Got mine! Too bad my friend pressured me into socializing and partying today so will have to wait for tomorrow to try it out D; (Damn social life :P)
It should be in the same humble bundle page where you got the prototypes etc.… -
The one huge thing I would absolutely love about SN is the complete feeling of isolation. One person under the ocean with nothing more than animals and plants. At least in the Prototype #3 I noticed some quite spooky sound effects … -
It says 4 hours on the main website for me, but could download it from humblebundle regardless
This is the day I've been waiting for! A little less than a year back when I got the secret twitter handle I posted on some thread that I was gonna buy it the day it could be, and so I did.
I found a treasure partially clipped inside a cliff! … -
All of this could be prevented if instead of posting about it on the forums you would give some advice to them, tell what to do and what not to do.
What I'm expecting from the game is exactly what is the hard part: it being underwater instead of in space. The thing is, IF they do it well and find a way to get rid of those usual underwater problems, this actually might be the big game, since eve…
@Waterfiend I couldn't agree more (except for me the game that got me so amazed was the original HL mod :P), and I've done scuba diving for a couple of years now ju…
this... new forum thing... just whoa
I see UWE succeeded then, since they wanted the AV to be used only in dark areas :P
To the OP, you've never had to use the AV 100% of the time, sure it could help before the change, but I never used it outside of dark a… -
Ohhh, I can already see myself just thinking: "what could be down there in the depths?", exploring everything little by little until I have enough research or something to get to the HIDDEN TREASURE!
I'm so happy that education in Finland is so good, I can speak and write English almost better than Finnish ^_^
The man decided not to go take a dump
Juuh kutkutteleehan tuo, mutta tällä hetkellä opinnot vie aika ison osan vapaa-ajasta niin aktiivisuus olisi meikäläisellä luultavasti liian pieni. :E
Sometimes I forget there is a minimap, since I'm so used to checking 'c' every 5 seconds :P
The UWE official servers sure are risky, but there actually are rookie only servers. I'm in the EU and I see a couple every now and then, but if you communicate well and generally be nice to the better players, chances are that you won't get as much…
So, crag healing was nerfed again is that correct? :O
After the nerf right after 250 came out I have never used a crag for healing, the only situation in which I wouldn't go back to the hive would be if there was a gorge at the crag.
I p… -
I don't see a reason to hate the post, since it could happen to anyone and nobody would be satisfied with it.
Isn't most of the twitter stuff posted to these forums by other players though? So as long as you check here you shouldn't be left mu… -
Whenever the game might go out for preorder I'll definitely go for it, no matter what my money situation is :P
First of all, a day and night cycle MUST be done! As a scuba diver I can say that there are few things more amazing than the ocean at night
And of course easter eggs. Lots of easter eggs. Looking forward to the hidden achievement "find all 7 g… -
I've been thinking... who's the one in UWE with the obsession for seas?
I mean, the Kharaa were taken from sea stuff, and now thisWHAT!? YOU MEAN MY 24/7 FACEBOOK INTEGRATION IS A LIE!?!?!?That teleport thingy got me worried, I really hope there's gonna be a lot of swimming around in awesome looking places (and also, I'm already saying R.I.P to my PC if they make it really gorgeous).YAY we got the forum! Now, are you only gonna post updates on the game in twitter or start doing so here as well? I don't have a problem using twitter, I just think that since this is the only reason I have a twitter atm and aint gotten to the habit…The title of the thread already got me pretty angry, claiming that a certain part of the community represents the WHOLE community can comfortably be called completely stupid.
The community was that kept me in the game past the rookie days, the…First about twitter, now about grammar... I see nobody actually is superexcitedI don't know much about PC's (the reason why I built mine early summer from the amazing help of these forums), but if yo…
Sorry, I read the OP and I just can't take it seriously...
1) "one team doesn't have a commander"
That rarely happens anymore because the game won't start without them
2) "NS2 has no competitive scene"
Atleast I c…New hardware lag free
the server I am talking about has had that since 250 and is now lagging more than any other server I know
gotta agree with:
admins present
oh, somebody went troll comm, good thing there…(Quote)
I see that sentence was pointless from the start :P
For me, yes. One of my friends who had a break from April/May and started playing again a few days ago says that the game is much more enjoyable now, so clearly the ch…