Played this map a few days back. Unique (kinda crazy) and pretty. Hope it get's to official-quality and perhaps status!
i've peaked 5/6 months ago, downhill from now on. Pretty soon i'll just buy gl's and run around aimlessly.
This cannot be correct. See proof:
There is (was?) a server (help me out for its name guys) that autokicks everyone over 1300 skillpoints.
Maybe it can be your next NS2 home. -
i like this idea and its not only cause i am high.
This: A little bit but only if the server fills up enough by the end to have real gameplay.
So option B-and-a-half -
@The_Welsh_Wizard Disagreeing with a factual statement about my personal experience doesn't make sense!
in Please listen Comment by CCTEE August 2016
I find that changes to gameplay suck at 1st (because my playstyle still sits in 'old mode') but after awhile i adept and it doesnt bother me anymore.
This goes for anti-fadeball, healthbar, hitboxes, skulkhp etc.
ye makes sense.
20% bigger hitboxes gives a guy with 10% acc -> 12% acc and a guy with 20% acc -> 24% acc.
but the 10% -> 12% guy did get more usefull / less hopeless. -
Marketing should be focused on the fact that this game is uniquely hard. Its not a problem (although not for everyone): its something which sets it apart.
I dont like bots in general and esp not in NS2.
If i wanna invest time in 'interacting' with something controlled by a pc i go play witcher III. -
For a very vocal and slightly weird crowd and fun (drunk) times (not so much high skilled gameplay) i prefer diamond / DMD.
I see this in the patch (299):
Jetpacks now use more fuel based on a weapon’s weight
Shotgun and Flamethrower now use 7.6% more fuel
Grenade Launchers use 15% more fuel
HMGs uses 130% more fuelcan somebody check the jetpack fule consumption when carrying (only) a gasgrenade? had the feeling it was extremely high.(Quote)
That would make aliens overpowered with their 1 min into the game game-ending baserushes!
I suggest making the timeperiod shorter, maybe 20 seconds or so.(Quote)A good round of NS2, lerking included, still gives me tissue-needed-amounts-of-gg-joy.
So there, take that.(Quote)
Explain to me why Ghoul's box gives me a steady 5 - 10 ms ping? You in my cellar?low-and-slow-cooking !dont mind the healthbars.
aliens just need to get a big buff cause gamebalance is pretty broken now.(Quote)
NS3: Aliens&SpaceMarines vs The Nazis(Quote)
The glory of NS1-aliens suffers a bit from selective memory. Quite often (pub) games in NS1 where ruined by aliens mismanaging their resourcepool (no hive saver, noone builing rts etc). Meaning the game was over before it was actua…(Quote)
Focus was a shadehive ability which increased damage of bites / slashes etc with a tradeoff of reduced attackspeed.
So aliens needed to make sure they hit (big damage) but if you miss it takes really long before you can bite …(Quote)
Make it too weak and shade is stil not a viable opening hive, make it strong and marines get the really frustrating experience from ns1 where you dead / almost dead in 1 bite.
Also with focus i bet you get the following: alie…Well tbh i am not sure we are even fixing a real problem here (= silence + cloak being too strong).
But if we fix it anyway (for fun): add explosions.(Quote)
EXPLODE !Redemption, even with countdown and cue, is still ALWAYS unfun:
for marine: alien disappears
for alien: no luck, you die
Fun: Redeem.
You die, go 'ghost' mode (cant bite etc, just walk), get XX seconds (marines c…(Quote)
Didnt know this aswell and feels like cheating.(Quote)
Isnt that what he is saying?