So far most suggestions go into the Fantasy direction ?
What about basing it on realism instead
similar to "this war of mine", games where you can play as an attack helicopter.
For example, you play as a refugee on a gummiboa… -
- A shooter with modular switching levelparts
(futureperfect +)
- A smallmorpg w… -
Knowing the guy who phoned Flayra in the middle of the night and asked this particular question.
To repeat his words:
He believes that Flayra said its Oni, while he wasn´t so sure if he pressured him into that answer.Actually Yes.
SC1´s Triggersystem was interesting. Some quick tests, 3 pads on the ground and the very first "pick your Hero"-Minigame was born.
Nowadays the little "pick your Hero"-triggerscript has evolved to some dreaded and feared de…Incase anyone was wondering: all this new hotloading stuff instead of compiling fixed hl1-maps for 4hours on lan with a friend,
what i always wanted to do was create a living map, one that is capable of changing itself.
For example collapsing hallways, creating…reminds me a lil bit of this new pc game about War, the constant struggle for cigarettes and lipstick
but as far as we all know Hugh´s clothingbehaivor,
he´s most likely going to tell the wild animals that he´s dangerous and poison…#216
lets title it "swimming in soft cushions" (montyphyton)maybe futuristic colonalisation is more aligned towards:
1. send an AI-ship there
2. get the AI to extract biological essences from the planet
3. get the AI to rebreed its own , to the planet adopted, kind of 85%humanlike organismn…no clue where to put this,
but apparently cobalt is required to build oxygen crystals, that can potentially allow diving without tanks:…The term Animal includes beeing aggressive already, you can turn every cute little squirrel into a kamikazekillermachine if you find the right trigger,
for example getting a predator near its nest: in Aggressive animals Comment by Lachdanan November 2014When mining overhead resources, they should not only drag you to the ground but also crush/swat you by the falling rock.
Would also provide unstable caves.Have a feeling that the goal should be:
-Establish a Sattelitenetwork back to Spacestation ForwardearthbaseOne and tell them that this planet isn´t safe vor MassKolonisation yet.
You probably won´t sent Millions of Settlers right into th…Wait a minute.
If Firaxis is allowed to have Firaxite as a resource in their games,
shouldn´t we be technically allowed to use "Uwerium" for our nuclear warheads and bomb them out ?
War has been declared !
F…Technical question:
If one segment of your sub is flooded, are Warpers able to warp in ?
For instance, a animal that only eats bones like the "bearded vulture" doessuch a cutie.we should totally be able to drive the mothersub into a tree (kelp).
Don´t drink and drive!
As i understood it, the mothersub is like a floating headquarter that circles slowly in a huge area, inorder for you to find it easier it i…various plantlife like Koosh
Shrooms, blooms, glooms, doomers, noozlers, oozys, boozers, woozilies, tootsies, moochers, loomers, hookers
and the well known goonieswhat can be useful for ^^There also could be different methods to harvesting "resources"
Excractors: slow and unpolluted, needs manual caretaking
Pipelines: middle measure, most work to build, rangelimitation
Harvesters: fast and polluting, full automated<…(Quote) Irregardless.
Package delivered.
Added to willow´s idea:
I actually find its necessary to promote "scout for resources" , his tracking-idea sounds interesting, forcing us to sneak into close range and tag a deepsea…What if we have to research nanite based oxygen supply generators first ?The little grain of salt that ol Bitey did put into the wounds of truth.
Just because we are underwater you don´t need to slap seaweed every 4seconds in our face. Thanks.Zombiesharks
Mechanazi-Zombiesharks with Superheropowers
SuperPowerrangerMechanazi-Zombiesharks .... on RAILS
Sharkskelletons (who would expect a underwatergame without shark…Excitet too.
In high antiception for a little "slower" gameplay which could be in stark contrast to the modern overspeeded things like PoE or RiskofRain,
a underwatergame "could" provide the necessary athmosphere for that.
We need moar OhnoeseggsWarning No formatter is installed for the format ipbWarning No formatter is installed for the format ipbWarning No formatter is installed for the format ipbWarning No formatter is installed for the format ipb