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  • (Quote) Not all, most, and the comment on "the casual guy" was directed towards the forums, however I see now that could easily be misunderstood.
    When it comes to Docking I would say the increase in intensity of pushing from the marines, an…
    in New Docking Comment by Bott June 2013
  • (Quote) First off, not a casual. Merely someone who has for the past few months talked to a lot of people on different severs around from time to time about changes done to the game, what could be done etc. Strangely just about every change done…
    in New Docking Comment by Bott June 2013
  • Posted this in the topic about docking, but felt it would be more fitting in here. I won't go into BT, as others have covered what I wanted to say specifically about BT(For short, and as you'll probably figure out after reading below, too much focus…
  • It's so sad to see one of my favorite games take such a nosedive and getting detached from the commons. I had a lot of faith in you UWE, but you have proven over the last few months that you are not up to this task. Your game is dying and you are pr…
    in New Docking Comment by Bott June 2013
  • Good job on the leaks, and the problem has been mitigated.

    Froze for 1 minute after exit, then recovered.
  • (Quote) Go into windows explorer and type %appdata% in address bar, then navigate to Natural Selection 2.

    Waiting for another crash, then I'll fetch the log.
  • (Quote) Still wording it like it was serves no purpose other than to get a message across of "I am right because I'm right, fuck you".
    And I believe it doesn't requires much else than to separate public from competitive if this map is what …
    in New Docking Comment by Bott June 2013
  • Updating topic, still same issue and far from alone in it. As always, happens after long sessions and a ton of memory leaks. Didn't have p_logall on, so nothing from logs, but they dont say anything other than what I posted previously as it fetches …
  • No C++ errors, just random crashes from time to time when a marine building is taken down leading to a black screen with a bugreport sitting in the background that you can't access.
  • Please get that hideous scoreboard fixed. Very hard to read anything.
  • [2508]
    [2508] Error: Attempted to load remote options from a file that does not exist.
    [2508] Error: 4974 memory leaks in 'Client' (1909712 bytes)
    [2508] Error: 4974 memory leaks in 'Engine' (1909712 bytes…
  • Problem is tho ritual, he is not alone. 2 of my friends have the same issue as well after the update me included, playing on the same bunch of servers we've always played on. 16-20 slot servers, some with mods, some completely clean, but just about …
  • I have tried forcing the freeze with the quit command(or alt-f4, both cause it) but it just wont happen. Tho, if the game has been running for lets say 2+ hours it happens just about every single time(Makes me think memory leaks, and I see NS2 has q…