to anywhere. Those vehicles were used for construction of the phasegate (and it's not hard to imagine how with an army of those things construction would be swift). When it comes to getting down onto a planet, nothing in the Aurora's mission profile nor its stated payload or performance in any way hint that it was ever meant to touch atmosphere, let alone surface.
There are parts of several Cyclops scattered all over the ocean floor, that's how you get it for yourself. You don't need a Cyclops to build a phase gate, its only possible use would be to explore the ocean world. The parts you can scan don't really look like ready-to-assemble prefabs to me, they look like something that was blown apart. If that's true, then they were assembled on the Aurora and broke up when the ship did.
Which leads me back to: The Aurora was carrying several assembled Cyclops. You can't really deploy those from orbit, so they must have been planning to land.
The other possibility is that they were disassembled in the cargo bay and they were planning to just send the parts down, and the people would assemble the Cyclops on the planet. But the parts you can find don't really look like that to me.
But really my point is, this is a wholly fictional sci-fi universe. There's no reason the Aurora couldn't land on the planet. I mean why not?
Of course it can. It just isn't practical, and we assume that a profit oriented corporation would try to optimize as much as possible.
So yeah... Aurora might have had however many subs on board, but I don't think they ever intended to actually use them - at least not on 4546B.
P. S. Or maybe they did intend to use them on 4546B, but after reporting to Mongolians that nothing was found and thus they have no claim on the planet. That would make more sense actually - build a phasegate and colonize a planet and get an IOU from Mongolians in a single cruise.
They intended to search the planet as a secondary mission, then report back to the Mongolians. The Aurora itself was never meant to land, only some of the cargo.
The Aurora was on course to another, unknown planet. It was shot down whilst performing a slingshot maneuver and crashed. 4546b was never an intended planet to be colonized.
P.S. before y’all be like well you can’t do that because the crates would either burn up from re-entry or explode on impact uh duh dude. Well my answer to that is it’s the future the crates could be made of ultra strong alloys that can withstand temperatures hot as re entry and parachutes duh. Thank you for you time please take all of this into consideration before y’all be hating on me.