That's the only response?
I can't argue with the power of boobies, but the tattoo looks sick! I've always liked t… -
Seconded. I love whips, and they ARE quite easy to negotiate by themselves from a marine pov. The only time I ever die to them is if surprised by multiple lifeforms or trying to rush them on purpose.
A bit of strategy is required in thei… -
Just got kicked from [GER] Sadists playground by .... for no reason at all. I guess I must be getting THAT GOOD?
Really sad, was having a great game with some players who were doing better than me, but kicked for no reason an… -
Fucking A, love this game, love this dev team. Keep doing the lords work, hoes.
I verified game cache and did a few of those other steps and haven't had any freezes since. Played a good 3 hours last night, everything ran very smoothly.
If I were a betting man, my money would definitely be on that optimization hiccup… -
@Omega_K2 - ummm, ever heard of shotguns? 1-shotting skulks from 2-5 minutes in until the end of the game.
I agree with BestProfileName with lowering the … -
Look at that post ^ but a good counter-argument.
I count myself a very average player, who occasionally loses control of their emotions and lashes out in-game at what is either an extraordinary player or a hacker. I'll admit it, and I'm … -
From my pub play experience, Aliens still seem to be winning most of the time. I agree that Aliens require more skill overall, with the diversity of lifeforms and all the different movements that must be mastered, but if you break it down, I think M…
@DC_Darkling - Nothing helps this issue more than admins, imo. Even a random vote can help things a lot, but when needed, I support admins forcing random teams.
I agree, but what's the most disappointing is that most of these players are great players, they just lack the ethics or sense of fairness that leads most of us to realize when we're stomping the daylights out of people on a rookie server and either…
Yeah I'm using DX9, most options turned off except for medium textures and shadows + reflections at times. The freeze literally happens at random. First time I was Lerking through Drone Bay, second time I was at an Armory, third was just walking dow…
Yeah, the 6 month haitus may be a blessing in disguise. You'll only have to relearn 1 new game, instead of the 4-6 like the rest of us! xD
Ha, some truly hilarious posts up there. Too bad the valid points made in the first 12 pages aren't immediately nullified by a few more 'L2P!' posts, no matter how long or articulate they appear to be.
It's not a L2P issue, but let's kee… -
Wow thread sure is popular!
First gather, once I finally managed it, was great. The players were very helpful in getting me star…
I love this game, and will stick with it until the end because of what it does offer, but I share most peoples opinions here.
The decision to include strafejumping not only exaggerates the constant beta feel of the game, but makes player… -
Sorry kids...
Robot Jox did it first xD -
Going to double post here, but wanted to make a suggestion for some info on how to join servers through IP address in console, and ask if that's the only way to join gather servers?
There's zero information on how to do this, on the ENSL… -
Yeah I just missed my first one after waiting for a few days xD the music only plays when you actually have the site open, doesn't it? Not very helpful, but it did play when I opened the page back up lol.
How are the gathers doing? I've joined up, but imagine from some other comments that getting into one solo could take days or weeks? I was wondering if they regained some popularity after b255, 256.
I don't think Its Super Effective has made a new skulk video or if he's going to, but ezekel hit on some big points: don't collide, just do run-bys, and no sharp turns mid-air. Working on this myself, I've found that you'll start planning out engage…
Do people even remember the game before this strafe jump nonsense? A good marine could still work multiple skulks, that is if he wasn't ambushed, but engagements were much closer to 50/50 I feel. 1v1's came down to skulk engagement position/timing a…
I'll be all over that. The original soundtrack is simply phenomenal. Truly great work, fits the setting and enriches the atmosphere, and I can't wait to hear more.
I had the skill filter problem too
glad you figured it out! I do like the skill system, though. At least it's an attempt to try …
I like that idea ^ and let me just add here that no one brings up crouch-jumping, standard fare from the Source engine that adds overall clearance (not total height) to your jump.
True stroy, marines can literally crouch-jump and vault c… -
I think it's as simple as the speed gain. I also have fond memories of trying to juke Skulks in previous builds, and like some others have said in here, I felt that I had earned my last-ditch desperation play that usually left me with 10 health and …
Great fixes, thanks guys. Better framerate on Biodome as well! So nass!
Mine's doing the same, with the actual pointer feeling about an inch to the top-left. Not a big deal, except for commanders, but does make trying to evolve in a hurry a royal pain in the kharaa arse.
in B256: Cursor and actual position differ in menu in non-native resolutions Comment by Achilles September 2013
@ Geekavenger, I really like your comment, though I feel that something that complex would require a large viewer base to support it in the first place. Kind of a circular argument, how do you get more viewers > by making changes which can only b…
I've seen mines do incredible things.....