This game is full of toxic negativity
Join Date: 2003-10-17 Member: 21742Members

I'm back after a year or two not playing NS2 - and boy is the servers full of whiny pros....
All time is spent by these super-veterans lecturing everybody that they are retards, idiots for not doing what they want and cursing people for not going in the direction they want people to go - and this was on a rookie friendly server....
I simply can't understand why they spend 80% of the time whining over people not doing what they want instead of simply: Telling people what they want them to actually do!
If I politely try and tell them this all hell erupts and there is nothing but bad mojo on the voice-chat for a few minutes.
I know I'm a noob. I know I suck.
Yelling at me is not gonna make me feel welcome back into the game or make me any better at it.
Please - think of the noobs
All time is spent by these super-veterans lecturing everybody that they are retards, idiots for not doing what they want and cursing people for not going in the direction they want people to go - and this was on a rookie friendly server....
I simply can't understand why they spend 80% of the time whining over people not doing what they want instead of simply: Telling people what they want them to actually do!
If I politely try and tell them this all hell erupts and there is nothing but bad mojo on the voice-chat for a few minutes.
I know I'm a noob. I know I suck.
Yelling at me is not gonna make me feel welcome back into the game or make me any better at it.
Please - think of the noobs
Edit - Forums are so dead that Nordic is awesoming everyone who posts?
My ex girlfriend used to make fun of me yelling shoot the hive so much. I don't know why it is so hard for people to all focus on the biggest thing in the room.
Because it's an elephant. Ignoring the obvious is one of the most hysterical group activities you can participate in
Lack of trust. It is also the thing that has the longest time to kill.
Its not T7 players that are toxic. It is toxic players that are T7. Also, some people might be cordial amongst their peers but snobs to people below them. It really isn't a rank thing, there are toxic T1 players too.
Because the Hive is most of the time what you should shoot last.
People seem to forget that its still a public game. There fore is Comp and the NSL in my Opinion.
I am relativly aware from such behavior and ignore those people.
Best Example: A few days ago there was an T6 (on the edge to T7) and after a win he got promoted. The Round after he lost (as Marine) and he was absolutly yelling at people "who didn't listen" and "who are s*it, and suck at aiming". Nearly everybody was T0 to T3. Those people are toxic as hell and should be blamed.
There is mostly a discussion after you lose a round, but you should always stay in a normal language range.
Yea unfortunately experienced players yelling at their less experienced teammates and blaming them for a loss (regardless of whether or not they deserve it) is very common. I wish server ops/admins/moderators were less tolerant of this behavior... there's simply no good reason to let these people continue to ruin the experience of others, just on the off chance that they grow a spine -- just kick/ban them and move on.
Inexperienced players can be just as toxic. If they don't blame the team, then they blame the other team ("stacking") and even the game (imbalanced). Great job perpetuating bias against your most dedicated players though. Maybe take a look at the shiny yellow border you have?
LOL, I've played with a LOT of people over the past 7 years... the "newbie" that is toxic is as rare as unicorn shit.. the toxic T7 is a common sight.
To accuse a dev of perpetuating bias is hilarious... I think what you'll actually see here is a Dev admiting a fault within the community he is a member of and constantly and consistantly works his ass off to improve and provide for... feel free to step down from your soapbox sometime.
Marines walk into an alien hive and avoid looking at it like it's the eye of sauron and then proceed to shoot everything else, especially gorges.
You're a joke. This is exactly the type of bias that has been perpetuated. Toxic people are toxic. There is a portion of people who become stuck up afterwards but that is not the entire population. Also, your idea that a developer cannot damage their own community is hilarious and apparently unicorn shit is rather common too. Feel free to leave the herd sometime.
Statistically unlikely. There are barely a handful of T7s. The same people doing it often doesn't mean there are more of them. More incidents maybe, but definitely not more players. Otherwise we might as well blacklist all Brits because of that one player and his smurfs.
That is besides the point though. Experienced players are usually T3/4 and above. Not sure why we are limiting the discussion to T7s.
Too many games are like this. Why is it in ns2 that you need to play 9 bad or horrible games just to get one good one? Why can't the devs focus on fun? Not any fun, my fun which is different than your fun probably. Why do the devs keep catering to the competitive scene or casual players? Why can't we both increase and lower the skill ceiling? Why does no one make ns2 graphs in excel anymore? Why did blind, mendasp, Samus, and others have to go? Why can't I leave? Why is Tishka the way he is? Why can't we lower ping times so that interp shooting around corners doesn't happen?
Oh and what the hell happened to per team hive skill values?
This is why games take an hour. For no reason.
Elitism is inherent to a very rich but very demanding game , the best multiplayer game I ever played, but at some point, it become pretty much closed to new players.
What would be your chances to learn tennis if your very first matches were only against the top 50 players ?
Same thing happened to NS1.
I quited because first of all, I play to have fun, hearing people raging, insulting each others is not fun.
But I miss it, it is so unique !
We've even had toxic server owners with friends who regularly broke their server's singular rule of "don't be a douche"
Try to speak up about the toxicity and they call you a liar, point out how they're wrong and they ban you from their server, lie about your actions, and convince their developer friends that YOU are the toxic one. Then you end up getting wrongfully banned from the steam discussions board.
Fortunately that server owner and his server are no longer around, which has led to slightly less toxicity overall. But sadly NS2 still has one of the most toxic communities of any multiplayer game I've ever played.
This is unfortunately VERY true, though I would amend it to include the tier 6 players.. THEY are the most toxic imo