When you get the coordinates to the first officers escape pod, somewhere within 100 meters or so you can find at least one arm upgrade. Also in the northwest area and slightly east of it there is another that i think has the drill arms.
Anyone else have the problem of an entire classification of something simply not existing in game? like an entire ore type having no presence what so ever.
the nickel itself does not seem to be all that essential. If i make sufficient preparations, i could make it all the way to the sea emporer containment station from the 900 meter mark at the main entrance to the lava biome.
@narfblat, The scanner room idea had occured to me. So i took full advantage of the fact that 90% of the minable ore spawns seemed to have gotten turned into titanium…
They seem to be working about 50/50. The prawn one only unlocked after building 5 of them
yes, on my current play though the base lights are so ridiculously bright.
so scanning the whole suits will still unlock it? ok good.
Live stream got live dammed up.
ah, well if i have to start a new playthrough after the launch i'll get those two easily enough. otherwise i'll just build spares on my current one.
So there wasn't any sea crown near the containment facility, but I did find the plateau with the cave entrance that goes into that large sink hole and found some there. Thanks for the help Fathom.
Based on blrg's Idea, I'm guessing that punching the Leviathan is the new "punching the shark".
Ok, thanks, i will look there next. I have a base near the containment facility. Though it's strange that a plant that in my last 3 play throughs was in the Koosh zone would suddenly not be there.
I had in fact tried with a second base, building the power system in a different order. This time Bio was first. Nuclear was second, and solars were last. I waited until the solars were fully charged. Then i powered up the bio reactor. Then i gave t…
So what my experiment determined is that when the save is first loaded all power is drawn from the solars, then bio reactor and then nuclear, but there is a twist.
once a power source has been exhausted, all base systems draw from the ne… -
i think the reason that some updates break saves is because information gets rewritten in a way that conflicts with what was in the current save file. For example, when the eye candy update happened and everyone had to start over, think of it this w…
If you find Escape Pod 7 there is a Markiplier Bobblehead that you can scan and then fabricate. You can then click on it and it will either say "Hello, my name is Markiplier and welcome back to subnautica" or it plays his youtube channel theme or i…
I offset the way things tend to go by setting up 4 filtration machines to build a massive supply of salt. And with 4 machines i get salt fast enough that I can use half the salt for preserving food, and the other half for making +30 water. However, …
heh, yeah, that would be fun. "Captain's star lo-....i mean Captain's sea log, day 141. A stalker ate "Wilson" this morning...I am very irritated about that as that was the only volleyball i was able to recover from the wreckage of… -
Indeed it does, right after you build the bio reactor.
yeah, the only other thing i can think of is that whatever piece of tech your using, it draws energy from the physically closest source.
That im going to test by running a fabricator that is on the far side of my base from my reactors an… -
I looked around the forums after my last session and found that I am not the only one who thinks that writing your own journal entries would be a good thing to have. And more and more, the later it gets into a play through, when something like this …
spinning hard drive yes, with 16GB of DDR4 and 4GB of GDDR5 on an nVidia GeForce 1050 t.
Until about a week ago, terrain streaming was flawless. -
It seems to either be random or it goes off what was built most recently. ex, i also started my base using solar. Bio was second and nuclear was third.
is it the second room on the same base as the first or first room on a second base?