Subnautica Xbox One Update - Subnautica



  • SimonBelmontSimonBelmont Canada Join Date: 2020-05-09 Member: 260870Members
    edited May 2020
    I'm having the same pop-in issues everyone else is having, but overall the framerate seems way more stable on my xbox one x. A lot of world objects popping in when I'm ~15m away. Can even make them pop in and out by moving back and forth slightly.

    Just wanted to say thanks for continuing to support the game. I love it!
  • autumnbrokenautumnbroken Join Date: 2020-05-08 Member: 260797Members
    May I just say right now that subnautica is an amazing game and the dev team is awesome. I was just kinda pissy that day because subnautica hadn't worked too well for me previously and the update came along and I got excited. Thanks so much to the team, who are trying to help satisfy everyone.
  • KfsKfs New Zealand Join Date: 2020-05-08 Member: 260805Members
    Possible to revert this update to the previous one until bug fixes? Assuming these bugs will take awhile to fix. I'm getting withdrawals from playing and I'm in lockdown so it's double bad haha. I love this game.
  • crazyPuppy5353crazyPuppy5353 England Join Date: 2018-01-25 Member: 235767Members
    edited May 2020
    Anyone else think the cyclops submarine loses its power to fast??? Or is it just me because I had it at full power (100%) at the Gun then by the time I got to the Arura it depleted to 76%, oh and to clarify I was at low speed. This is just unfair?

    (I am on Xbox one btw)
  • MudonisMudonis Draconia Join Date: 2016-07-14 Member: 220241Members
    I legitimately thought you guys had abandoned the console versions of Subnautica.

    Glad to see I was incorrect!
  • FelixarFelixar United States Join Date: 2020-05-10 Member: 260905Members
    edited May 2020
    Hi! Love the game but two really big bugs in this update have made it unplayable for me.

    1) I cannot exchange power cells in the Cyclops, Prawn, or Seamoth. The message “press A to exchange power source” appears but nothing happens when I press A, even if there is no power cell in the slot. So my Cyclops only has 3 power cells in, and my Prawn suit is stuck in the lava zone with 5% power even though I have fully charged power cells in my inventory to switch with. I only have this problem with the power cells. Other press A actions work fine.

    2) Stalkers (and other fish) appear inside my base, just swimming around. And it seems like once they glitch in, they can’t glitch out. Half the time they’re stuck in my alien containment units, eating/killing my fish, including my cuddlefish. So I had to take my surviving fish out and put them in lockers to save them.

    I’m close to finishing the game, and not being able to do anything right now is driving me nuts because the game is so addictive haha.

    (Also. I’m playing on Xbox One)
  • EliCVideogamerEliCVideogamer Join Date: 2020-05-08 Member: 260791Members
    I haven't had any major problems with the new update yet, but after about a half of an hour of playing I noticed a few things.

    Most noticable was the popping in issue that everyone else is having.

    It actually took a little longer to load my save, and halfway through loading the Hull Strength message (-.3 to base hull strength, 9.8 remaining) appeared in the middle of the loading screen.

    When I went to use my fabricator the tray portion of it blocked the HUD and I couldn't see the crafting options. I went out of the fabricator and the back in and it was fixed. That was the only time it happened, so it was probably a one time thing.

    Sadly, from what I can tell this update didn't change much, and didn't fix the more game-breaking issues like the save file stuff. I feel like you guys, no offense intended, should put as much effort into fixing the original Subnautica as you do into Below Zero.

    This was a lot of negativity, but I've still had a lot of fun playing this game and I can't wait to see the Below Zero Story.
  • InfernecrosisInfernecrosis U.S. Join Date: 2020-05-08 Member: 260827Members
    Can we just get a bit of confirmation on whether or not y'all are fixing these things? Because the game is too laggy for me to play right now.
  • madsaucemadsauce San Francisco Join Date: 2013-06-02 Member: 185442Members, Super Administrators, Forum Admins, Reinforced - Shadow, Subnautica Developer, Subnautica PT Lead
    Felixar wrote: »
    Hi! Love the game but two really big bugs in this update have made it unplayable for me.

    1) I cannot exchange power cells in the Cyclops, Prawn, or Seamoth. The message “press A to exchange power source” appears but nothing happens when I press A, even if there is no power cell in the slot. So my Cyclops only has 3 power cells in, and my Prawn suit is stuck in the lava zone with 5% power even though I have fully charged power cells in my inventory to switch with. I only have this problem with the power cells. Other press A actions work fine.

    2) Stalkers (and other fish) appear inside my base, just swimming around. And it seems like once they glitch in, they can’t glitch out. Half the time they’re stuck in my alien containment units, eating/killing my fish, including my cuddlefish. So I had to take my surviving fish out and put them in lockers to save them.

    I’m close to finishing the game, and not being able to do anything right now is driving me nuts because the game is so addictive haha.

    (Also. I’m playing on Xbox One)

    @Felixar Sorry about those bugs, I'm trying to reproduce this "A" button not working in Cyclops, are you able to interact with the Power Cell recharger or replace the Power Cell in the Seamoth?
    Can we just get a bit of confirmation on whether or not y'all are fixing these things? Because the game is too laggy for me to play right now.

    @Infernecrosis I'm taking down all of the issues we're hearing about and going to share them with the team this evening and work on a plan for the next patch. For the lag you're seeing, would you be able to record some video in the worst areas? Are you on an original Xbox One or an Xbox One S? If you don't mind running the video with the FPS counter/frame time, you can enable it by pressing left and right bumper simultaneously and hitting the A button. That should bring up a console prompt(very slowly, so be patient) and you can type (lowercase): fps and hit the menu button to enter it. If you could also drop me some in-game feedback and mention Mario, I'll check out your coordinates and see if we can narrow down where this lag is coming from.
  • GuddlefishGuddlefish Join Date: 2019-12-01 Member: 256060Members
    edited May 2020
    Cloud-save is not fixed ....if i try to play on another console with my Account, it cant find a cloud-save to sync....what a shame....over 1 year this stupid bug and only with this game the sync-error occur. i deleted the cloudsave and the local on my second xbox, started the game on my x, picked the local-save-game, but the game doesnt sync that data to the cloud so i cant play my savegame on the second xbox. with a my second account cloud-save works. the savefile is 30MB large.
  • pro19pro19 brisbane Join Date: 2020-05-10 Member: 260908Members
    make docking for cyclops and make a new vehicle
  • Rigpig1919Rigpig1919 Join Date: 2020-05-13 Member: 260973Members
    edited May 2020
    I lost my save game very near the end of the game, this update seemed to fix it and I was able to complete the game. I can't stress enough how much I enjoyed this game and cannot wait for either some DLC or Sub Zero for XBox1. It is a bit buggy with some lag in areas, for me this was mainly in the Lava Zone, I also have fish and bubbles showing up inside my base and weeds and lava smoke / bubblescoming through the hull on the cyclops when I'm parked over them but other than these niggles it is one of the best games I have ever played. Thank You :-)

    I played on an Xbox 1 X
  • Aurora_SurvivorAurora_Survivor Naperville Illinois Join Date: 2018-01-04 Member: 234809Members
    Excuse me madsauce? I haven't been on these forums in 2 years and I wanted to change my name to my current one that I use elsewhere. I noticed I couldn't edit it in my profile setting. I don't remember if it was editable before or sometihng else idk. Could you help me out?
  • DarkLord349DarkLord349 Join Date: 2020-05-13 Member: 260982Members
    Whenever I try to load my game a red box pops up and tells me there was an unknown error and something about a multiplayer session, please check your network and contact an RTAManager or something along those lines. Can you do anything to fix this because Ive been trying to play since last fix.
  • FelixarFelixar United States Join Date: 2020-05-10 Member: 260905Members
    @madsauce I can interact with the power cell charger in my base. But I can’t switch out power cells in the seamoth, prawn, or cyclops
  • madsaucemadsauce San Francisco Join Date: 2013-06-02 Member: 185442Members, Super Administrators, Forum Admins, Reinforced - Shadow, Subnautica Developer, Subnautica PT Lead
    edited May 2020
    Guddlefish wrote: »
    Cloud-save is not fixed ....if i try to play on another console with my Account, it cant find a cloud-save to sync....what a shame....over 1 year this stupid bug and only with this game the sync-error occur. i deleted the cloudsave and the local on my second xbox, started the game on my x, picked the local-save-game, but the game doesnt sync that data to the cloud so i cant play my savegame on the second xbox. with a my second account cloud-save works. the savefile is 30MB large.

    Sorry @Guddlefish , I know it is frustrating. We've gotten a lot of new information and I'm working with the team to come up with a solution. For your new use case, where you have one save game on an Xbox and it won't sync up and back down on another Xbox. One thing I would try on the Xbox with the original game, make sure you use the menu option and quit out of the game. I've read on Microsoft's forums that when a game is open in the background it will throttle the upload speed so that 30MB save will take much longer. Let me know if that helps, unfortunately I don't know of a way for you to monitor the progress of that upload since it is handled by the OS in the background.
    Guddlefish wrote: »

    Thank you for the videos and feedback. Overall we've gotten feedback that performance is no-better to better, but I do see some come in saying it is worse. Do you feel like it has gotten much worse for this particular base or about the same performance?
  • madsaucemadsauce San Francisco Join Date: 2013-06-02 Member: 185442Members, Super Administrators, Forum Admins, Reinforced - Shadow, Subnautica Developer, Subnautica PT Lead
    Whenever I try to load my game a red box pops up and tells me there was an unknown error and something about a multiplayer session, please check your network and contact an RTAManager or something along those lines. Can you do anything to fix this because Ive been trying to play since last fix.

    @DarkLord349 , Can you take a screenshot/photo of that error and share it with me? I'll see what I can find about what might be happening there. If it mentions multiplayer it sounds like an issue presenting itself on the OS side. Let me know how you have your Xbox configured as well:
    • Connected to the internet?
    • Xbox Live account signed in?
    • If so, how many Xbox Live accounts do you have on this Xbox?
    • Do you have an Xbox One, Xbox One S, or Xbox One X?
    • If you cold boot (hold power button for 10 seconds and then start it back up) the machine does that help?
  • madsaucemadsauce San Francisco Join Date: 2013-06-02 Member: 185442Members, Super Administrators, Forum Admins, Reinforced - Shadow, Subnautica Developer, Subnautica PT Lead
    Felixar wrote: »
    @madsauce I can interact with the power cell charger in my base. But I can’t switch out power cells in the seamoth, prawn, or cyclops

    This is very helpful, thank you @Felixar . If you start a new creative game and create a Cyclops/Seamoth do you have the same issue? Any other information from anyone else having this issue please share with me, still trying to reproduce this one and I'm not seeing it come up with in-game feedback so far.
  • pro19pro19 brisbane Join Date: 2020-05-10 Member: 260908Members
  • GuddlefishGuddlefish Join Date: 2019-12-01 Member: 256060Members
    edited May 2020
    @madsauce Performance was better before the update. This is my second playthrough with performance and fps-drops. in the first i had a bigbase and a mobile operation submarine with a lot of stuff, so i guessed i had to many items and started the game again with a small base. hands down, the game had never a good performance for me and i had a love-hate-relation to the game.

    cloudsave doesnt work, i tried everything that make sense. nothing worked for me. hope your next game is not an early-access after 5,5 years...stable framerates are everything, details doesnt matter.

    But the game is with all its bugs and issues on of the atomospheric games i ever played.
  • tyotypictyotypic Join Date: 2020-05-08 Member: 260792Members
    edited May 2020
    Hi Guys,

    I made two videos of the lost river. It was my first time recording on xbox, and I had a lot of trouble, hence the two parts. I'm going to recreate the trip I made earlier and reported, (tonight) in about 14 hours, using an external harddrive for recording, so I'll get the whole trip. I wanted to show you this example though.

    lost river part 1

    [edit] turns out xbox managed to record two overlapping clips from the one recording. part 2 is redundant.
  • LukeTheNuke3000LukeTheNuke3000 Join Date: 2019-11-29 Member: 256005Members
    Hey, have you done anything about that super long load time? Or that glitch where at water level water clips into your base?
  • FelixarFelixar United States Join Date: 2020-05-10 Member: 260905Members
    @madsauce I tried making a new save like you suggested. I can change power cells in creative mode but not in survival
  • FelixarFelixar United States Join Date: 2020-05-10 Member: 260905Members
    @madsauce idk what happened but I can change the power cells now. I reloaded my old save and I guess that helped?
  • KadomartinezKadomartinez Join Date: 2020-05-14 Member: 261008Members
    Can there be an update about the error syncing to a new console. It's sucks I can't play this game because it's so good dang it! But unfortunately ever time I try to play it doesn't sync or I have to go offline with none of my saved data attached truly hurts me. Please help unknownworld!!!
  • tyotypictyotypic Join Date: 2020-05-08 Member: 260792Members
    tyotypic wrote: »
    I'm going to recreate the trip I made earlier and reported, (tonight) in about 14 hours, using an external harddrive for recording, so I'll get the whole trip.

    Ok, here is a video of going from the safe shallows to the bulb zone, showing the issues introduced in the patch, as above. I tried to record the whole run up from the lost river, but apparently xbox one lies about what it's recording, so...

    safe shallows to bulb zone

  • svenskdodsvenskdod Stockholm Join Date: 2020-05-15 Member: 261051Members
    virtualdon wrote: »

    Is that still happening after this update, Gastor?

    I can confirm that this happened to me too. This was within the
    Alien Power Plant where the ceiling gets really low just before the actual power room where you download the ion battery plans.
    It has to do with going around corners at angles and is a bit difficult to reproduce. I thought I would be stuck forever, but finally got out.
  • hhunterbrhhunterbr Join Date: 2020-05-16 Member: 261079Members
    tyotypic wrote: »

    Ok, here is a video of going from the safe shallows to the bulb zone, showing the issues introduced in the patch, as above. I tried to record the whole run up from the lost river, but apparently xbox one lies about what it's recording, so...

    That's exactly what my game looks like too. Can't we go back to the previous patch? It was working better than this version.
  • tyotypictyotypic Join Date: 2020-05-08 Member: 260792Members
    hhunterbr wrote: »
    That's exactly what my game looks like too. Can't we go back to the previous patch? It was working better than this version.
    I'm sure that's one of the options they've been discussing. I would be quite happy with that outcome, as a temporary measure. As annoying as the game not saving is, I have learnt to just save often. This new issue stops me playing at all.
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