Looks to mee like you are having the same draw distance issue that several other people have had in the newest update, it starts out light enough but at it's gets progressively worse until it stops loading several things in resulting in weird empty …
for me it got so bad the ground stopped loading while in the mushroom forest and gravity just... stopped as I found tons of scannable stuff floating near the surface
piece of scrap nope, try phasing through the god damn ground because it's not loading properly.
Soo, either the newest update fixed the issue, or Halios was right about the overclock thing, as I changed some of my graphics settings in MSI afterburner to see if that would help but didn't get back to the lost river before the newest update hit, …
Same here, for me it's a ridiculous amount of pop in, it's like the draw distance has been put to permanent minimum it's so bad even turning on the object fade thingy doesn't help at all and things will pop in literally right in front of your eyes n…
Sooo, update time, I can't really test this at the moment anymore since my save decided to break during my last test which honestly really sucks, will work to get back there but it will take time.
the thing doesn't SEEM to be overclocking as far as I can tell then again I am not really sure what to look for
I don't think I am overclocking it, as I have never done such a thing in my life myself so I can't actually tell, as I have no idea how to check, the computer itself is pretty new so it MIGHT be the issue I honestly can't tell
my graphics card is a gtx1060, there is no way it should have problems rendering subnautica and yes the drivers are up to date
I am having these crashes too, though strangely enough they are only occurring in the Lava Zone and Lost River Biomes, might happen in Ghost area too but then I never stay in that area for very long so I can't really say, anyone else having these cr…
Love the game, really do, hope to see more in the future