I was really hopeful of there being a fix when @madsauce messaged me last April to say he was going to work with Microsoft to resolve the issue, but… -
Yeah, I had a DM from him in April saying he was looking into it, but not heard anything since. Would be nice to get some kind of update given the the severity of the issue for those that have it and the fact that it's been 10 mont… -
I tried re-installing Subnautica again last week as I really fancy getting back into it, but I'm still getting the same sync issue. Is there any likelihood of this getting resolved as I've been playing since early access and come close to finishing …
I've been having the same issue for a while now. Although I was quite far through the game I stopped playing some time ago (a bit after the Xbox 1.0 launch I think) to wait for some of the performance fixes, but when I came back a month or so ago I …
@Slackerstu I did exactly the same as you, but decided to come back after they announced that the XB1 version now has all the content the PC version has. I agree it…
Will current saves still work with this latest update or will we need to start over? -
How do you get the frame rate info to appear on the XB1? Is it a console command?
If it were that easy I'm sure they would have done it, but Microsoft's certification process makes that kind of thing anything but. -
If you were sorry for the caps, why didn't you just go back and delete them instead of apologising?
You can still do it now using the edit function if you're genuinely sorry about them...in can DEVS reply thanks , Comment by EverReddy July 2016
@Kouji_San I'm not sure why you think I'm getting upset or taking it personally here (I'm not a woman after all), and nowhere in this discussion has anyone ever said…
You keep talking about doing things respectfully, and yet when someone says to you that they feel offended by something, you dismiss their feelings as 'playing the victim card'. How exactly is that in any way respectful? If your da… -
@Kouji_San You keep referring to 'gender swapping' and yet I already said that's not what I'm talking about at all. You're also failed to answer any of the questions…
I agree that not *every* game requires the option to play either gender. No one (that I heard of) complained about only being able to play a female character in Portal for example, but then we get to play as male characters in 99% … -
Doesn't matter TO YOU. And maybe it doesn't matter to some other people as well, but that doesn't mean it doesn't matter to anyone.
I imagine if we all woke up tomorrow to find that the gender of every character in comp… -
Ah yeah, for that you will need to fabricate a new battery until the update drops as it's the one device you can't help but use while you're moving. -
Cheers matey!
I do my best to keep an eye out for all the latest posts form the Devs and update … -
As I understand it, the impending update for the Xbox One should bring us level (or at least very close to) that of the PC at which point the development path for each will be the same, making separate cards for each version pointl… -
Updated with Dev comments from 13th June on the upcoming Xbox One update .
Anyone up for a sweepstake? How long until the next 'When is the next update?' pops up? -
Please take a look through the forum before making posts like this as this question gets asked (and answered) pretty much every other day, which does nothing but clutter up the forum with post after post asking the same question. There's also the(Quote)
It's not that simple on the Xbox as every update has to go through a Microsoft certification process. Plus the next Xbox update will contain months worth of development to bring it up to date with the current PC version but they've…@sayerulz, I get that was meant as a light-hearted comment, but I'm not sure it was hugely appropriate on a topic that's actually pretty serious for those concerned.(Quote)
Again, none of the above relates to Subnautica specifically and as it's already well into development we've got no idea how difficult it would be to add such features at this stage, but it seems clear that it's much easier to add, …Given how many people are eagerly awaiting this one, if there were a confirmed date I'm sure it would have been made blatantly obvious. As it is I expect the first we'll know for definite will be the day it drops.
The most recent dev com…The game is far from unplayable, even in the months old Xbox One Version. The Saltberg isn't a problem as you can just pick it up to remove it. Not sure exactly what you mean by "when i drown and respawn on ocean survive... i seem to bring a few thi…(Quote)
If you follow the link in my comment above there's a way around that near the bottom of the post.(Quote)
Hopefully not, but the further you are into the game the more likely it is you'll run into issues and have to start again. You can see the latest form the devs on it in Cant find Reaper Leviathan xbox one Comment by EverReddy June 2016(Quote)
It really, really isn't. it's just that with most games you don't even know they're in development until they're almost complete.
Take this from the in MOBILE VEHICLE BAY NOT WORKING Comment by EverReddy June 2016(Quote)
Yeah, I saw that idea on the PC. Personally i have a map printed out, but it's still a pain trying to work out exactly on the map you are.(Quote)
You know you can edit posts?