If you programmed in ZZT or know someone who does/did, please contact me.
“We find ourselves in a bewildering world. We want to make sense of what we see around us and to ask: What is the nature of the universe? What is our place in it and where did it and we come from? Why is it the way it is…"It's no good arguing whether to get hens or eggs if you don't have a chicken coop."
---Dutch-American 'folk wisdom'.
As I lean wearily against the thin wall of the Lifepod I know just enough about engineering to know two thi…Down I go, hopefully fluttering in the direction of the treasure trove with the giant slowly circling above.
The distance is farther down than it looks. A bit more than halfway through the water pressure begins to start noticeably squeez…(Quote)
The disparity is so bad one even that explanation falls short. Lifepod 5 is inadequately prepared for landing in a large terrestrial lake.
Factor in the likely possibility of the Aurora's lifepods landing somewhe…Omake:
I am beyond your senses, yet I will rob you of them.
You cannot see me, but you can see what I do.
I am the judge without bias or pity -
My sentence for trespass is equal to all.
I am the fire that gives no…AN: What equipment should Lifepod 5 have been carrying?
It's no secret that the storage compartment in Lifepod 5 is laughably under-equipped. Even audio logs from other survivors mention having gear the player can only wish for - …Despite talking my ear off about the loss of everything civilized, Kate is now firmly content to catch fish and grab what few scraps lie in the nearby region we touched down in. The evening after I returned in disgrace from my venture near the Auror…All I can think about as I morosely swim back is that I'm in deep. Deep water, literally. Deep...trouble, metaphorically.
Somewhat counter-intuitively, the only possible way out is to get myself even deeper. If most of the hand to…
"Eating Subnautica"
Have you ever wondered what breakfast on Planet 4546B would look like for a survivor? Wonder no more! Pi…AN: Sharks, the sea, pirates, and me.
On this day America celebrates another anniversary of freedom both won and maintained at great cost, so I think it appropriate to give a special salute to those who kee…When the Aurora was stricken, her crew could run to the escape pods.
When the Enterprise was crippled, the captain ordered the self-destruct.
When a jet is falling from the sky, her pilot can pull a lever and eject.
...if onl…(Quote)
Heh, thanks for the concern. My life insurance company might actually raise my rates for a "hazardous hobby" if they found out. XD
In all seriousness I'm conducting any further tests in a 3.5 feet deep "duck pond" pool …AN: "Going down"
The things I do for my writing!
In the interests of complete madness authenticity, I've attempted to go swimming after putting on a lead suit to see how hard it would actually be. Not having a radiation-proof…I'm contemplating the wisdom of immediately revealing my brilliant discovery.
Being a woman, Kate had far more social content on her tablet. Pictures, videos, notes, all manner of artifacts from half a decade of interaction with h…Another day, another dollar.
Oh wait. It's night time. Oh wait again - I'm not being paid any more. And I don't know what day it is, so I can't complain on payday. Because there's no calendar, and no clock, and not one clue how long a "d…(Quote)
Thank you! And yes, I love getting as involved in "being there" as I actually can. This does slow down writing but makes it far more real to all involved.
On that note, update soon, dear readers. My paid time off WEEK i…AN: Buy a fellow a drink?
One pressing question for anyone stranded on a lifeboat at sea is "how much drinking water do I have?"
Lifepod 5 has an energy reserve of 75 'units'. For convenience I'll call them EU's. Fabricating …*****
I've never been happier to be wrong in all my life. The lefthand number on the energy reserve display is counting up, and the blackness of an alien night looms above us. In hindsight I can't believe I assumed that the label …“The time to repair the roof is when the sun is shining.
― John F. Kennedy
Not half a week into our imprisonment on this overgrown water balloon and we're already facing shortages of resources c…Next chapter up soon, folks! We're welcoming a new furry addition to our family.in "Nos Manere" (we remain) - a Subnautica story Comment by DarkStar88 April 2019
AN: Keeping afloat
One of the many curiosities of Subnautica is the lack of personal flotation devices. It's especially odd because fabricating a life j…(Quote) Thank you! Anything more you'd like to see?
Today has been rather unproductive. I've spent most of it sitting on the back of a glowing, rock-monster with tentacles, listening to it 'singing' to the others in the herd.
I certainly took a risk clambering on the back of something I'd…Personal log, T+2
"Good news, bad news" seems to be the way things go around here for the near future. I woke up to a Lifepod with running lights, the air filters whirring quietly, and a couple fresh fish for breakfast. This is definitel…Altazi (Quote)
That's a brilliant idea, actually, I'm ashamed I didn't think of that.
gamer1000k stole everything I was going to say and then some regarding power generation/usage. Air production being 100% free with absolutely …Man, talk about a hard question...
First of all going into the wreckage of the Aurora triggered me hard on my fears of uncontrolled fire, entrapment, oh and yes RADIATION. My first time entering an alien base I was absolutely sure…The Degrasi and Aurora are not the first ships to be shot down on the planet. All those chunks of titanium are from other small ships that got completely blown to shreds by the Quarantine Platform's weapon, then slowly covered with sediment. The Aur…I ran out of time.
The two hour estimate ended at least ten minutes ago while I was groping around in the dark by the light of glowing plants, smashing open any lump of rock that might have a faint trace of the silver ore I needed to bui…AN: technical difficulties and LARPing
Due to my monitor suddenly dying, "Nos Manere" will be slightly delayed.
On another note, my most recent attempt to get into character involved taping off …Somehow I'm not crying or shaking. At least not much. Just swimming very wobbly. The true reaction will come later. Now is for getting the hell out of Dodge with my prizes: a power cell and a battery, a med-kit, and two bottles of distilled water. …