Also, if it's a bee simulation game, add owning two top bar hives to my qualifications
I think… -
I would hope they are verifying memory, not files.
This is brilliant.
(Quote) Nuggets of truth in lies and slander!
Why did I instantly pick out the three letter word on the top of the left arm of the red cross?
(Quote) Aqua NS2? Kharaa sharks?
This is my favorite NS2 fanart as it stands. I would love to see more. More gorge or more other NS2 by you. Don't care. Moar.… -
(Quote) Off topic :P
Oh, and you're an upstanding gent, thanks for weighing in. I know my counters are not 100%, but a lot of the details and implementation is left up in the air.
@Nazo Totally. I am honestly just agreeing with you.
Because (Quote) -
Well, I appreciate that you reread it
@DC_Darkling (Quote) What does this mean? This sounds really expensive.
This hit me during 255-256 going gorge near a hive and clogs. Server state I cannot recall, but f4ing was the only available option.
@dushan treating the game like a voice chat program, esp in cases like developing/playtesting mods. If you aren't in game you cant hear requests from a modder etc. Out …
I'm glad for the positive feedback. Presenting this to players in matches has also yielded positive feedback. Also one comment of "Thats not until NS3" x.x
(Quote) Heartily agree. Lifeform eggs shouldn't count against egg total and should not… -
Oh, I hadn't thought of that. However, that would necessitate changing marines dc behavior as well. -
Well, a fully upgraded gorge would have lost 3 pres already. Onos 24. Think that's already covered. Unless it might make sense to do it the other way around. Maintain All existing upgrades and require the cost of 3 upgrades to take the egg.
Colt: my only counter to that is the risk and amount of time lost for both players in order to field someone like this. You have to be safe in your hive AND have spare eggs AND deal with the time it takes for an egg to 'build' commander egg style, w…If you would like to pursue potential networking errors further (you have nothing conclusive for or against networking) my first step has always been to just run 'ping <ip> -t'
This will run ping forever until you press ctrl+c (whi…There appears to be no issues based on network.
There's a yellow flag in that you are running 32bit windows on a 64bit capable processor. You might research if it's possible to install the 64bit version of windows with that same cd key. …I can tell you that having a router in your path with 100% drop rate is not unusual or bad. All it means is that the router in question is not responding to pings (which is an option most routers have). This is commonly used in locations with concer…Warning No formatter is installed for the format ipbWarning No formatter is installed for the format ipbWarning No formatter is installed for the format ipbWarning No formatter is installed for the format ipbWarning No formatter is installed for the format ipbWarning No formatter is installed for the format ipbWarning No formatter is installed for the format ipbWarning No formatter is installed for the format ipb