No need trying to explain. You wouldn't get it.
Great point. You and currently can use God Mode on your server while we have our own events going on. You can call it, "Playing with each other" on Gibs Gorge Hut. lol -
Thank you. Cya there. Just so you know, this will mean the 250+hr server will be empty. With player base shrinking rapidly, we never expected to fill them all. We intend to use them in different ways.
That last stat sho… -
I had 30 NS servers during that time period. I can only play on one server at a time. If it had not been for my testing new features with NSAdmin, we wouldn't have had health on armories, teleports for marines, and other nice goodi… -
lol the spin continues. -
Ouch, admin using god mode during game. That's never good. -
It is very laggy, and lots of ping fluctuations. The tick rates range wildly also. Just something I noticed when I was on it the other day. -
It checks Hive Stats, NS2Stats, and your steam profile.
"Also, I have been running NS servers for 11 years. Using your "join date", that would put my experience ahead of yours by 10+ years. That in it's self doesn't mean I am "more knowledgeable" about NS2 servers. But, it would mean I … -
This is simply not true. Again, feel free to believe whatever you want. We have NEVER ban anyone for KDR. We have ban several hundred idiots for pubstomping on a ROOKIE ONLY server. Guilty as charged. -
You were ban on hive 1, just so you know. I never had any discussions with you regarding reserve slots, and the first time I had seen any reserve slot system in NS2 was with Shine. Although, I did have a reserve slot, redirection s… -
Agreed on both fronts. As for "rubber banding", the only time that's ever an issue, is very late game (one that's been running a long long time, with a lot of entities), or when a server isn't restarted like it's suppose to. We res… -
I looked into your ban. You were smurfing under the name Bob Dole, and ban said "trolling, and using the N word".
ID: 5176141. Name: Bob Dole. Time remaining: Forever. Reason: trolling, and using the N word
… -
Everything "lags" the server; that an admin uses as a tool. The simple act of logging into Remote Desktop, lags server. A portal (if one is available), lags server. Every player that joins a game, causes some lag in a server. Creat… -
For the most part, you are correct. It depends on what you use it for, actually. Server performance is also based on the type of machine running the server. Most people skimp on the type of server they run their game(s) on. They do… -
You're welcome. It's for people like you, why we do it. It's not all that hard really being respectful to others. Why some, have a hard time with it, I can't figure out.
Server side performance is better than it's been … -
It's shameful to see this type of trolling allowed here. That' most troubling. Furthermore, why do you feel the need to hijack the topic that was started? Your content has absolutely nothing to do with the subject matter. I was und… -
For those interested in why Matt50 was ban, here is just an example for the reason. -
Agreed. But, if I did that; it would be me and you in server. LOL Seriously, not many people have over 2k hours to fill up a server.
However, I will create events for competitive players with exceptional skill, and expe… -
Yeah, there are a lot of "competitive" players that play here. They are a great resource to learn from. Good news for you, we did the filtering for elitism already. There are only a few with that attitude, but sometimes the loudest… -
Funny, as in haha funny. None of those 11 have ever played on our servers before.
As a playtester, it's amazing how, part of that job is to test NEW things. You simply can't do your job without trying out NEW things. Fo… -
Easy to "heavily disagree" when you've never played on it. Facts are turning out to prove you're opinion wrong.
Have a nice day. -
There you have it. -
Well, the 500+hr server is full at this time. Just beginning to seed for the day too. -
Of course, anyone with more than 75hrs can join any server we have, expect the Rookie Only (for obvious reasons). You can use the word "brackets" if you want, but we're not trying to segregate players in those "brackets". Our goal … -
We look at 3 different criteria to determine "experience". Hive Stats, NS2Stats, and Steam Profile hours. So, yes to your question. -
Please note, I used the word "SOME". I agree with you 100% though. -
I get lots of questions about "Why can't I join the server! I have over 1000 hours in game." ANSWER: Your Steam Profil… -
We have ban over 400 players for joining the Rookie ONLY server that have over 200+hrs. (1 was a Playtester, 4 were competitive players). The server is labeled GREEN, and Rookie ONLY, yet 400 yahoos join to pubstomp brand ne… -
Player slots will not change. Please accept the fact, it's set to 24, and not changing. We have already tried different player slots. In fact, we changed player slots for 6 months, and the over whelming response was; peop… -
UPDATE: 1/29/14
After running Rookie Free servers the last 10days, or so; has proven to be a big hit!
We have seen:
1) more balanced game play
2) more team work
3) very intense battles
4) …