If they are taking that function out, it seems as though you would only be able to build on top of the terrain, I'd rather they just built a function in to clear the cache each time the game loads!
in This games unplayableComment by LaneEatsBrainsNovember 2016
I have not used the Terraforming tool once in my saved game, and still have the issue.
So this "sorta" worked for me, no more crashing around high rendered area's BUT, because my bases are all built into the ground, all of my bases were then filled with sand and stone
in This games unplayableComment by LaneEatsBrainsNovember 2016
I've been too scared to even attempt a shot with the statis rifle I might try it tonight though...
You can scan all the dangerous animals by using the stasis rifle. It will freeze an object for a short length of time. This allows you to get close up to scan and also to see them in greater detail.
If you already have a Cyclops with external power, park it close enough to newly created bases to automatically funnel power from the Cyclops to the base. That allows you to provide temporary power while building.
in Top Tips For all things Subnautica.Comment by LaneEatsBrainsJanuary 2016