Your server is a joke. I feel like I'm being policed whenever I play there. NS2 is an adults game, TGNS promotes an environment befitting of children playing mine craft.
This is pathetic. -
This is a much better idea than pitting the newbies against themselves having 2 hour long slugfests like I saw last night.
Can we bring this thread back to what it was initially intended to do which was to ask what exactly is UWE doing and when will we see any of this in game. Trello has been mostly idle for some days now.
that feel when my toaster pc gets more frames than your ok pc
Seriously though I think it's to do with a driver issue that Nvi…
is it just me or is the sg dot off center
When will we get this dlc
They're using the deluxe edition model aren't they? -
Your job as commander is to micromanage. This means medding/upgrading/giving orders at the same time. If you can't do that you should either get better or not command at all as you're clearly incapable. I know which game you'r talking about as I was…
Well @Rantology I for one love the first five mockups you made and think its awesome we're finally getting some vibrancy in the otherwise bland col… -
Problem is fixed now, actually met @Mendasp ingame, turned out it was the lighting bug that was fixed this patch. Thanks for all the help! You can lo… -
Yeah reading the latest log it looks like I have a load of mods enabled but the only ones I have are fastjoin and some crosshairs from workshop. Maybe the others are maps that are needed server side? I'll delete everything in … -
here is my log:
The game only ran for around 5 minutes before it crashed, only happens when I'm taking plogs apparently. -
These are my NS2+ settings:
My ingame settings are 720p resolution with everything except particle quality o… -
I use all the performance enhancing tweaks on NS2+ but the fps is boost is minimal compared to playing vanilla NS2. On modded NS2 I play 720p resolution and everything off. Start with 60+ fps, dips to around 40 in combat and 25 lat… -
OK, would you like me to do it on a vanilla server too? -
This is an ongoing issue and predated the update. No, the only other mod I use is a crosshairs mod and the only other mods the server I play on use is shine administration. -
yeah I have, it's the actual presence of the mod itself. I read somewhere the more lua your pc has to process, the worse the performance. I think that's what is going on here. I have a potato pc so any extra fps I can squeeze out i… -
ok thanks. Is there anyway I can disable NS2+ or is it a requirement if the server runs it? As far as i'm aware it's the only mod that messes with my fps. If not, is the creator of NS2+ doing anything to optimise it? Thanks in adv…