Ah sorry, seems like I misunderstood your question from lack of sleep. Thought you were asking for what a recursive flag in that function meant, because of lack of documentation of it.
I think I would do better flying off to bed at this point … -
Not sure in your case, but recursive when it comes to files are usually whether or not to search in subfolders I think.
Now I dont know what each argument in your post is, but I am going to assume it is something like: stringPathWihoutFilename… -
Maybe make a function DelayedStartGame( delay, [pre-/post-callback?] ) which mods can use? Basically would be a simple function that displays a timer until the delay finished, at which point it starts the game. With optional callback(s) that could b…
No, not all mods has to be done serverside, but I believe all model mods do. Probably all re-skins too.
The reason is pretty obvious, and it is because otherwise someone could change the models to improve their kd-ratio. Like, everytime I ambu… -
I dont see any issue even if this is for blue boxes. He said it is for himself and his friends, and ppl ashould be allowed to mess around as they wish when doing a lan/private server imho.
To answer, yes its possible. As you would expect… -
Remember that as I said, there is one other thing that uses the same font? Took a minute to look at it. From what I can tell it is the WorldTip you get when aiming at a unit (I think both players and structures count as that)
The WorldTip/blip… -
Experimented setting some values to 0 in that file, and setting the width variable to 0 seems to have worked splendidly. Took some time to do it, but the letters are gone and it didnt block me from entering a srv.
Its on the server-owners end I think.
Maybe it could be possible for you to mod something that isnt consistency checked to run that concmd, but I dont know if there is any such filesin Location Names Comment by Feha February 2014
Should be possible.
This is a piece of code from my watermod, where I do some splashing effects: (Quote) As you can see, it gets the Coords of the effect, then scales it, and sets the new Coords for it. -
I dont make sounds or anything like that (I prefer to stick to code), just wanted to say that I like the kind of people who posts the solution they found when they solved their problem.
Cookies for you!in How to get custom sounds to obey in game volume settings Comment by Feha January 2014
Regarding that skulk, I see a clear difference in the eye. Seems to me as if the emissive term somehow disappeared from the original or something (more specular in the original?) :S
The lower skulks eye is actually the one I like the most sinc… -
Look at other maps. Any elevation change that will still allow building works. Stairs should therefor work fine I think. That you need a ramp to build comes from regular building code, not any limitations I added.
Regarding buildings tak… -
Oh right, forgot to mention one thing. For mapping you have to also make sure to have the models/water/water_model.model, since that is what is used to display the water in editor. The texture seen in editor is not necessarily same as the tex…
A shortened old post quoted to answer your question: (Quote) So there does not really exist any tutorial afaik, and I dont know of a way to… -
Nice catch xdragon, as you say, unless that line is added it will definitely not work correctly.
Another thing worth mentioning would be self:SetUpdates(true/false). Has to be true if you want your entities think function to be called every fr… -
Isn't ScriptActor only possible to use if you base your mod on regular ns2? If you mod your entirely own game it wouldn't exist.
In addition to that, ScriptActor also got loads of things than one might not want to use, such as some of th… -
I remember that back when I did stuff I noticed I had issues (as in, the thing not showing up, so might be the same?) with entities that extended Entity. My entities were created through loading a map with them.
My solution was to make another… -
How I usually do it: (Quote)
Oh, didnt read carefully enough and missed that you were talkign about *local* functions.
Class_ReplaceMethod obviously replaces a class-method, not local ones. Person8880 points to the correct… -
I think he either means having the death notifications from the top right corner printed in a log file, or have an ai spectating the match and writing a log full of insightful comments about the match.
I am unsure if this would actually work reliably, but wouldnt it be possible to have spark send a GET/POST request to an intermediary server which translates it to a PUT and sends it to the destination service?
Well, provided you ignore the re… -
It is mostly a joke with the meaning of "dont be a dick", but then there is also patent-trolls bending patent-laws for their personal profit. I am not well-versed in legalities regarding this sort of stuff, but I think someone who makes a derivative…
I would love to see any documentation to be made at all. The page in the wiki does not even have that generic page made by a bot, its simply nonexistant. Very few things does tbh, and I generally look it up using find in files...
I'm int… -
I think credits is given by including the files for the most part, since many of them start with "created by feha". That said, if there is a proper credits part in whatever you include it, I wouldnt mind me and samus being mentioned
in Water Brushes/Volumes Comment by Feha December 2013
Ah. So I take it you want the data to be sent as the content of the PUT request instead, rather than something appended to the url? Would make sense, considering that it is a PUT request (seems I didnt read your first post as well as I ought to have…
I havent used or read up on the http stuff in spark (so I cant say for sure exactly how it behaves, but my guess is that it sends a regular http request and returns the response?), but if you know what the service wants and should reply, you could a…
Fantastic piece of code, I like how it even has proper debugging support even for scripts failing on other clients. Seems to only be able of sending the error messages to one person at a time though, if I were to give a suggestion, it would be to ma…
(Quote) I intentionally opted to have water by default not affect anything but players and things that corrode (such as marine structures. If you want to know more exact, check for stuff that uses "CorrodeMixin" in ns2 game files).
Instead,… -
I am pretty sure extraentitiesmod has a trigger_push entity.
Mappers can use any material they choose, so changing to a "river" material should be possible.
Also, the shape/size isnt really fixed. If you look at the vid, you can se… -
I had the same issue when returning after a long time, but the info was luckily very easy to find by simply searching the forums for "launchpad id" or "launchpad new"
in LaunchPad changed, how to update old mods? Comment by Feha August 2013
And here I was sure this thread was about the black marine we got for buying pre-alpha :P