Comparing NS2 to the most popular and most played game of all time. Don't hurt yourself. The square blocks don't go into the round holes...
in All The World To Play For - Natural Selection 2 Comment by Bellicose January 2014
The end of that entire thread you are referring to has the official response. -
This is complete and utter bullsh*t - and I'm calling you out on it. You had one conversation with Wasabi, and it didn't go your way or you didn't get the answer that you wanted. So, in high and mighty Fana fashion, you drag… -
To address the roster thing, let me get this straight:
1) On the registration page of the NS2WC, it states "Please make sure you have read all the rules before signing up your team."
2) On the rules page, rule 4b states: "A … -
Only after he got caught...
Anyways -
Well, I have to say that there are definitely different views on this issue - and I can respect them even if I don't necessarily agree (yes, even you Fana). However, I s… -
Oh I'm sorry, Fana. Did I do the blasphemous thing and disagree with you? Nice to know this is how you deal with people who 'don't see your way' in life. Nice.
I think others can agree that I bring up some valid points.… -
Mendasp, whether he cheated or not - this is about consequences about a poor decision he made. The VAC-ban is real; which no one can deny. He may be a victim of circumstance - but that's what he has to deal with. You can't blame the devs for having …
Fana - this is a black and white, simple issue - which you somehow cannot fathom because you are emotionally invested.
1) Player loads cheat software on this PC
2) Player gets caught, receives VAC ban
3) Player then co… -
This happens in real life, deal with it. Let me get this straight: he suspected others of cheating, so he decided to install the cheating software on his own computer to catch them instead of report the players and have others check them out?…
You know what I'm stoked about? That this event will be organized by real community members! Hugh, I love you man and I mean this in the nicest way - but I swear if I saw an orange pant-wearing, gorge face painted, onos wrestling guy jumping around …
Pointless argument removed
Hey cool, let's base what they are going to produce from a random Hugh Post of 7 months ago, that's using the 'ol noggin'
Gameplay is clutch. Both teams have a chance and a lot of options at their disposal.
Virsoul is clutch with that drifter; wasn't expecting that from DN in round 4!!
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand: awesome.
These matches were great! Very even teams
Funny roundup Reddog thanks for these!
I have to say they look really cool! I may purchase one, getting cold here!
ROFL!! I was cracking up on all those round 3 antics, friggin hilarious! Thanks RD!
Well then it's a good thing this is over 5 months away! There's your few months! -
@eh? pssst, don't know if you caught it, but reddog only posted graphs in direct response to someone saying that ns2 has never achieved over 1,000 viewers.… -
lol @Res - missing the whole point yet again. It's so obvious via your posts that you are blinded by so much hatred. It's like you tried asking out someone at UWE on a dat…
@Res haha man, you must just be such a terrible person to hang out with. I imagine the happiest, most positive people in the world getting depressed and wanting to commit …
Oh I'm sorry, but do you work in UWE's accounting department and have intimate knowledge of their budgets, cash flow projections, and access to their P&L's? You have a credible source that the money is coming from the reinforce… -
The lack of knowledge here about basic business accounting is astounding. All the money from the reinforcement program is probably already earmarked for development, as well as other revenue from the company. All companies have reserve cash to spend…
Yes mostly comes from the other post:…
Mino - you're right. I snapped there and I apologize.
Wow, community members donating their time and energy trying to do something FOR the community/game they love and getting slapped in the face for it.
Remind me never to do anything nice for you jackholes. -
I think they realized the mistake of having Hugh on the show presenting their event alongside them. When people see Hugh, they see UWE - period.
He shouldn't have been there. But let's not crucify the community guys, they a…