I love the idea of building at the moonpool and think it should be standard. Being forced to build a PRAWN at the surface seems strange to me. Of course, the moonpool shouldn't be allowed to build the Cyclops. That should be surface only due to the …
Part of my problem is that the max depth of the fully upgraded seamoth vs that of the other vehicles means that it is more practical to use the Cyclops and PRAWN. The problem with the PRAWN is that it can be a pain to get places sometimes, which lea…
I think that they shouldn't be able to warp you out of a vehicle. If you are out in the open, that is one thing, but if their attack hits the prawn, seamoth, or cyclops it should just damage the hull, forcing you to go outside to repair it. That way…
Why not just change the recipe to use Titanium? Copper is now so valuable since it's needed in everything since the computer chip now uses it and gold instead of silver.
I think it should be somewhere between 2 and 3. The small fish should do small amounts of damage, but maybe you could also scare them away temporarily with the horn but risk drawing larger, more damaging creatures? It still feels strange that a bone…
I don't see any reason why time would need to continue in game when alt tabbed, especially since we can sleep to morning since the bed update. Any other use (farming/ battery charging) would probably be considered cheating if you didn't have to worr…
What happens if your Cyclops gets destroyed in a narrow passage in the Lost River? If it's permanent, couldn't it make it impossible (or at least extremely difficult) to progress past that point with a vehicle?
The devs seem set against violence, so if they did this they would probably create a mesmer nest and put them there or just have them spawn in mesmer territory.
What about having a recipe for bottles and you can have the station refill bottles, but it will not generate water unless there is a free bottle in its inventory? Perhaps it would be able to store a few bottles at a time.
it should be a percentage chance. Maybe a 30% chance that a stalker drops teeth when it dies.
Why not make them rechargeable cells that can be placed on a wall that will increase the power storage limit of a base?
I think that weather could be cool, but it would be hard to implement well. Weather, I assume, would most likely be some form of cloud/rain system, and while it would be visually appealing, it could negatively affect solar power production. Since so…
A central power bank would be cool. Maybe you could have power storage like the life pod that could be placed on walls and a large one for the center of the MP room. These could work like the current system of power storage, but would hold power cen…