Honestly...that's tame compared to the sigs people used to have in message boards like this. I mean I'm only 23 but I can still remember huge ass reaper sized signatures in the good ol' GameFAQs forums and such.
You guys have gone above and beyond in answering the questions and concerns brought up, and with just what your company is doing in general, thank you so muchin Subnautica Water Bottles now available! Each 1 sold gives 5 years clean water to 1 person in Africa Comment by Lhast June 2016
Oh wow, I actually only just realized you said you were in the middle of building it when it happened, that's entirely new to me. I've only ever gotten that glitch when actually using the moonpool with the seamoth, I'm guessing yo… -
Is it really that hard to ignore the threads you aren't interested in? You don't have to put others down, especially so harshly, simply because you don't agree with their sentiment. Bad posters turn forums into garbage, not bad p… -
Oooh now if that isn't just the perfect shade of blue to represent Subnautica...great idea, I love seeing gaming get so involved with charity work there's honestly so much room for it in the industry and I hope more see this and realize the sort of …
I know what you mean by this, because for some reason I love falling asleep while my games are paused...so I've had that freeze happen, but also another where I've been trying to build this one piece of a base, an l corridor I beli… -
I absolutely love the design of the Hoopfish, I'm gonna make an aquarium solely for those little guys.
Ahh, that's definitely what they meant, sorry for any confusion caused OP :P Well, I would also highly recommend adding that option then, as I could imagine closing the whole game just to return to the menu is quite annoying. -
Think you could replicate this somehow and take screenshots/vids? Because the moonpool/stuck underwater glitch is known, but actually being half inside the ground is new to me at least :P I had the bright idea of putting a moonpo… -
Do you mean the pause menu doesn't show up? Because that's a glitch I know of on the Xbox version, something to do with the scanner, it stops scanning and then all menus disappear including the PDA and pause so saving is almost impossible.
I've come across the same phenomenon, only with the way mine is positioned it's just a thin layer of water along the floor so I actually kinda like how it looks :P -
...so what's the point of even having this section then? I'm willing to bet they're more than open to any possible ideas. It's not like they have to even read this, much less actually try implementing anything. -
To be fair, this is the "Ideas and Suggestions" area, so I'd say it's quite appropriate :P -
...honestly I have no idea haha, I'm assuming something along the lines of sharing your PC and Xbox via network, then transferring that way somehow. But I've been using this handy little website xboxdvr.…
Okay good I was hoping I just wasn't completely going insane haha, I'm glad you've actually got evidence of the size difference, thank you for settling that questionin So am I just crazy or... Comment by Lhast June 2016
I have some recordings I'll embed right here, they give pretty good reference frames for his size although I'll admit that both times he took me by complete surprise, and these incidents definitely happened at least a few days apar… -
To be fair, most of those threads are still made quite a bit :P But I do agree, while I was hoping this game would have multiplayer from the start I really wanna see it succeed as it is now that I've gotten so entrenched playing i… -
Sounds great, add me if you want at LhastGunslynger
Thanks for taking the time to respond guys, this sort of speculation and discussion is the heart of forums in my opinion :P This game has just poked and prodded my imagination in such subtle ways and I absolutely love it, it's the only game so far …
I'm quite sure an update added "infinite" resources but I could be wrong
The part I took exception to in Delfin's post was claiming that something like this was very low on the dev's priority. This is a way to open gaming to an entire new world and while I'm not hearing impaired myself I'd love to see … -
I have not seen the Reaper in the wild either, and I've never used the console commands to spawn one.
That's how I've been using it so far as well. Everything to me is in varying terms of the Aurora, the lifepod and Floater Island. Plus there's nothing else like it in the game (usable ones at least...) so if anything it's purely … -
I like how crazy the doors drive me, I literally think my character is hallucinating them, ever since I finally lasered one opened and a rogue Rabbit Ray rushed right by me at the exact moment it opened...as for the cheating aspect… -
I completely and utterly agree with every statement in that post. The bugs are obviously to be expected and the only ones that are actually worth getting frustrated over are the crashes and fragments because they tend to hinder progress quite a bit…
Hey, someone else who enjoys being a hopeful Tom Hanks with a penchant for technology...I too have been placing comm relays around variously drifting farther and farther from the lifepod, but with no luck receiving any new messages thus far. One of…
Honestly, it's kind of creepier to me that the more massive creatures are humanish. Sort of that uncanny valley where stuff just...shouldn't look like that.
Oooh rock puncher larva would make sense they look quite similar, if much smaller obviously. I hope the rock puncher actually adds some threat to the seemingly indestructible bases we build.
I believe I found this one down in … -
Yeah I can't fabricate it, even bringing the necessary materials doesn't make it show up like some things -
Ah, I didn't realize they were a known thing, I have a play time of like 4 total days now and this is the first time I ran across one haha so I thought it was rare :P Are they affected by the propulsion cannon? I wanna keep one...