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  • (Quote) This one is particularly near and dear to my heart. Back with the old computer chip recipe it was awful because you needed silver all day long and had no use for gold. Now silver and gold requirements are more well-balanced and it's coppe…
  • How compact do you call it when there's a moonpool, a room for the fabber, the chargers, and a bunch of lockers; a two-story room for the food fish tank; a two-story room for the airsack tank; optionally a room for any water purifiers I might have; …
  • (Quote) Useful enough to go back to the instant crafting?

    I mean, I'm not going to say that the players are always right about what makes the game good, but for this and the lantern fruit nerf I really have to ask: what problem does t…
  • (Quote) Okay, how about it's no fun to wait? What does increased crafting time add to the game except more time spent not playing? Best case scenario is that it wasn't an important craft item so I just go out and do whatever without any downside …
  • (Quote) I hope you mean the book that the film was based on is the inspiration for the game, because the game launched like nine or ten months before the film came out, and was in development for a year before that.
  • (Quote) The reason I use lantern fruit over marble melon is ease of use, not speed of growth or anything. If they nerfed the lantern tree's regrowth speed into the ground I'd be fine: I'd just plant more trees! Anything to stop me from having to …
  • I don't think that Subnautica would transfer over to film very well. I haven't seen The Martian, but from what I understand of that film you'd basically be locked in to doing that at first, unless you made it a horror movie and started teasin…
  • You know you say not to nerf the Seamoth, then your very next sentence is a suggestion to nerf the Seamoth. :p

    I wo…
  • I had a lot of trouble getting stalker teeth until I lucked out and happened upon two stalkers and two small piles of scrap metal. They would alternate piles, picking a piece of scrap up, taking it to the other pile, dropping it, and picking up the …
  • (Quote) You know, that's the roleplaying logic I've used to drive myself to build ever-deeper bases: there's someone out to get the survivor, so the safest thing to do is get as deep as possible with everything you need to survive. I'm currently …