Ns Stats
Join Date: 2002-11-17 Member: 9067Members

<div class="IPBDescription">requesting help and suggestions</div> I'm a programmer and I've been tossing around the idea of making a stats tracking program specifically for NS. I imagine you've all seen these cookie-cutter psychostats pages for NS which are nice, but don't fairly account for all the unique aspects of NS.
So let's make something better. Either using psychostats or from scratch. If you have experience with psychostats, C++, Perl, Metamod, PHP, HTML/CSS you may be able to help. We could also use someone with enthusiasm, leadership, and organizational skills to coordinate because I can't really fill that role. Please PM me and let's see if we can get this off the ground.
To everyone else, I'd like to hear some suggestions of what you think should appear in an NS stats program. Here's some I've thought of:
- separate co and ns stats
- overall skulk rating (bite+para+leap+xeno), similar idea for other evolves
- commander rating (res, buildings, upgrades, win %, etc, etc, etc)
- more awards
Please note that it won't be able to do your homework, buy you beer, or get you a girlfriend, so be creative but reasonable with your suggestions.
So let's make something better. Either using psychostats or from scratch. If you have experience with psychostats, C++, Perl, Metamod, PHP, HTML/CSS you may be able to help. We could also use someone with enthusiasm, leadership, and organizational skills to coordinate because I can't really fill that role. Please PM me and let's see if we can get this off the ground.
To everyone else, I'd like to hear some suggestions of what you think should appear in an NS stats program. Here's some I've thought of:
- separate co and ns stats
- overall skulk rating (bite+para+leap+xeno), similar idea for other evolves
- commander rating (res, buildings, upgrades, win %, etc, etc, etc)
- more awards
Please note that it won't be able to do your homework, buy you beer, or get you a girlfriend, so be creative but reasonable with your suggestions.
Example: Killed Skulk 2847 times or something
More awards definitly
cus you know what guys?
ok, my Ideas:
1) The standards, these can be ussed for both NS and CO:
*weapons used
*people killed
*acc with weapons
*evoloution+upgrades vs marine set ups (what you killed/what killed you): This one is actualy sorta interesting, to know what you tend to have to deal with
2) NS Team stats:
*Rez capped.
*Rez Destroyed.
*WHEN structures were built/upgrades researched/Evoloutions Goten/Hives Built etc
*Structures destroyed.
*I would Say orders folowed exept for the fact that group orders are rarely 'compleated' b/c you need every one there at one time.
3) CO Ideas:
*Order Of upgrades... yah, thats about it <!--emo&:p--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html//emoticons/tounge.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif' /><!--endemo-->
The thing that would be the best is if you could make the output something that could be quickly sorted and dealt with. My personal thought would be sometihng along the lines of an exelspread sheet. Simply b/c you can most of the coloumns and then quickly throw the coloumns into graphs, thus giving you a nice visual representation of how certain things were effective <!--emo&:)--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html//emoticons/smile.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif' /><!--endemo-->
Oh, and as for all of you silly naysayers:
Try giving a REASON, or atleast thinking for a few secs. Flayrah usses statistics like these to help figgure out balance, why shouldn't we use them to help plan strats?
Too bad you can't possibly measure kills or any other aspect in stats. It won't promote teamwork, it will promote more things to increase certain stats. There's a reason people spam more once they get IRC channel stats.
I understand your cynicism toward statistics in this regard and I don't know what to say to change your mind. But I will that say I believe there are many mature players out there who appreciate the spirit of the game and would use the stats responsibly. There are also server ops who just want to boost their traffic. And players who just want to impress others. And players who don't care either way. It's a tool. People will use it how they will. I just want to make a better tool then currently exists.
Honestly, there's no real good point in doing NS stats. Combat stats are fine, no one really cares about the team in combat, but not NS.
In a game where one or two shots don't kill someone, and you can contribute more to your team doing something that gives you less points, stats are ridiculous.
Decoy - most deaths
Survivalist - most knife kills
Quick Draw - most pistol kills
Pool Shark - most hand grenade kills
Trapper - most mine kills
Redneck - most shotgun kills
Demolitions - most grenade launcher kills
Mechanic - most welder usage time
Humper - most armory usage time
Farmer - most turret kills
Alien Awards:
Lemming - most deaths
Gremlin - most building damage
Tracker - most parasite hits
Kamikaze - most xenocide kills
Battle Gorge - most spit and healspray kills
Wall of Lame - most OC kills
Medic - most healspray attacks
Stinky - most spore kills
Hungry - most devour kills
Obviously, a Deathmatch-style ranking system would not be appropriate for NS. Such a system would make Fades dominate. Instead, the ranking system should weight appropriately based on equipment and lifeform. A skulk dying has little weight when compared to a fade dying. Likewise, a Jetpacker killing an Onos with a HMG doesn't weigh as much as a Light marine killing an Onos with a knife.
I've seen good ranking systems which only compared the top 100 players. Comparisons are vs. other individuals who reached the top 100. Even though a player may have the most kills, they still appear near the bottom if all their kills were against newbies.
Most Upgrades Researched
bla bla
Still looking for another coder or two. Preferable someone with Metamod experience.
Thanks to all for the suggestions so far. I think all these award will be fun like most knife kills <!--emo&:p--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html//emoticons/tounge.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif' /><!--endemo--> Weapon accuracy may be tricky and inapplicable for CO or NS. I'll think about it.
<!--c1--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>CODE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='CODE'><!--ec1-->
SERVER=> HOSTNAME pfnCVarGetString("hostname")
IP : PORT same as hostname, use ip and hostport +ip must be set at startup
PLAYERS / MAX ??? / gpGlobals->maxclients
MAP STRING(gpGlobals->mapname)
TIMELEFT similar to hostname but with mp_timeleft.
TEAM SCORES interceptin pfnMessageBegin() (msg_type = 95)
CLASS STRING(INDEXENT(i)->v.playerclass)
HEALTH INDEXENT(i)->v.health / INDEXENT(i)->v.max_health
ARMOR INDEXENT(i)->v.armorvalue / tfc_max_armor[INDEXENT(i)->v.playerclass] ## *NOTE ARMOR ##
FRAGS INDEXENT(i)->v.frags
DEATHS just gotta count em in Valve_DeathMsg()
X COORD INDEXENT(i)->v.origin.x
Y COORD INDEXENT(i)->v.origin.y
Z COORD INDEXENT(i)->v.origin.z
IP ADDY record it in pfnClientConnect()
USERID pfnGetPlayerUserId(INDEXENT(i))
INDEXID the "i" incremental value used in INDEXENT
SENTRY GUNS=> pent = UTIL_FindEntityByClassname( pent, "building_sentrygun" )
OWNER STRING (pent->v.owner->v.netname)
TEAM pent->v.colormap ## *NOTE_COLORMAP ##
X COORD pent->v.origin.x
Y COORD pent->v.origin.y
Z COORD pent->v.origin.z
HEALTH pent->v.health / pent->v.max_health
LEVEL STRING(pent->v.model)
DISPENSERS=> pent = UTIL_FindEntityByClassname( pent, "building_dispenser" ) ???
OWNER pent->v.colormap ## *NOTE_COLORMAP ##
TEAM STRING (pent->v.owner->v.netname)
X COORD pent->v.origin.x
Y COORD pent->v.origin.y
Z COORD pent->v.origin.z
HEALTH pent->v.health / pent->v.max_health
FLAGS=> UTIL_FindEntityByClassname( pent, "item_tfgoal" )
TEAM pent->v.skin
X COORD pent->v.origin.x
Y COORD pent->v.origin.y
Z COORD pent->v.origin.z
int tfc_max_armor[10] = {0, 50, 50, 200, 120, 100, 300, 150, 100, 50};
pfnGetPlayerStats(INDEXENT(i), &ping, &packet_loss);
team = -1;
if (pent->v.colormap == 0xA096)
team = 0; // blue team's sentry
else if (pent->v.colormap == 0x04FA)
team = 1; // red team's sentry
else if (pent->v.colormap == 0x372D)
team = 2; // yellow team's sentry
else if (pent->v.colormap == 0x6E64)
team = 3; // green team's sentry
<!--c2--></td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'><!--ec2-->
This was taken from a post by BAStumm and PM in the old botman forum.
I would have joined you if I had more free time, but maybe I can help you with questions/ideas.
cheak back on the early 2.0 post on these forums if there stillup , somewhere amoung all the no score sheet whine. very detailed scoreing system program but it would be nice of you desighned it along the same lines, as a personal seprate install , and not a server mod like a few of the ones i have seen recently ie skulkrush server, cos in combation with various server mods, lag's the server quite badly.
Here's a couple of fun stats/awards I thought of:
Most Victory Eggs (being in gestate when game ends in alien win)
Most Killed By trigger_hurt (falling into bottomless pits, acid, lava)
<!--QuoteBegin--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->Weapon accuracy may be tricky and inapplicable for CO or NS. I'll think about it.
<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
<!--emo&;)--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html//emoticons/wink.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='wink.gif' /><!--endemo-->
I'd actually also like to hear I'm not the only one who'd like this kind of stats.
Don't listen to Mojo and BigBull, they are a minority and frankly I have no clue what they are talking about.
Stats ARE VERY IMPORTANT IN NS, okay, it helps a lot when determining balancing, and determining your overall effiency.
Not only that, but for all of you "OMG STATS KILLS TEAMPLAY" bullcrap, I hate to be the dude who points this out but the team who has more kills is generally the one that wins, so enough with the rhetoric. Kills/death ratio's ARE important, regardless of what you think.
Next, I think it would be very cool if your program keep track of each player's accuracy with each weapon. Accuracy is very very important.
Not just accurcy with marine weapons, but alien ones as well, such as bite, swipe, gore, spit, lerk-bite, etc.
Also, fun stats like who's killed the most eggs, most knife kills award, crap like that would also be very cool and greatly appreciated.
GL, and don't stop with making this program. The silient majority would love something like this.
For example:
Stat****s- People that don't even try to progress the game, and basically camp and **** the game to no end. (Don't even tell me thats not apparent)
People would look at the stats, and basically go ingame just to have bragging rights, and surpass the person ahead of them. No matter how you put it, Stats would be good, but people wouldn't put it to the perfect use as stated. People wouldn't use it for those purposes. Its just the gaming nature.
I know alot of skilled, and veteran players of NS would use it that way, but most new comers would treat it as CS or DOD or whatever game pertains to that particular gameplay.
Right now, pubing is horrible enough, with the n00bs. And its hard to get some good games going, and incorporating stats for NS would take alot of focus off the gameplay itself, and focus more on the skill aspect. Teamwork and gameplay IMO for regular NS, 85% the skill.
If people started putting more emphasis on skill in public servers, it would be a blessing.
No amount of teamwork will do you any good if one skulk can drop into 5 marines and kill 2 of them.
Marines who can aim and skulks who can bite/ambush/bhop would only serve to make pubs a hundred times better, as people would have more fun. On top of this, once people got down the skill aspect, teamwork would be next as that is the next logical step towards improving your game.
So your argument doesn't hold any water, because stats are indeed an important part of the game.
Becaues you forget what M1ke's purpose is. It's not to keep a detailed record of kills/deaths.
It would keep records how many parasites you get, how accurate you are with parasite, how many buildings you kill per round, how much ground you cover per match, etc. etc.
M1ke's orginal statement was that things like phsycostats right now are useless because of the reason's you just specified.
Come on people, open up your eye's, M1ke is actually offering a potential valuable resource.