You can shoot stuff at it with the Propulsion Cannon to destroy it (lower its health till it explodes). You can also do this to slightly move it and just keep repairing it to (hopefully) unbeach-ify it.
Have you got the latest drivers for your GPU? There was a major bug in Subnautica for a lot of Radeon cards which was fixed in an update.
(I don't know much about computers - just thought it might help). -
I think that is the EMP blast that is going to be implemented (for the Crabsquid). -
Why did you have to spill the beans on that infinite battery exploit?!
Better stock up before its patchedin Instant Battery Recharge Trick/Exploit/Bug Comment by FryerDevil September 2016
What kind of "hatchable eggs"? Like Warper eggs or something?
Does anyone really know how big the Rock Puncher would be? Like if it's a small crab punching out sandstone outcrops or a reefback-sized giant smashing away at our bases? It would make an awesome (and pretty much only) threat to base location.
… -
I was talking about " Doing the same thing over and over again in a loop without a proper ending to the journey isn't more fun than following a proper story with an actual conclusion as the reward at the end. "
in Subnautica vs No Man's Sky Comment by FryerDevil September 2016 -
I don't see how this can be true if games such as the ones I listed are still some of the biggest games out there?
I feel like the thread is just bashing NMS, in my eyes it is not even a bad game and it has a tonne more content than Subnautica. I do love Subnautica a lot more but once you finish it there isn't much point in continuing to play. I guess thats why …
Really? I'm really low on rescources, I've picked clean the Safe Shallows and Kelp Forest and really don't want to go much further for rescources (and using the Exosuit's drill arm is just too godamn boring, maybe if they reduced the drill time or s…
OompaVille, anyone?
He rarely uploads Subnautica but I love his commentary!
(Haven't seen >12th episode because I didn't want to spoil the game for myself too much). -
Rare eggs seem awesome, like some hard-earned achievement/novelty that doesn't really give you anything but bragging rights...
I want the Reefback egg so bad too...
Where do you find Mesmers? I can't seem to find anything cool, not even … -
The same thing happened to me except it kept going in and out of the ground! I had to keep following its tail so it wouldn't eat me :{, never been killed by a reaper (yet)...
If its following you I had a similar problem with a peeper, it kept running into me (if I moved away it would just follow me) and it had bugged animations. All it did was follow me until it just vanished :C
Thanks heaps for the condensed story! Love this kind of lore.
What if it is in the life pod in the shallow reef? No danger and is very easy to notice O:
Its set in the future, why shouldn't 3D modelling be near instant?
The base builder tool takes hardly any time to build things, why should much smaller items take longer?
It can't add "realism" (unless the game is set on planet Earth the… -
I think they should focus on multiplayer before mods. Maybe they can add modes (like experimental etc) for multiplayer and/or mods (unstable like experimental I guess).
Game is too spoopy to play alone :[
Stalkers still sca… -
Also, if this is any help - all the people with the problem seemed to have Radeons (some mentioned the Crimson Edition drivers which I also have) so it might be something to do with the latest drivers.
Well, I'm using an RX 480 8GB and it seems to run it well (the bug is only occuring at the waves and is less noticeable underwater).
I looked up the problem and it didn't take long to find others with the same issue, ju… -
Can't they just make it an option when you start a new game?
I've had a fear of the ocean for a long time. I then saw Subnautica.
Now I have a phobia.