I think this is a great angle - players should have to balance not only their own air supply, but if they craft a diving suit, its battery power. Have you checked out power generation in Space Engineers? You can craft a power react… -
Or a map like in the prototypes would be fantastic!
I have had this same issue, where you craft an item and it moves down to the inventory bar on the bottom and then disappears, yep its frustrating with a high cost item like the constructor, have logged a bug report for it when it happened.
I think you could take it a step further,
From what I have played sofar with the crash, it would be amazing to have an AI computer compainion, kinda like how Tony Stark has Jarvis - who is there from the get go, you got… -
so about as useful as a wet paper towel then?
If you go down to about 500ft, look out for large clusters of narwhales, there is usually a dead one, most of the time its been near a cave opening or ridge. The dead horns are bright green to make them easier to see
in get horn(prototype 5) Comment by MaverickNZ October 2014
I think it would be cool to have a degree of customisation over your diving suit, (coming from a SCUBA diver
) where you can re…
Have you guys checked out how they handle mining in Space Engineers? I think its actually really cool how you have to scan to find the location of buried minerals and drill them out (of the destructable terrain) to get the bits you… -
Because he is Austraaaalian
I liked that approach, informed by realism but tweaked for immersion -
I agree, looking at games like Minecraft for instance, that arent about combat/shooting, the experience of interacting with the world and creating something is enhanced hugely by involving friends in the experience. If you had inte… -
I dont want to see a game that is too arcady and ignores the realities of physics. The underwater world is such an amazing place with its own dynamics it would be great to use that and encourage gamers to adapt how they need to think rather then dum…
I would love to "see" a great mining and crafting system with building large stuff - like submarine rooms or consoles, taking multiple stages and time, kinda like in Space Engineers, where you have to have all the sub-components seperately, or your …
One thing that could be cool would be if you could integrate bio-engineering into your ship, so by developing an organic coating compound that you could coat the hull with that would attempt to self seal/heal over small breaches, or act like an elec…
Been watching this a while, looks like a great concept.
Bought today and had a play, good to see the basic physics, here's hoping that you continue to keep a reasonably realistic view on them (not too arcady!)in Subnautica Earliest Access - Subnautica Comment by MaverickNZ October 2014