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  • I wouldn't tend to make the handheld flashlight brighter by default, but give it the workbench upgrade "increased brightness" or something, as the "deep-diving helmet" would be an upgrade of the flashlight, too.
  • Would be nice to have someone to talk to (ingame) as people in solitude tend to turn insane quite fast.
  • Totally agree with Kalimando, logically there will be deep ocean with monstrous creatures on this planet. Also, I like the artwork of the ship, hope they will get implemented some day. It looks like there could be a constructor in it.

    @ …
  • (Quote) I don't think i stated my point here: once you build a base, it's magically full of fresh air! So where does it come from? Of course one could explain that one extracted the soluted oxygen out of the water, but that's kind of ... ya know.…
  • how about crossbreeding peepers with oculus ?
  • I thought of something like this (found the post again, down on page one), personally I just liked the concept art, cyclops would have place for that, so w…
  • Suggestions for repairing auto-sprinklers: as the darkmatter reactor might just be a steam plant for the actual engine (would make sense as it is not directly near it), there will be a major intersection for water distribution, which may have been o…
  • Simply don't make lethal blast-torpedos, finding a non-lethal sci-fi variant will be easy. Someone mentioned turrets ? Would be a great idea for a boss fight: distract him, so that your turret can get the loot (piece of armor or something) from the …
  • I personally like the idea of aircrafts, also 04Leonhardt's ideas about what's about to come to the aurora. But instead of making the flight deck the place to find your aircraft blueprint, i'd make it another entry to blocked passages of the aurora;…
  • I thought of some kind of aircraft too, but more of a helicopter (more intuitive controls) for getting access to parts of the aurora. Generally, there aren't any wepons meant as lethal implemented in the game and this will stay so (as far as i know)…
  • Things i would love to see:

    1. Escape pod for Cyclops (somebody mentioned before, not my idea)
    2. CCTV and/or Proximity sensors for maneuvering (both not my own ideas either)
    3. Bulkheads closing automatically when docking/un…
  • Great idea; I'm always having problems parking my Cylops, so CCTV on my back would be great. As i am hoping for even bigger submarines, these would definitely make sense. Would give my base some sort of sense as a monitoring room, as i currently us…