Its been a while since I played this game.
I noticed this update yesterday. Didn't bother clicking it till I read the forums. So since corrupt saves still going on. I'll decide not to play till its fixed. Guess back to Battlefield Hardine and BF1 and Verdun. Also Astroneer is on sale. …
The solution we all don't wanna hear is wait for the next update.
Microsoft mentioned right away on XBOX1 release that USB flashdrives cant be used for storage. If you got a external HDD with your saves on that. You could maybe disconnect that and then plug it into PC. Then some how email the save to Unknownwor…
So the new update breaks the game saves? I'm downloading the update now. Not so sure I wanna click it when it finishes. Do we have to start over? Or that don't load either?
I clicked on the update now.
I thought they said don't quote them but maybe a month? So sometime in February if everything goes well.
I didn't bother starting over. Since the update before prompt I started over and got worse lag. Its tempting but this update got a little better. But still some lag.
Old build of multiple seamoths and larger bases didn't lag for me. It was the previous update that killed the game. They should of just did a roll back from previous update to erase it. Oh and the game was laggy way before I foun… -
Its maybe best to start out small with a couple tiny outposts with solar so it has H2O inside. Have maybe like 5 of these scattered all over. Maybe a locker to store stuff in side. Then once ya get bored then build a huge base.
I took a break yesterday after building my 4th seamoth. Drove it around looking for silver. The lag made me dizzy. I could of puked. So I dash boarded. I wasn't even drinking beer yet. Did that when I fired up BF1.
in Xbox one still lagging Comment by GRAW2ROBZ January 2017
Its a little better. When chopping rocks then when material falls you can grab it mid air now. Before with bad lag ya couldn't. Driving the seamoth seems laggy though. I built my 4th seamoth then signed off. Also menus seems a little better. B…
How is the lag? I'm downloading update now. Can we chop rocks and pick stuff up instantly or do we still have to mash on the "A" button like a mad man yet to grab materials yet?
This happened to one of my platforms. It leveled off the ground underneath and removed a hill. Then later it all grew back.
Bummer I missed the update yesterday. I checked early morning. Then turned XBOX1 off. Then afternoon I fired up BF1 and cracked a few beers. But then read today on the forums update is out but laggy yet. Well i'm downloading it now though.
Bummer I was under the assumption this update fixes the lag. Now we have to wait for the next update? Bummer.
I remember when Zipper Interactive said "soon" for DLC once for Socom Navy Seals 3 on PS2. It was like almost 2 years later cause they made Socom Combined Assault before the DLC. People were raging on the forum for years. -
You can go the shady route and change regions to get it and after buying it change it back. But its against the terms of use for Microsoft. But plenty of people do it.
Maybe build off of the shallow sand dunes near the Aurora. Not sure Leviathans wanna get stuck. Sand sharks can go there though. But if you got a PRAWN suit you can punch a sand shark in the face.
I didn't fire up the XBOX yet so either today or sometime this week. Or early next week. My guess today or this Thursday. If not this week then next week Tuesday for sure.
I have one base near the shallow area next to escape pod. Then I got another base over by them rock pillar formations. Kinda dangerous over there though. Then a tiny outpost near the aurora with just a locker and solar panel.
I lost my first built seamoth yesterday since I started over recently. Luckily it was like only 5 minutes loss of gathering and fabricating stuff. So no biggie. I built a second seamoth right away. Figure i'm gonna be on a silver hunt soon to bu…
What's the ballpark estimate when precursor update is released after bones update? Couple weeks? Month?
Not only lag but more frequent crashes. Finally found third piece of the blueprint for the seamoth finally. Since I started over recently. Built one then lost it in game crash then had to build another. Then horsed around more and built a second…
Yeah when I first got Subnautica the main room was available right away. After last update it suggested to delete and start fresh so I did then I had to find pieces to scan for the main room.
I'm looking forward to the update.
I was in the Aurora yesterday. Opened a few care packages and got 2 first aid kits and a battery and a cell. Game crashed twice in it. But I saved while I was in there. Also with the lag it was hard to type in that pin code to open that one door…
Yeah when this first came out on XBOX1 finding stuff was close by and I found tons of everything. But with recent update and mentioned best to start over new file. Now things are farther away and deep. Old days I had two seamoth's. Now i'm still…
I wouldn't be shocked if in the future we can build the sunbeam to complete the game if ya wanna leave or start over.