Devs, any news on the livestream? Twitch chat is in desperate need of moderators, so if you've said anything there, it *was* missed.
Yeah, I think 1 power cell charges like 7 others with the efficiency module (though it's like 5-6 without it, so it's not just the module's fault). I personally also have solar panels strapped to the top of my Cyclops from a bajillion months ago whe…
I'd like to point out that the developers have a Discord, which is a super-easy way to contact them in real time if need be. There's also lots of experienced players who can probably help with most issues you could have. It's also just a fun place t…
When did phase gates get added to the lore? -
If you use the power efficiency module (I don't know if it effects this), you can recharge one power cell for 11 points of power. Each power cell has 200.
Scanned a Reaper Leviathan without using a stasis field. Also a Crabsquid. And a Bone Shark (this one was actually the hardest).
(Quote) Probably like there Reapers. They probably just don't care. Though, this is a concerning number of them, it seems a bit too coordinated for that, so we'll see.
Welcome back bugzapper!
I'd ask the modders, when they show up, not the devs. Modders have WAY more time and manpower than any team of devs could ever hope to. Strength in numbers!"@fwyrl we're not sure about soundtrack, but you can listen to it here: https://soundcloud.com/subnau…I like this. It's different from Aurora Falls, but it's good. I feel like the log format works well. You nailed it much better than I did in my attempts.Everyone who has the game atm will get a cutefish, which will be harmless. And immortal. (I asked a dev about this in the discord voice earlier today, actually)There's one problem I've not seen really brought to light with this proposal: bugs. Right now, tell game has bugs. Lots of them. And worth some of them, without console, you're screwed. At least 5 times I've needed to open up console because somethi…That was a good story! Thanks for sharing it with us, Bugzapper!(Quote)
Please remember to keep your quotes short, and try not to waste Bugzapper's time, thanks. Also, you're being a jerk. Stop.
-A fan of Aurora Falls.(Quote)
I'd not thought about that, yeah, the original client would have to send those events as well. Though the image is funny.Wow... just... wow. I got cold chills down my spine with the water reveal! Keep it up!(Quote)
That's good to know, it gives me a starting point, though Unity accepts like 15 different programming languages. My guess is some variant on C, like C++ or C#.Just for the record, I am 1 of I'm sure many silent followers, checking the thread constantly for the next update. I may not post, almost ever, but I love the story! Keep it up!Ok, well I guess that answers my question then, thanks. It's too bad, but I guess I'll just have to wait.So happy to see him help outKeep it up!
I think mp could be nodded in using only alteration/addition of code, I don't think you'd need more assets. By this reasoning, you'd be able to release an installer that would edit the code of a particular version of subby to match the mp mod's code…Either just drop it, or, better, just check if there's room before-hand.How long do these posts take to write?Wow... Just... Wow. These last two chapters... Can't wait for more!
Edit: Just realised, he's bringing a reaper to a gun fight.(Quote)
I think this is my favorite part of the story so far, it captures perfectly how people respond in situations like this. This should be fun(Quote)Well, there were some pretty major updates to the Floater Island & base. Also changes to the Blood Kelp, Koosh zone, and potentially a few others.
They've also added a short-range communicator, but it…Have you seen the... update.. to certain relics of the past that I don't want to give too much spoilers about? If so, is the story going to reflect that, or are you going to continue working with the build you had when you started the story?OP's base makes those multipurpose rooms look so spacious XD.
MFW I finally have all of my base done, but two parts: the last Seamoth Modification for my third Moonpool, and Signs. Then, that update, they remove bps for both. CAN I NOT H…It's supposed to be in the experemental build, but they broke it during the last major update. According to the devs, it should be fixed tomorrow. I take that to mean soon.