I like it the way it is for constellation. It's so rare, that people often ask where I got my scoreboard icon. Shoulder decals I don't care too much about.
I think achievements that promote proper gameplay is fine, but be careful that you can't get too many of them by 'accident' by playing your first game. Also the hidden achievements is a fun idea, but what would happen is that someone would google it…
Not sure if this is relevant or not, but the ability to research some kind of food or growth stimulant, that allows you to feed or boost on kind of plant or fish in the area. Maybe you want to have more kelp or maybe you found some rare fish, that h…
Bees could also evolve the trait to bunch up on a marine and flap wings fast to increase the temperature and cook the marines, like the do with the killer wasps in asia. Check this fact if you haven't it's awesome
in New hive type Comment by Grimfang October 2014
Welcome back, the game keeps evolving, join a server and check it out
But achievements that require you to do something 100 times, or just be lucky are also things that are more special once you get them, and show them off. So it's something you show your friends, and that they would then play the game even more to ac…
I would agree with Ironhorse that the results are not reliable if you look at is as a measure of the patch in regards for the serversizes they do support. But I also agree that it's interesting that the patch has done so well for the server sizes th…
I think a mixture would be fine, if all achievements are done within an hour of playing, they aren't really achievements. Probably everyone should have 1-2 achievements after an hour, maybe 5 more after 10 hours, and then achievements could take may…
I really like that they keep them 'hidden' from the main public. While most of us like tinkering with things, then some things are best in the hands of 'proffesionals' and if you read what Ghoul writes, then he says that people who know what they ar…
While I'm all for being open and showing people what playtesters do, then from being a part of it myself, I remember that there was a lot of time spent just waiting around not really doing anything interesting. Maybe waiting for more to show up, for…
Okay, I though it was just some sort of checkbox, that was unset for those forums, but fine, I'll probably survive
A Mantis Shrimp
Most awesome creature
There are a number of boardgames that have a number of tiles, that are randomly placed for every game. While you might easily be able to identify the individual tiles, it makes for a new game every time. So if time permits, I would suggest leaving i…It sounds like a good idea, and while I don't play that much these days, I would like to help out. However while my skill level isn't that great, I think I have around 1000 hours gametime. So unless there would be a good reason for limiting for play…Maybe a possibility to attract certain fish or other creatures to follow you, or follow lights. Sort of like fireflies. These could perhaps be DNA mixed with other types of creatures to allow some sort of fish farms, or maybe shark guards that stay …I'm fairly okay with the loss/gains being permanent, but I think it's important that the player can decide, if he is willing to accept other players or their creations to influence his universe. The creations of other players in Spore is a nice touc…I just remembered this 'campaign' It was actually quite fun. Does anyone have more information about it? The website is unfortunately down.I think it's a great idea. Offering one of them as a reward of sorts is also going to bring in more attention. But I don't think UWE should spend too much efford on these machines, there might be a market for them, but I'm assuming most diehard fans…I have found that on the 30-40 slot servers, there tends to be more troilling and a worse community, since it's hard to pinpoint anyone. When I play on the 20 and below servers, it seems to be a better experience. Unfortunately if you are looking fo…The games NS and SN by UWE, make sure you get the order of letters correctSo how would SN differ from NS and is NS or NS the …
Some sort of achievements that isn't tracked would be nice. Like taking a photo as you mention. To compare to a game like wow, before they added the achievement system you could do a lot of things that gave you some cosmetic nice reward, that didn't…If it's any help, I haven't seen anything on twitter that isn't also on this section of the forum. It's really upsetting not getting your stuff, but you are not really nissing much in regards to twitterin 3 days, 3 attempts, 2 emails Comment by Grimfang November 2013
The soloplayer against structures is only good, if the rest of the team can keep the enemy occupied. I often take the role as well, and while it can distract the enemy team, and help on some level. If you are good at killing enemy players you probab…Good mod, is there anyway to figure out which servers have this? I would like to not crash when clogs are present.Thanks, I will try and find this mod, and see if I can get it working. Should be fairly easy to test.Kicked again, same file missing from my game...
Error: Couldn't open file 'models/alien/gorge/goowallnode.model'
Error: File 'models/alien/gorge/goowallnode.model' failed consistency check!
And as a test, whenever I build som…Sent you the as well.Error: Couldn't open file 'models/alien/gorge/goowallnode.model'
Error: File 'models/alien/gorge/goowallnode.model' failed consistency check!
I don't have that file.Happy Birthday. Thanks for a great year of many hours of gaming NS2, and really looking forward to seeing Eclipse againYou are still part of the constellation group, but since you donated to reinforced, and put in your forum email adress, the badge shown is the reinforced one. So you still have the constellation, but unfortunately you can't choose which to display a…