can u make it that the server isnt onlky checking the profil but ns2stats aswell?
Since i cant play on the server with privat profile =( -
i thought it would have been the spain kind of humor. Be careful of spains
this game would be unplayable without you mendasp
i can confirm the arc bug -
need parasite indicator for marins and commanders (myb yellow or green player name)
CHUD will allow you to use the NSL lights which got better performance overall.
*they should add chud into the vanilla game* xD
what stops ppl from joining the gathers and leave instantly after the first death?
minus elo? gather bann? -
using the welder also give the building more health even so its unfinished.
you already got that feature with with hotkeys and recycle.
dont kill the view skill items a commander is able to use. -
facepainting with mendasp !!!
The funny part about that issue you mention is diffrent from my PoV.
When i see a rooky filled server (with no players with more then 20 hours) you will see something diffrent happen.
No matter what the Alien kham… -
Before NS 2.0 you could go rampage on any server ... even more then you can in ns2 now.
In any FPS or good RTS game a players with high skill can kill casuals as he likes and they will feel always like the game is unbalanced.
The o… -
a mod which adds which players did what dmg to you the last 10 seconds before you died would rly improve the game.
No matter which game you play, the focus is always to have a balanced game.
You can only balance a game with players who understand and play the games at its limits.
Dota 2; Starcraft 2; League of Legends; even Heathstone
its bullshit what you are talking about @hakenspit
if you balance a game arround casual players basicly new players and noobs. They will leave the game after a…sounds gooduse mendasp soundboard(Quote)
Not sure about who you r talking, but most people will try to stick together
CCTEE dont tell me you live in frankfurt?
We need to find something bigger, otherwise 100+ ppl will have to split after the event.
No bar can take 100 people instantly.would love to know which people will go to that event.
We should do a listIf you talk to much about strats and movement, most of the viewers do not undestand a single word you say. If you explain it more simple, people who understand all that stuff feel kinda trolled.
Its rather diffcult to find the spot between exp…in starcraft 2 more "casual" players win with Terra and Toss.
Zerg for example needs more makro to stay on equal terms.
Still no one is crying to change the balance just because "new" players cant handle zerg.
1. On a r…pls considers that 6 rounds played on a "new" map srsly doesnt count as testing of a map.
Most marins do not know the map and travling across the map is much easier as aliens.
Marins need teamplay and aliens do not need it as much.
…you killed computer core !!!
first screen was not a good choice, it looks nothing like it.i use the same key as commander ingame mic and player mic ... doesnt work as commander anymore.LOVE YOU ALLI didnt want to write to this thread at all after the other one was closed, but ....
How about u make a big teammeeting. Invite all the Teamleader from all the teams who signed up to this event into teamspeak/mumble and have a open dis…all-in was the first US team i played against.
To see such a good team close its doors is rly sad!!!The arena can handle more players, because they have areas for the teams to warmup when other teams are playing. 2 or even 10 more players of a team dont matter. i changed my post and the rules i would suggest.
I only want to be able to …this tournament is a come together for people a "community event".
If you are scared about 8 people got an advantage over 6 people ... change the rule: The 6 players must be announced before a game, you can change the players befor yo…