Great! Thanks for the answer and your hard work! -
Hooray!! I’m so happy! I’ve been waiting two years for this, and now we’re only three months away! Congratulations on finishing the game! You guys are awesome. I just wanted to ask, will there be a digital preorder available on consoles? Thank you s…
Thanks to https://forums.unknownworlds.com/profile/GrumpyDad for telling me this. I just wanted to post this so that everyone would see it.
What?!! Really?! I’ll look that up right now!Hey guys! I am a big fan of Subnautica! This may have been determined already, but when you’re deciding the release date of Below Zero, can you please make it on a Friday? If you aren’t able to, that’s fine. I just think it would make it easier for …I don’t think there is going to be any large tweaking before release. It seems to me as if the game is in an almost finished state. The reason I say this is because it’s already been rated by the ESRB, and from looking at the roadmap on Favro, I wou…The developers have been saying “early 2021,” which I had assumed would mean the first third of the year. It could also mean the first half of the year, so then it could release in the beginning of summer. My guess was originally April. If they are …YesActually I think this was probably right after all! This seems like the most likely release date at this point
Guess that wasn’t true. Too bad then. Maybe that means that the real date is even sooner!! I’m still hopefulIt’s gone. What does that mean?
You can imagine the terror I felt. I had no id…(Quote) I would expect It to be out by January 2021, or maybe a little bit before that. I think I heard somewhere that they are expecting to get the game out before that date, but I’m not sure if that’s reliable. So, I guess that means Fall 2020-…Hey guys, the work that you are doing on this game is amazing! It looks great so far! I’m wondering, are you going to do a State of the Project type post every month? Thanks.in Subnautica: Below Zero State of the Project (May 2020) - Subnautica Comment by DaSavageOne588 May 2020
@Desther When a new update comes out, your save game gets erased I thinkYeah, you guys are the best devolpers.I am sad that we have to wait until 2020, but I am glad that you guys are working hard on the game and trying to make it as good as possible. Thank you Unknown Worlds!! I can't wait to play it on Xbox One! In the meanwhile I can play the first one. …