[Crash/Freezing] Subnautica freezes permanently with audio playing [Version 61951]

haven4everhaven4ever Join Date: 2018-12-31 Member: 247697Members
I got this game free from the Epic Store and it has quickly become one of my favorite games. My computer specs are not that good but the game has been running swimmingly with no issues except a slight graphics bug where the inside of the lifepod would be very bright due to a discarded flare.

However, since a few days ago, my game has been freezing up with audio still playing in the background, meaning that I have to exit the game. This first happened after I loaded into my base for the first time (as I had just made it) and is consistently reproducible by staring at the porthole or that general direction (usually from the top left area of the room). It can also happen in other areas of the room, and outside the base as well, but I just noticed that this area instantly makes it freeze. I have tried taking apart the whole base but swimming into the ocean where the base was (as well as other nearby areas) also makes the game freeze. So there seems to be a problem that is generally causing the game to freeze, as well as a specific trigger that always sets it off.

When the crash happens, I get a windows bubble saying 'Display driver AMD has stopped responding and has recovered'. I have tried online tips, creating a TDRDelay registry entry with a value of 8 seconds to no effect.

The base consists of a Multipurpose Room, a Window, Swivel Chair, and a growbed with melons in it, and a porthole for entry just in case this is relevant.

Logs here:

Dxdiag: https://pastebin.com/gAxYSG2Y
Output_log: https://pastebin.com/xpQjCbiQ

Computer specs:
legacy iMac (2009) with bootcamped Windows 8.1
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2400S CPU @ 2.50GHz 2.50 GHz
Installed RAM: 12.0 GB
x64 bit processor
Graphics card: AMD Radeon HD 6750M
Total graphics card memory: 4336MB
Resolution: 1920 x 1080

Things I have tried:

Have gone through the Steam troubleshooting guide
I have got the latest driver that is compatible with my graphics card on bootcamped windows (so not the AMD one that bugged everyone out)
Have tried refreshing cache
Have tried verifying installation
Have tried reinstalling
Have tried windowed mode
Have tried dismantling base/avoiding that area
Tried using TDRDelay fix
Have checked Windows is up to date

I have not yet tried creating a new save but I'm afraid I will invest so much time into a new save only for this to happen again... It's a shame as it was working so well for most of the time and now is unplayable.

Would appreciate any tips and many thanks in advance!


  • haven4everhaven4ever Join Date: 2018-12-31 Member: 247697Members
    It seems like deleting the text files in the cache as well as the relevant folder has fixed this!
  • 0x6A72320x6A7232 US Join Date: 2016-10-06 Member: 222906Members
    Huh.... Interesting. So, you mean the batch-objects-x-y-z.txt files?
  • DozermanDozerman Canada Join Date: 2019-01-04 Member: 247989Members
    Dealing with a freezing issue as well. Played fine for about 50 hours of gameplay then suddenly started freezing when loading my saved game. Searched extensively and have deleted the cache, updated grafix card driver, reinstalled the game, all with no success. Finally decided to start a new game and build up with counsel commands to get roughly where I was. At a certain point the same issue started again. Still not able to finish this game and getting frustrated.
  • thedirector101thedirector101 Canada Join Date: 2018-12-18 Member: 246182Members
    like haven4ever, im having the same problems, i start the game and after about 5 min the game freezes with a white screen and the audio or music is still playing in the background.

    i looked at there output log and it is the exact same errors.. : (Filename: C:/Subnautica/plastic_workspace_unity/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51)

    anyway, haven4ever solved this by deleting a cache files but did not mention which or where the files are located.
    pls advise so i can apply the fix to play this game as well..


  • 0x6A72320x6A7232 US Join Date: 2016-10-06 Member: 222906Members
  • 0x6A72320x6A7232 US Join Date: 2016-10-06 Member: 222906Members
    There's also this (note he did update his audio drivers as well):
    Ethosbro wrote: »
    I fixed my issue.

    The fix was turning off "exclusive mode" in the advanced section of properties within my audio device followed by a system restart. In other words, I unchecked "Allow applications to take exclusive control of this device" and restarted my computer. I'd done this before without it solving my problem so I assume it was this combined with using DriverHub to install any missing drivers.

    Thanks everyone for your help :)

  • thedirector101thedirector101 Canada Join Date: 2018-12-18 Member: 246182Members
    ok, i followed all the instructions with the following results:
    updated the amd card from the post in steam, i also included the extra line in the epic launcher,
    then followed the instructions about the cache..
    please note, in the instructions it tells us to go to the folders CellsCache and CompiledOctreesCache. so first thing i did is delete both folders, restarted the game, got to the beginning, crashed. so i restored both folders, but deleted the files inside both folders, game crashed, so i restored again, can play like before but after 5 min game time crashed.
    so i am at a loss here..
    any help would be greatly appreciated .. i so want to play this game!.. i am not giving up by far!
  • 0x6A72320x6A7232 US Join Date: 2016-10-06 Member: 222906Members
    Odd. Umm... have you verified your Subnautica install? Hit the cog /gear at the lower-right in the Epic Launcher. Then try cache clearing again, just like you did before (move the folders, move back if it doesn't work).

    Your symptoms make me think Subnautica can't access the master world files in \Build18 (or they are corrupted).
  • thedirector101thedirector101 Canada Join Date: 2018-12-18 Member: 246182Members
    in the instructions for the cashe, i noted that the 2 folders were in the /Build18 folder, and in the instructions it says that if you are in the /Build18 folder go back because you are in the wrong place, but the caches are in the /Build18 folder.. are they located in the right spot or are they misplaced?
    i have done the the verification of the game files. i am wondering, what if i move the cache folders outside the /Build18 folder.. hmmm.. i will have to try that as well... i will let you know if it works or not..
  • thedirector101thedirector101 Canada Join Date: 2018-12-18 Member: 246182Members
    nvm, moving the folders did not work.. so im at a lost atm..
  • 0x6A72320x6A7232 US Join Date: 2016-10-06 Member: 222906Members
    edited January 2019
    Right, there are TWO cache folders:

    One is in \Build18 and you need it. It contains fresh, brand-new world files. If you haven't put \Build18 back the way it was, do so now, either by moving the folder(s) back or by re-verifying the game.

    The second resides in your saved game folder, which is located in one place for Steam and another for Epic Games versions. See the instructions for the right place to look.

    When you make a new game, the world is copied from \Build18 and modified. Sometimes problems occur in these modified files. Clearing the cache forces Subnautica to copy the original back to your save. You will lose any modifications like mined resources / creatures the amount in your inventory will not be changed though).

    If you have Steam, look in

    If you have Epic Games, look in
    "%userprofile%\AppData\LocalLow\Unknown Worlds\Subnautica\Subnautica\SavedGames"

    Notice there is no \Build18 in the path.
  • bohon_morrisonbohon_morrison México Join Date: 2019-01-09 Member: 248401Members
    I have the same problem, I also got the free game thanks to epicgames, and I get hooked on the first one.
    I had a world with more than 4 days of play, and suddenly froze when I opened a wall locker.
    I decided to start a new game, and after being more or less in the same evolution, the game freezes again.
    I went into this forum and did everything they recommended, and nothing worked.
    Angry, erase both worlds and start one again, doing load tests to see what triggered the freeze. Try to put all my constructions apart (check the quadrants with F1 and put them in different quadrants) and with few lockers,
    In my main base I have 3 multipurpose room with crops a bed and a water machine, separate I have 2 sonars,
    and a lunar pool, and finally in another quadrant I have all the marine cultures.
    I was able to play longer than in World 2, however when I wanted to put a manufacturer(or fabricator) in my main base, the game froze, this gave me indications that they are too many internal modules to load, and that is why the game is frozen.
    fortunately I had saved before entering the base, closed the game and reloaded the world, avoid putting the manufacturer and I concentrated on following the story, for now I keep playing and put to the test everything I can.
    a good strategy that worked for me is to save before going anywhere and save before launching into the adventure.
    sorry if my English is not good, is not my native language.
  • haven4everhaven4ever Join Date: 2018-12-31 Member: 247697Members
    0x6A7232 wrote: »
    Huh.... Interesting. So, you mean the batch-objects-x-y-z.txt files?

    Sorry for the late reply, yeah that fixed it for me. I had done the cache refresh as instructed in the guide but I saw one comment saying that deleting a specific text file can fix the issue but I wasn't sure which one so deleted the whole lot of them. I think some item or object in the safe shallows around my base must've bugged out.
  • 0x6A72320x6A7232 US Join Date: 2016-10-06 Member: 222906Members
    haven4ever wrote: »

    Sorry for the late reply, yeah that fixed it for me. I had done the cache refresh as instructed in the guide but I saw one comment saying that deleting a specific text file can fix the issue but I wasn't sure which one so deleted the whole lot of them. I think some item or object in the safe shallows around my base must've bugged out.

    @madsauce I thought those things were legacy and not used any more? Could be something to poke at if they are still causing issues. Aside from the fact that it also shouldn't be necessary to manually clear cache regardless, which is still fixing issues every now and again. Codethulhu's tendrils run deep, may his syntax ever be valid!
  • KirnehKirneh Join Date: 2019-01-23 Member: 249234Members
    I have the same problem.
    The game freeze everythime i starts it. I made a new game. Played for about one hour and when i get into the game i just stand there and nothing works.

    Sorry for using this post but i cant make a new before tomorrow. My files is here if anyone could be so kind to help.
    OUTPUT ://pastebin.com/szwt4ZUP
    DXDIAG ://pastebin.com/jgvzQGbS

    Wont let me use hppt in links

    thanks in advance.
  • madsaucemadsauce San Francisco Join Date: 2013-06-02 Member: 185442Members, Super Administrators, Forum Admins, Reinforced - Shadow, Subnautica Developer, Subnautica PT Lead
    0x6A7232 wrote: »

    @madsauce I thought those things were legacy and not used any more? Could be something to poke at if they are still causing issues. Aside from the fact that it also shouldn't be necessary to manually clear cache regardless, which is still fixing issues every now and again. Codethulhu's tendrils run deep, may his syntax ever be valid!

    Hmmm that was before my time, and I'd normally hit up Obraxis but he is quite busy at the moment :)

    @Kirneh Is the game letting you load your saved game, but after an hour it froze? What happens when you try to load that save game now?
  • KirnehKirneh Join Date: 2019-01-23 Member: 249234Members
    edited January 2019
    I have 3 savegames with 2 different errors. My first savegame the game freeze when i go into the menu (escape) to save.. So i cant save that anymore.
    The next 2 save games i can load the game. I stand in the starter Pod and the game freeze before i can move or do anything..

    I have followed the troubleshooting guide and made sure al my drivers and windows is up to date. I have verified the installation on Epic game Launcher and cleared the txt files in my savegames.

    Now i can post links so here is my OUTPUT and DXDIAG file
    madsauce wrote: »
  • 0x6A72320x6A7232 US Join Date: 2016-10-06 Member: 222906Members
    @madsauce You'd want to check with @LumpN but here's the background (copied from an old post):


    Interesting notes:

    * you can totally avoid this issue if you don't mind cheating, according to this quote, thanks @Nachoman :
    Nachoman wrote: »
    Theres another workaround. The lag is caused 100% entirely by the amount of resources you have picked up throughout your playtime in the world, the more resources youve collected, the worse it gets. You can use the console cheat commands (press f3 then f8 to activate mouse cursor, click the box top left of screen to activate it then just press enter in game to enter cheats,) to spawn yourself items or to remove building costs, doing this will allow you to play a full lag free game where you can cheat as much/ as little as you want, just start a new game and either take notes of the resources you would be collecting and then spawn yourself the according amount of items etc. this will allow you to play completely lag free and go anywhere in the game world without problems, I have a low end 5 year old pc and doing this I can play the game just fine, started a new game spent a full 90 minutes making a massive base, have 2 cyclops and prawns and seamoths, been to all the wrecks and precursor bases and not a single crash from a new play file done in this method.

    * Found this thread over on Steam, the very interesting part is the developer reply afterwards (by @LumpN): {{The consensus of the whole thread was that some people had relief from crashing by deleting that one file, whereas others did not.}}

    Originally posted by LumpN:
    Thanks for the tip, we'll investigate. By the way, even though we hardly ever reply, we do read the forums all the time and hints like this one are very helpful to us. Please keep in mind that it might take a very long time to find and fix the underlying issue though.

    In the meantime I can provide a little background information about these files.

    The CellsCache folder contains data about all the entities (plants, creatures, loot, etc.) in batches the player has seen. If a player never visits batch 14-18-15 then there won't be a file about it in that saved game.

    The CompiledOctreesCache contains terrain data only. Terrain data almost never causes issues unless one of the files gets corrupted while writing which may result in missing terrain.

    If a saved game runs slow at certain coordinates while a new game runs fine at the same coordinates then there is a fair chance that there is an issue with the CellsCache. The other potential culprits being the batch, global, or scene objects. You don't want to mess with the latter two though, because they contain all your built subs, bases, and items.

    By the way the warp command to go to that batch is "batch 14 18 15". Batch numbers are always positive. The dashes are added to the filename for readability only.

    So as I said, thanks, we'll add this to our long list of issues to investigate, which you can find on our Trello board. https://trello.com/b/eLEWpq3P/subnautica-playtesting

    EDIT again: Asked LumpN what the batch-objects-xx-yy-zz.txt files in the main slot directory did, response:
    Well, they contain batch objects. We don't really use them anymore but they are kept for legacy data.
  • ZekmyrZekmyr Join Date: 2019-01-31 Member: 249834Members
    I'm having a very similar issue. The game crashes seemingly randomly, video freezes up but audio and controls still respond (usually). I've tried everything I could find online to fix it, from updating or reverting drivers to clearing the cache on my save game to lowering the graphics settings, etc. I've attached all the crash reports, so maybe they will help.
  • dinkotodinkoto Join Date: 2020-07-24 Member: 262753Members
    edited July 2020
    I'm having almost the same issue. The game crashes every time i go into the water from my lifepod and try to move around. my PC specs are within the minimum requirements of the game. I have tried everything i know to try and fix it, but nothing has worked so far. I'm also using the epic games launcher for the game. Any help pls? (also having problems with textures)
  • narfblatnarfblat Utah, USA Join Date: 2016-05-15 Member: 216799Members, Forum Moderators, Forum staff
    @dinkoto please post a crash log, instructions in the pinned thread.
  • dinkotodinkoto Join Date: 2020-07-24 Member: 262753Members
    edited July 2020
    @narfblat Thanks for replying, i have provided the crash report files/logs below.
  • narfblatnarfblat Utah, USA Join Date: 2016-05-15 Member: 216799Members, Forum Moderators, Forum staff
    edited July 2020
    A few things to try. First, make sure your graphics card is not overclocked.
    Sometimes, switching graphics card drivers can help; the most recent driver isn't always best.
    Also, try the launch option -force-opengl
  • dinkotodinkoto Join Date: 2020-07-24 Member: 262753Members
    edited July 2020
    @narfblat Again, thanks for the reply. My gpu isn't overclocked and i don't have the most recent (AMD) drivers. I also have tried to run the opengl thing, but the Epic Games launcher does not have the option to do that. I will try and update my gpu drivers to the latest version to see if this fixes it. If it does not fix it then i will try and download an older version of Subnautica to see if the bug occurs there too.
    Edit: the older version just freezes with audio still playing.
    Edit 2: found the option to do the openGL command but that didn't help very much. Not only did the game crash but it was extremely laggy and the textures were kind of glitchy.
  • narfblatnarfblat Utah, USA Join Date: 2016-05-15 Member: 216799Members, Forum Moderators, Forum staff
    I'm about out of ideas. You could try forcing fullscreen, with
    -window-mode exclusive

    Another idea is to try the performance mod, https://www.nexusmods.com/subnautica/mods/389
  • HowardEHowardE Tampa Join Date: 2020-08-04 Member: 263008Members
    like haven4ever, im having the same problems, i start the game and after about 5 min the game freezes with a white screen and the audio or music is still playing in the background.

    i looked at there output log and it is the exact same errors.. : (Filename: C:/Subnautica/plastic_workspace_unity/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51)

    anyway, haven4ever solved this by deleting a cache files but did not mention which or where the files are located.
    pls advise so i can apply the fix to play this game as well..



    Sounds interesting
  • pixelmaster30pixelmaster30 Join Date: 2020-08-14 Member: 263265Members
  • KiarraKiarra London UK Join Date: 2020-08-26 Member: 263569Members
    edited August 2020
    Wasnt allowed to make a new post as this is my first time here. Crashing/Freezing on build 65786. It can occur at any time, new game or not, clearing the cache or not. Low to Ultra graphics settings. Regardless it just keeps crashing. And here is why...

    Faulting application name: Subnautica.exe, version: 2019.2.17.441, time stamp: 0x5ed2782e
    Faulting module name: d3d11.dll, version: 10.0.18362.387, time stamp: 0x7e72d1cb
    Exception code: 0xc0000005
    Fault offset: 0x000000000011e5e0
    Faulting process id: 0x41ac
    Faulting application start time: 0x01d67ca02087e452
    Faulting application path: F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Subnautica\Subnautica.exe
    Faulting module path: C:\windows\SYSTEM32\d3d11.dll
    Report Id: f40b4b3a-6021-475c-90c9-20049101b503
    Faulting package full name:
    Faulting package-relative application ID:

    So there is a problem with a call to D3D11. What seems to be working for me (for 1/2 hour at the time of writing) is forcing DX9 using: -window-mode exclusive -force-d3d9

    At least this giving me a chance to get somewhere in this awesome game.

    Sadly, this didnt work. Hohumm

  • narfblatnarfblat Utah, USA Join Date: 2016-05-15 Member: 216799Members, Forum Moderators, Forum staff
    forcing d3d9 was removed. You could try -force-opengl

    If that doesn't work, you should be able to create a post by now. Make sure to copy your crash logs, directions in the pinned crash post at the top.
  • dinkotodinkoto Join Date: 2020-07-24 Member: 262753Members
    dinkoto wrote: »
    I'm having almost the same issue. The game crashes every time i go into the water from my lifepod and try to move around. my PC specs are within the minimum requirements of the game. I have tried everything i know to try and fix it, but nothing has worked so far. I'm also using the epic games launcher for the game. Any help pls? (also having problems with textures)
    probably a month later i finally got a new gpu and now the game is running perfectly fine. YEYYYYY!!!
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