@Watsong DnSpy allows you to conveniently edit and recompile only the method that you want to edit. That option is in the context menu.
Let me chime in this interesting programming discussion, and provide some info on the battery implementation in the game. (Even though I haven't read everything in detail, there's quite a lot of info herein Please Fix the Battery Creation and Recharge Exploits Comment by MarijnS95 October 2017
(Quote) We as well; we keep getting questions a la "when is this out???" "halp me install plez?!?!". Worst is some guys in our discord server; they keep asking every other day "is it out yet??" when we've explicitly told them it takes time; and t…
@Soul_Rider Check step 4: Inject NitroxPatcher into Assembly-CSharp. That is not Subnautica.exe.
The disclaimer is mostly pointed a… -
(Quote) It's still there, I even updated it a couple days ago. Check the wiki
You don't need to do anything with… -
If not, then there's no point in installing this mod just yet. It's still in development and work in progress. It will break your game and saves.
I've so far advised everyone who's not a programmer and not willi… -
@lordoffiling Those are some story elements I haven't even thought about yet! Would definitely be cool to see that happen some day, but for now we're working on g…
(Quote) Well everything is easy, as long as you spend (or have spent) enough time practicing. For me it makes a lot of sense after all these years, but I still learn new things every day
in Multiplayer Mod Update Comment by MarijnS95 September 2017
This may sound rude, but in my opinion it is really, really hard to assist in development when you have little knowledge of game internals and/or coding in general. In other words, I suggest you to pract… -
(Quote) Of course you can, no need to ask
Look at the GitHub repo, and for now at the Trello (we will… -
(Quote) Then I assume you want to contribute after installing?
Otherwise there's no point in learning how to install this mod specifically.
Let me try to word that differently.
The current tartget audience for this mod are people who know how to code, so that they can help get this mod released faster, and make it better overall.
The instructions are written at a…