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  • (Quote)
    Thank you for the info. Very nice to hear, that you're still working on it.
    You might consider putting something along the lines of what you just wrote, so that players know what's going on. Also, you are still linking to the…
  • (Quote) Stop being a blind fanboy and fight for the game you hopefully love. We haven't been rude to the Devs at any time, and you've got it backwards; the Devs not contacting us has nothing to do with how we're writing and everything to do with …
  • I understand, and accept, that Subnautica will never be a game without bugs, but this is just not good enough.
    Do the Devs even read these forums, or do they just not care? There is no way, that I've been able to find, of getting direct contac…
  • See that's pretty much my biggest problem with this whole situation. It's been 5 MONTHS since the Little Big Update...
    Where are the fixes? If they are aware of the problem, then why haven't they addressed it? And it's been total radio silence…
  • My system is running as it always has. No problems there.
    In the primary containment facility I'm at a constant 15 FPS using 20% CPU, 2.2 GB RAM (I have 16 GB) and 95-100% GPU.
    As I wrote, it's a GTX 1060M. Not the fastest GPU, but it ha…
  • Yeah, so no activity here, and no response from the Devs I see.
    This was my favourite game of all time, and since the update it is, atm, unplayable with the amount of bugs I'm seeing. Not to mention the FPS drops.
    I was getting round 40-…