I too would love onoscide being default for turtle breakers but the Devs have already claimed that was game breaking despite people playing there for years happily and evenly...... We are just finishing up the total reversion to th… -
I would like to say that the recent activity of the Dev team begs the question, why? ....... Just why? ............ We had balance and players and you traded in 300 vets that seeded the game for newcomers for 12 rookies and 80 or so people that said…
I think closing the update 295 comments section was a bad decision considering how many people play NS2 (which is still very few overall) and how many of those people have criticism or comments regarding reasons for some questionable choices in unwa…
That giveaway was Christmas specific and served its purposes completely. That was one giveaway for one and two, I only gave You crap the last time You were there because You did me the last time before that. I made my point. I am done with it. yes i…
Thank You for complaining about these known issues to them.. I hope it becomes more difficult for them to delude themselves into thinking they do not exist Aim To Please Update (279) Released! - Natural Selection 2 Comment by KittyAttack January 2016
Very true and the 279 update made that lag so horrendous in my personal experience that it is a joke for me to even bother playing as nothing connects while You get insta gibbed around corners. I would say it is closer to a .5 to a… -
Wow, You broke hit reg in this last update for me and caused lots of hitching... Cannot play anymore. I also heard all NS2+ servers have an even worse time with hit reg and lag now than a a normal non NS2+ server..... So Please just roll this update…
Make NS3 more like the Original Natural Selection. Move away from E-sports and the player base will be much higher. Natural Selection 3 would be awesome if they followed the player base statistics as a model. NS1 Remade for a new e… -
I wish they would do some aggressive beta testing before making all the kids cry and swear off of NS2. Build 2.78 features: CDT breaks hit reg for Christmas!! Awesome job punishing all the naughty kids! All we need now is a patch to prevent everyone…
I have spent nearly 2,500 hours of my time over the last three years playing Natural Selection 2. It is the only multi player game I actually like or ever loved. I have never invested time in a game until Natural Selection 2. This game has done so m…
Do not Worry WasabiOne is makeing the fixes. Wait at at least a week and Make sure to register at the hive first so He can enable it. IF Nothing happens After a week or two Then send him a small PM.
in Can't see my NS2WC Silver Badge Comment by KittyAttack December 2013
Thank you it is finally fixed
nice email..... -.- sarcasm... Still does nothing and I already did that. For those of you who were told to register at the Hive and arrange you badges before you got your World Supporter Championship Badge, It is a waste of time... had 6 people tel…
WOW...I feel robbed as I signed up now..Never going to support again if I do not get my badge >.> Never had a problem with my babbler badges. This is an epic fail on Unknown Worlds part. I demand My badge or a refund!
I have the receipt for my $10 support badge and never got it either I am really pissed.