I got layers for occlusion geo, for whole areas of the map, one for props, etc, and i have one or two temporary layers when i need details. Just put everything you really need in it, hide everything else, go from there.
That said, be car… -
2) It can be props and/or geo, doesn't matter. But make sure you add them to the Vents 'LAYER', not the group (there isn't even a special group like OcclussionGeometry for vents as far as i know). It's one of those weird things you just have to know.
I think he said that in the scaling you have to set the value to negative, in your case the scale value for x goes from 1, to -1.
Editor is a little broken right now.
Just launch the game, open the console and type:
map ns2_mapname
Just change "mapname" with your map (obviously). -
You wait... until they patch it.
That or play whack-a-mole with the props and hope you get lucky.
OR download the cache from someone. I remember a download link to it somewhere on these forums. (note, the 'new' .255 thumbnails are going … -
What you could do is the following:
Draw the line you want to be horizontal on the grid, and select the whole line. Move the vertex on top of the existing vertex (the one not on the grid). Delete the vertex you just dragged o… -
Hell, if hes asking, i'm answering if i know the solution. At least it keeps me from getting bored.
You can simply place the Infantry Portal Entity near all your tech points, and set the onlyexplore property of the portal to false. Spawns the portal exactly where you placed it, and only where you spawn as marine.
For other structures i got n… -
Smash dem big bad bugs! -
Weird, the material/dev floor texture changed to the 128x128 dev wall texture, but the properties are for the actual floor texture making it look smaller than the wall texture really is with a 1/1 scale. Didn't have problems with that yesterday. I s…
Any chance you can upload your map? I can't see anything wrong with grates when i build on top of them. (just zip it, .level files aren't allowed to be uploaded)
In case you can't upload, what exact grate are you using? -
Its maps like this that make me wonder why i even try to make maps.
You can't beat this! >.< -
You could try making the surface under the grating CommanderNoBuild (or whatever the layer is called)
Don't think it fixes your problem, but its worth a try. -
^ I love sarcasm.
Isn't it the other way around most, if not all the time? Where Americans expect the rest of the world to adjust to them?
And yes, i take insult to that. -
I simply create a temporary layer, find a piece of geometry, double click it so all the geometry gets selected, add it to said layer and disable all the layers. Whats left are vertices that aren't connected to anything. I simply remove those one by …
Goodie, thanks, now to update 2 posts. ;D
I have to ask, how do you embed videos? I mean properly, whenever i do it it seems half-assed.
For props - Go to the properties -> Commander Alpha -> 0
For geometry - Add to 'CommanderInvisible' group, no quotes obviously.
I don't know what you did with the CommanderInvisible group, but it seems to work just fine for m… -
If what i think you want is correct, this should help a little.
Drawing lines in circles seems to be a problem, unless you hold 'Alt' while drawing things. Makes everything snap to vertices.
in [Spark Editor] Where do I begin? Comment by Krozu August 2013 -
Goodie, just as i got bored.
I can't seem to do your name right with the '@'. Dem spaces in names. Screenshots are added though.
Oops <.<
Fixed -
Same thing as the last post, however i didn't expect the following to happen.
Also, forgive me, it is a video. If it wasn't you might not understand why it's The Post Your Screenshots Thread! Comment by Krozu August 2013
Double helix says "Hello!".
Not as impressive as the rest, but nice anyway.
Looks a lot better ingame though, can actually see the electricity zap around!
Nothing beats a video.
Good thing you're not as lazy as me!My way of doing it might be a little faster than yours. See for yourself:
I simply copy the shape to some other place on the face, like you did. (2)
Then i simply pick a vertex and draw 2 lines, one horizontal, the other vertical. …For the qwerty users, imagine using these hotkeys for the commander grid:
A pain in the ass? Yes, yes it is.
How is it even possible that we can't rebind those keys.
When the game launched, i could understand why, b…Warning No formatter is installed for the format ipbWarning No formatter is installed for the format ipb