3 years later and we have it now haha
The closer you get to enemy base, the more exp you get? If rines camp in base, they get less? Or make an item drop in the middle of the map, turn it in at your HQ & the team get free exp ( equals 2-3 kills ). Super easy to force a camping team t…
ReWork the "mark" mechanic for the footsoldiers, it's very bad and we need a new one.
- I mark a vent after spotting an alien, none of the soldiers notice the mark and just walks pass the vent. -
You know what happens at 1:51? Frozty saves the they with 150dmg canon shot.
But what if the Gorge could open them? And Marines could shut them?
Indeed, hope someone is making a few more maps for Combat.
A jungle compound!
Love it! -
Good god, add this pistol for NS2 Combat!
Great guide, works for me.
Yup, made a post about the "JP trap" idea a few days ago.
@Max11_v2.0 Just got fiber installed last week, indeed i will start the stream
in Getting tired of all CS/COD players Comment by Frozty November 2014
If they have played 50-60hours/latest 2weeks in CS/COD (2 common cheat games) they still dont have the right to harras a regular NS2 player.
I see my self as a Rookie with good aim, no clue with the map tactics so i just foll… -
Havnt played on a while and i guess Devs really went our way with the flamer, Sheers! -
Seems like someone have played too much Evolve ^^
I saw the trailer, combat looks good "BUT" i saw the original LMG! Is it only possible to use it on combat version?
Sounds like a great, a "click" sound when the mag is empty.
I would like to change NS2 LMG for the original one.
Like the model idea. -
No words for this guy.. -
Dem badges sounds like the "hats" from TF2 haha
Looks great!
If they make more maps with "dark rooms", the AV will be perfect.
But right now its "meh". -
Interesting, i am a big noob when it comes to the "Lerk", would be fun to explore dat bat.
Looks great!
The rage if there was a bolt-rifle that 1 shots all the Kharaas thats not tier4 (Fade) or higher.
It would be sweet if you could be able to drop your "pistol" ammo to a friends rifle/pistol.
But this should be a "server" setting and be common on publics. ( Just like friendly fire? ) We all know that all commanders thats learning dont have … -
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