Subnautica Xbox One Update - Subnautica
Join Date: 2013-01-29 Member: 182599Members, Super Administrators, Reinforced - Diamond

Xbox adventurers, we want to thank you for your patience while we brought our console development back in-house. Our dedicated console team has been hard at work on some long-requested...
Is that still happening after this update, Gastor?
I love the game.
I just installed the update and I now consider the game unplayable. I will have to wait for the next update to play it again.
Big thing:
I can not drive anywhere in my seamoth because the scenery and objects do not appear for a long long long long time. I considered the map loading to be mostly fine previous to this update. I could outrun it only sometimes (usually after playing for a while). Immediately after loading, I was at the Giant Cove Tree, and tried to get back to shallower waters. I simply tried piloting the seamoth back through the Lost River, but half of my screen was black for quite a lot of the time. Creatures are appearing, which is nice. Objects/ scenery (bones, geothermal vents, the brine river itself) are either not appearing or taking a long long time (not until I'm well past them, I have learnt that there are many caves hidden by the brine river). I am not sure at the moment if the terrain is appearing faster than I am moving. It seemed as if there was no terrain, but it could have just been dark due to no light sources. At least some of the time, the terrain seems to be loaded well ahead of me, just not scenery/objects.
Little things:
- first aid kits are now green
- status messages get spammed to the loading screen and overlay each other (base hull strength, etc)
Thank you for that description, that is very helpful. Would you be able to give me a few more details about your setup?
Are you playing on and Xbox One, Xbox One S, or Xbox One X?
Are you playing Subnautica from the internal storage or an external hard drive?
For the little issues:
- The first aid color needed to change, not a accident
- I know what you're talking about, I thought that issue existed and was fixed so I'll make a note to check that.
Thank you again for sharing your feedback, if you try playing again before the next patch please let me know if the rest of the world is loading in late all of the time or if there are particular circumstances where it happens.
Anyways my first impression was not great at all. The game sat at the initial loading screen for what seemed to be about 5 minutes BEFORE it actually started to display any sort of percentages, I believe that this was already a thing before this update but today it seemed pretty long. Once it displayed a percentage it seemed to load up at a decently acceptable speed. But that initial 5min time was killer. No immersion, I browsed Facebook.
Anyways after that it seems pretty great. I spent about 5 to 10 minutes driving the sea moth around watching the terrain to see if I could notice any pop in issues with terrain and other than a few slightly choppy bits with framerate I didn't notice anything bad.
All in all great job with this team, I'm glad y'all haven't forgotten about us console players.
Please if y'all can.. do something about the load time ?. For reference I play on the Xbox One X and I have the game on the internal drive.
I will give you as many details as it takes
I am playing on an Xbox One S, internal storage.
As it went to green, I suspected this might be the case, but I thought I'd mention it just in case.
Since you asked so nicely, I will do so in about 4 hours. It's difficult going, because I have to sit and wait for the scenery/ terrain to come in so i know where to go, but the River Stalkers can still see me
If you want to give me a few types of things to try, I will do so.
Edit. This is also on internal storage. Happens both on new and old saves.
Ok, I have some notes I wrote during an explore. I hope they are clear enough for you:
Loading game takes >6 minutes. I don't think this is worse after the update.
My game loads in the seamoth, near the Giant Cove Tree.
- I travel from the giant cove tree to the back of that cave, the giant crab claw kelp spawned when I was about 15 metres from it.
- driving back to the Giant Cove Tree, the GCT didn't appear until I was over the closest geothermal vent to the back of the cave.
- into the Lost River, the terrain is definitely spawning in well within viewing distance- at the far end.
- River stalkers are just appearing before my eyes 15m away.
- Ghost Rays seem to be there as per normal.
- geothermal vents spawn when I'm about 10-15m away.. Not all of them, though.
- up two brine waterfalls, and the brine river is no longer there. Crab Claw Kelp spawns first, and after I pause, the brine river spawns.
- proceeding slightly further, the water goes blue before returning to green (obviously the green lightsource isn't there yet)
- the gargantuan skeleton is mostly there before I get there, but seaweed hanging off it spawns when i'm about 15m away
- ghost weed spawns about 15-20 m away from me.
- geothermal vents are popping into existence 30m out
- bloodvine is spawning ages away, but I'm still watching it come in.
- i'm in the middle of the grassy plateau before any schools of fish spawn. (my base's legs are not there, but that's not new. There's a school of fish inside my base, but that's not a new problem either
- i drive to the kelp forest, and then turn around into the grassy plateau again. I notice that schools of fish are there as normal- only in areas where I've been. There are still areas of the plateau which are quite close which have no wildlife... until I drive up to them. That includes floater rocks which pop in at 15-20m, and reefbacks which pop in way off in the distance. Individual fish are appearing 15-20m away, but schools of fish are appearing up to 40m away.
- heading towards the safe shallows, coming up to the kelp forest. The outermost row of creepvine spawned about 20m ahead of me, and then the terrain as far as I could see was bare, (with green water). The rest of the creepvine spawned itself as I was paused.
- safe shallows is the same story. acid mushrooms are spawning as I watch them, along with writhing weed.
- fish aren't appearing until about 20m
- some unnamed plantlife isn't appearing until I'm 5m away.
- the green cross on the first aid fabricator looks really low res, by the way.
- doesn't seem to make a difference if I'm in the seamoth or just swimming, in the safe shallows.
- safe shallows caves are the same. Purple light sources (among everything else) just popping in around 15m away.
- purple light sources in safe shallows caves disappear when you swim away from them, say leave the cave, and then pop back into existence when you swim back to their location. Obviously you don't see them disappear. The same is true of some unnamed greenish plant.
- Gasopods pop in 30m away.
- heading NE towards the mushroom forest, the pillars in the grassy plateau are just popping in where I can see them, at the limit of visibility. For the rest of the scenery, it's the same behaviour as the other grassy plateau. The framerate's pretty bad, too (not as bad as it used to be in the lost river, but noticable).
- the mushroom forest is SO much worse than it was (it's daytime). I can seamoth up to the tree trunks before the main fungus disk appears... but not all the time. The mushroom fungus also disappears when you're about 30m from it... if you're backing away watching it.
** It's like the full detail of the game doesn't appear until you're within 10m of whatever you're looking at.
- down to the bulb zone which is very dark because the bulbs haven't spawned yet. Some are spawning in while the game's paused. Large distant ones are there, but dark, while close ones pop in while I'm watching. It's not like you just need to give it time, either. If you don't go to an area, the stuff doesn't spawn.
** Through this whole experiment, the terrain was always there for me. Possibly because I was stopping so often to write my observations. Some of it popped in in the distance, but I was never looking at empty space in front of me where the map simply hadn't arrived. The framerate isn't great in the bulb zone either. Better than in the grassy plateau I mentioned, but noticeable.
- may base walls don't appear until about 40m away, I guess. I can see the lit up rooms (no windows) from outside. I think it used to be like this but the walls would appear when you were father away than now.
I guess I'll go to bed early for once this week. You guys have been keeping me up late
1. More eggs. I love collecting all of the creatures and making seperate chambers customized for their habitat. If we could have eggs for a lot more non-leviathan class creatures that would be awesome. River Prowlers, Lava Leeches, Blood and cave crawlers, ghost and crimson rays, and maybe even the biter, blighters, and bleeders. Also it would be nice to pick of some of the scavengers to put in there like rockgrubs and shuttlebugs. I can see cave crawlers and blood crawlers not working though, as they don't swim, so it would probably require aditional scripting, but it would still be nice to see them walk around on the floor of the containment chamber.
2. Make it so that released fauna from the containment chamber don't attack your vehicles. I want to have cool fauna like crabsquids roam around by base, but I can't do that because they'll attack my vehicles.
3. More decor. I like decorating my base after I finish the game, but there isn't enough furniture and stuff to do that.
4. A multiplayer mode. I know this is highly requested, and a lot to ask, but this would make the game do so much better. It's hard for me to get my friends to think about getting this game when it's solely singleplayer. You could make an extra lifepod for each player (1-4) and add several passenger seats the the neptune 1 rocket. Thanks for reading these.
But after installing patch and loading up my last save file, things are much worse. I took the Seamoth into the jellyshroom cave and there were no jellyshrooms visible at all -- not even a hint of pink anywhere. I piloted around for about 40 seconds before some small shrooms finally started painting in, and then the larger ones started showing up at around 50 seconds. Stalagmites were painting in as well. The view in the distance throughout this time was a uniform darkness with no detail.
In the previous version I never had major problems with the jellyshroom cave -- I could typically see all of the shrooms from the very first moment I reached any cave entrance, the frame rate was acceptable, and though there was some occasional pop-up it was usually just on smaller items. So this is much worse (so much so that it's essentially unplayable).
I saw the same problems when I traveled back to pod 5 as well -- no detail whatsoever in the middle distance (maybe the top 1/3 of the screen), with terrain painting in as I'd approach it. And this was happening consistently everywhere I went. Again, this would happen intermittently in the previous version, but it's now happening more consistently in all areas I checked and on larger segments of the screen.
Oh, and all my habitats had legs before this update (in fact throughout my entire playthrough on the old version), and now they're all gone.
And FYI, just in case the game has to do extra work when loading an old save file (and/or in case it did some housecleaning on a first load of the update), I did all of these tests after 1) updating to, 2) loading my old save, 3) saving over my old save, 4) quitting, and then 5) loading the new save.
Are you aware of the problem ?
The additional error messaging we added hasn't seemed to come into play for those of you who are experiencing the syncing issue. We are already working on identifying some ways forward to address what we've identified as the issues there. I'm also going to look into possible workarounds in the meantime.
Thank you @tyotypic for the write up, this is really helpful.
@Kfs No there is not, but this seems to be a problem a lot of people are noticing. We're going to see about fixing it for everyone so you won't need to do anything special. Thank you for checking new saves and old and pointing that out, very helpful.
@Infernecrosis When the update came in, did it interrupt your gameplay to force you to download it? I don't think we want that to happen and its likely something we can address (famous last words) on our end when we deploy it. I will look into that if it was the case, for the feedback and suggestions thank you very much. I like the idea of passive creatures once they're freed.
@manateeman In the Jellyshroom caverns, the large pink jellys would pop in after you'd already passed them? Not just too late(15m in front as you approached)? Thank you for the feedback and details, this is very helpful.
@IAmFreezeDude3 Unfortunately there are performance implications to increasing FOV and I don't think we'd want to open that can of worms, I'm sorry.
We are, I'm really sorry you're seeing that. What is basically happening is a timeout while retrieving your saved game and there are a lot of variables that could be contributing to that. If you have a relatively strong/fast internet connection (preferably wired), you might try syncing the saves during an off hour (when less people are up playing Xbox games). This is anecdotal from other players, but some have had success doing that. As I noted above, while we work on solving the issue I'm also going to look into some other workarounds to help. Let me know if any of the above suggestions work.
Yes, that's correct. I circled around the jellyshroom room and no jellys rendered in (no matter how close I got to their platforms), then when I turned back around they finally appeared.
I've uploaded the video for you at vimeo . com / 416537584 (I'm not allowed to do links yet, so just remove the spaces). As you can see, I reach the cave at 00:20, the first small shroom shows up around 01:00, and the first big shroom is visible just after 01:10. Even after things had rendered in it still felt like the cave was emptier than normal, but I could be mistaken.
The reason this is so annoying is that this is an amazing game that runs terribly on the S, I really want to jump into it again and judging from the forums this bug has been known by the devs for at least a year. Was excited for this update but no good. Devs can contact me if they like. I really wish you could just copy the save onto external storage but Microsoft in its infinite wisdom doesn't allow that.
Thank you for the video, @manateeman. I've passed that on to Mario so we can review it and figure out what's going on.
@Invad3rBron7, could you let us know what error message you're getting, with a number, if it shows it?
Thank you for this info, @Simi_Slakkinen. I've passed it on to Mario, as well as the error message numbers. We'll continue to monitor over the weekend and speak to the rest of the console team next week for the next steps.
Hi @SnazzyEagle313 , I can't think of anything that would have changed that for you but let's see if we can figure that out. On the main menu can you go to Options and check your controller bindings. If it looks OK, try rebinding the action to A or any other action to A and see if it is letting you bind A to anything.