Well great...now I'm scared again. Haha. So possibly there is going to end up being thousands upon thousands of lines of code that need to be cleaned up and optimized but might never be because to do so could break countless other things which woul…
There is a certain amount of releif knowing maybe its not just something happening on the xbox. Aside from that concern, just having the framerate at a playable state even if not great for now but enough would be nice. It's very difficult to test …
Good luck guys, I know it's got to be frustrating getting Xbox all caught up, we can be a pushy impatient lot especially because console users are used to the fire it up and be fully playable approach and some of us have been known to cry very loudl…
I can agree with that, I found it odd as well. You would think eating while underwater with no air pocket would be the impossible bit and getting into your pack while diving inside or outside the Seamoth should not be a problem as far as I can tell…
I believe the limit is 10 fish per aquarium structure so if it's 2 rooms high then 20 fish would be the limit. To prevent breeding for now I would limit them to one per species, this way you can have an entire aquarium of different species. Curren…
I think it's bugged, It tends to drift and eventually disappear altogether just like the floating storage crates. The way I understand it these issues are resolved in the next update the PC already has.
A type of personal camo could be a new dive suit as well. It could have the markings of a large predator and at night it gets a bioluminate of the predator on it. Thus, may scare away small to medium sized predators and possibly big ones while not…
Yeah, I am fully aware of the FAQ but apparently even that people are not bothering to read...
Here's to hoping more people start to read it first.Honestly, the only reason I would ever use a console command is because of a bug that breaks the game from moving forward. Like a quest not completing or the game not letting you move to many upgrades because say the Seamoth upgrade console will no…Would love to see weather effects come into play. Weather, currents, waves. With two moons in such close proximity of the waterworld, the tides and waves would likely be wild to say the least. I'm curious how close and far away the planet gets to…Is any other post ever read in the forum? Is there even a minor attempt to make a casual glancing search for similar statements or is it requirement to make this post as a new thread almost once a day and I just forgot to join the club?Seems to maybe be a language barrier here as I am becoming more and more confused with each post for the last four posts. Haha.Currently you cannot recharge the power on Batteries and power cells. Once they are spent, they are forever more useless. You have to make new power cells and replace the old ones. That will eventually change though in a future update where you c…I would keep the base sizes down to as practical as possible if I were you. The bigger you make a base, the worse your frame rate will get. Even once this game is near as optimized as it can be by official launch, it will have build limitations si…You can use the LT instead of the "A" button to accomplish the same thing while still steering and moving.For the answer to your request please refer yourself to any of the multitudes of similar threads started without reading them by others before you.It's a game in developement, not even in alpha yet so it will only improve as time goes on, all that stuff will become more and more stable as the game moves forward slowly but surely towards completion.When are they introducing the Fat Man mini nukes is what I want to know!?! I have an alien planet full of life that needs killin!in We need a new weapon! Comment by Dirk_Perfect May 2016
You will not see the connection until the building is complete, it has to be close enough that a typical corridor would have spanned the gap in the first place. You just don't need to build corridors at all unless you want one to go a longer distan…The PSXCOne4BoxWiiiiiiiii.....
It seems to have trouble snapping so I did not spend too much time on that. Instead, I placed it as close to a multi-purpose room as it would allow and once green, I placed the moonpool, once it completed, it automatically placed a connecting tube …It's not even in alpha yet, this guy is just being a troll or ignorant beyond belief of what stage the title is in. I mean, Minecraft, Bioshock? When we're either of these games ever in the preview program. Here is a "How dare you" statement for …I think I have found about 5 or 6 different signals so far? Basically the trench made by the crashing aurora and all around it have many loot crates. Most are empty but a few have loot and rarely a signal. You basically have to comb the sand thou…You can use those signals by equipping them in the slots to each side of your helmet slot. They work but are a simple white X on a black background in loot crates as a placeholder to whatever they plan on depicting them as visually later.Yeah, that's true, I have had it lock up in the main menu to while idle twice so far come to think of it.Use console commands to Telenor yourself out. LB + RB + A at same time and look up a Teleport command should get you out. As for terrain reappearing it's a bug where removal of terrain is not being persistent so as a Xbox user, for now until it's f…Netto, you make it sound as if they are snake oil salesman trying to pass fake cures off on unsuspecting desperate people. Haha. Even if the game fails to make the final cut, just the stuff they have accomplished so far on PC alone is worth the $20…The snapping is a bit wonky right now, try circling the foundation and getting closer/further until you find the sweet spot. It can be a bit temperamental at times.It is my fondest hope that they plan on one day slowing the game time clock down or giving us the option to slow or speed up the clock in settings. Currently the clock is way too fast for normal play but I have seen this before as it allows for qui…I don't know if this was a bug or glitch or what but surfaced my cyclops next to the beach of the above water island and left the bridge, was grabbing some equipment for my soon to explore the island trip out a wall locker I made and closed it. Sud…