IeptBarakat · The most difficult name to speak ingame.
Warmup as it stands lacks depth and tech progression, which makes it a messy experience and one that makes it difficult for players to train in relative tech scenarios. I'm fine with the idea of speeding up round times but I'd like for the gamemode …
I use the ns1 chat/talk sound as my text notification, works well and doesn't sound out of place.
Sadly a lot of ns1 gameplay environments aren't possible to replicate due to how ns2 was designed, which is why ns2 remakes are often a recreation rather than a remaster.
Things I'd recommend from my experience with Eclipse:Remove the access alpha / east foyer vent connection as the rotation time for aliens compared to marines makes it feel impossible for marines to hold res in that area.
<…Could just block off the upper area, via wall or some combination of pipes or rocks.I did some checking and it seems like the last builds the round start music played on was around 275-276. 3 years ago.
I do miss those as well, there's an abundance of music choices ranging from new to old that would work.
They were added on build 217 but at some point, possibly prior to release they must've been trimmed from the game.If you wanted game ending impact from the next room couldn't you just nerf ink cloud so arcs aren't being countered?(Quote)
That's the downside of a small active playercount with such a wide skill gap, we may have seen the outcome played out hundreds of times but the new or lesser skilled haven't. Even if they don't believe they'll win they still might …(Quote)
That doesn't lend itself well to a server browser game, let alone a game with a low concurrent playercount.
Punishing players for leaving lost rounds that others don't want to end and blocking people from joining midgam…If there ever was a model update I'd want more marine tech to look like this, nice job.(Quote)
Technically a new hive gives you 1 biomass and each biomass level increases the health of any lifeform by a set amount dependent on said lifeform. It's negligible at first but can make a considerable difference by the late game.
A good lerk is easily more devastating to the marine team than your average fade, they have the tools for any situation and the movement to match. The only thing that prevents lerks from being completely overpowered against players of similar skill …I still call the gun no one researches an hmg even though it was shortened to mg and currently looks like an lmg.
As far as RT and Upgrade Chambers go that can be excused for a general structure type classification, and it's often either…While NS2 isn't specifically balanced with only competitive players in mind, they are a large consideration in how the game is balanced, even if a large portion of them hardly even played regu…(Quote)
Webs were nerfed into oblivion anyways, they don't snare jetpack users nor do they prevent people from firing, they're by far more visible than their ns1 counterpart, all webs do now is just parasite marines and slow them down by a…(Quote)
Too be frank it hardly changed in years, not that I believe it would drastically change how the game is played at least in the public space.I'm fine with it, having to evolve upgrades every time you spawn can reach a point of tedium if you die a lot. Similarly to the change that made it so marines don't have to go to the armory to collect ammo every time they respawn as well. Not to men…I think primarily using projectile type weapons, as in not hitscan, would be a must for a ranged/melee race.
Similarly to the Fade from NS1 with acid rockets, but swap the damage a little.(Quote)
Brilliant. Imagine being able to utilize macs to retrieve fallen equipment and dropping them next to an armory, or deliver the equipment to a marine like a dota carrier.
That is why the NS2+ option was created sooner than later.(Quote)
The developer in question doesn't even work for UWE anymore, a lot of proposed things were likely either changed, dropped, or forgotten about since they left. That confirmation being one of them.
Though now it's an opti…(Quote)
Muscle memory is one hell of a drug.(Quote)
Not to mention the weaponslot for umbra is placed ahead of spores despite being tied to a later biomass
Announcing? Hasn't this been out for a year already?