Install NS2 on a SSD (and make sure "%APPDATA%/Natural Selection 2" is on a SSD, too!) and you will be done with precaching in under 30 seconds.
Then you can watch your videos while waiting for the rest to load their mapin long precaching Comment by B3rT June 2014
Hm, I'm not sure if I want commanders who only command to get some badge, but don't have real interest in commanding.
You know, if you command regularly, your hive score is totally messed up. Because you get no points for commanding, you end up with a score of 0 to 50 most of the time.
I don't see a bug here. Maybe a harvester that is to easy to arc, but it's not a bug.
(and I don't know if it needs to be fixed, it's just a harvester not the hive) -
It's an iron horse, they can't move that much. So you should be save
Yes, reordering would be very helpful without being too strong.
Similar helpful would be an arrow or color-codings to see in which direction phasegates are connected. -
(Quote) No of course not! Thats the point why you have to pay attention to the vote the whole time...
Sorry, but I see this flaw (and I don't call it exploit, in every meaning of the vote) and it troubles me really, that in that syste… -
I don't know, 15 tres sounds like a good investment to protect a 10 tres extractor, at least if the aliens aggressively attack them and you would build them multiple times otherwise.
(I am talking about pub play, not comp.) -
As cool and helpful this feature would be. (And I wished I had it quite often)
If it gets implemented, they need to implement a downside of this, too. Because otherwise, you could have a phasegate in every room.
S… -
Yes sorry, it is a little bit unclear what I meant.
With threshold I meant the minimum percent of total voters needed to qualify a vote.
Every no-voter has to wait until this threshold is met, before it is wise for them to vote no.… -
No, this is not an edge case scenario! This problem have to be considered by every no voter for every vote! As you have to wait and look if there are no voters who doesn't know the system!
This system wou… -
You are so broke, you don't have a soul anymore? oO -
I can assure you, this happens on European servers as well. (Quote)
It isn't a exploit. But it is a flawed system. Any system that encourage people to NOT vote is flawed! -
So I can echo a crag into the marine base even with one hive? I think this is a little bit to powerful.
It wouldn't be that hard to make a new row below the Map name filter. That way, maybe we could have the rookie mode filter back, too.
(And a 3 way Checkbox isn't that hard to implement, too. If I recall correctly, the o… -
Maybe make a new option to filter these servers. So the user can decide if he want to see full server, servers with open reserved slots only or just servers with open playable slots. -
If you look for youtube videos yourself (which is a very good idea!
) make sure the videos are not older than ~3 months because…
(Quote) The current voting system don't assume that non-voters would vote no. The current voting system assumes that non-voters don't want the change, so it keeps the status quo if not enough people clearly state that they want a change.
(Quote) In Europe you should get a decent server at all times, except of very early in the morning (but even then you can get lucky)
Why disclude commanders?
My favorite solution is still to get rid of the "No" vote at all. And just let people vote "yes" if they want the change, if not enough people want the change we keep the status quo…(Quote)
Okay, sorry, I am not a native speaker, I try it in another way.
In your example we have 20 players, 10 voted "yes", 2 voted "no", 8 didn't vote at all. In your system the vote would pass. But If the 2 voters who voted …(Quote) Maybe, because I never heard that.
(Quote) As mentioned before. This wouldn't be a fair system, because it would punish the both disagrees for voting. If they haven't voted it would be 8:0, so it wouldn't hit the 50% minimum vote requirement and fails.
(Quote) I would even recommend only 14 to 18 slotsespecially if you want to command. It is much simpler to command a small …
It would be nice if unfinished structures would have the least echo priority, so the shift takes a finished one whenever possible.(Quote) As stupid as it sounds. Yes you have months of training of seeing what is going on on your screen.
Just think of how many times you see threats and opportunities other players don't see, even if they have the same informations. That…(Quote)
I find 60% for a kickvote a little bit low. Kicking should be hard or it will be abused. (I didn't see a Hacker in months, but I saw many kickvotes because of false hacker accusations of good player (And AFK people should be addres…(Quote) But then we would have 4 "states". Yes, no, undecided and "not yet voted".
How get a "not yet voted" counted? Still as "no"? If yes, I think I like the idea. But I think I like the idea of only "yes" votes (like the eject / concede …(Quote) I think the main problem we have, is a mental one on the side of the vote caller. They don't see the number of non-voters, they only see a high number of "yes". If every non-voter would be shown as "no" until they vote "yes", nobody would…