Either I missed out on something, or I am not only missing the Steel Plate, but also the Steam Key, which I just redeemed.
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:5577387 -
Same here, Prototype 6 is not showing up on my humble bundle page.
Obsessed with Sci-Fi? Check
Obsessed with Sci-Fi Submarine Stuff? Check (Aquanox *cough*)
Subnautica Earliest Access Purchased.
I cannot wait for the 31stin Subnautica Earliest Access - Subnautica Comment by Maxunit October 2014
Kinda sad about it, that BT no longer has all those changes. Rooms no longer go dark etc. Right now BT feels like I'm playing NS2 without BT.
Generally there is an AFK Kick implemented into the server software by default. Otherwise, it would be advised to run DAK or Shine Administration on the server and configure the AFK Kicker plugin.
This is a known issue and will be fixed.
You have to create the config files yourself. Same applies to any other kind of mod, which you might run on the Server, like DAK or Shine. -
If you want to update the Server, lets say, from Build 255 to 256 in a few days (or a week), then you need to log in to SteamCMD again with a valid Steam Account, which owns NS2
in linux server files, still not sure how to get them Comment by Maxunit September 2013
Pfft, problem can be solved easily.
Just add: margin-top: 0px;
into the appropiate css file... -
I did a mapchange on my dedicated server and sewleks mod showed up again in all its glory. Something maybe went wrong while publishing an update to the workshop?
I still do not understand, why 32-bit is so widespread in 2013. A lot of people run around with Dual or Quad Core CPUs, at least 4 GB of memory, or even more. *hint*8GB in my rig*hint*
If I look back, then only a handful of games either … -
That's one possibility, indeed.
You need to log in to steamCMD with a Steam Account, which owns Natural Selection 2, at the moment.
Then you can grab either AppID 4920 or 4940 where 4940 is the Dedicated Server and 4920 is the Game Client.
Hopefully UWE wil… -
Thanks to james888 for naming those 2 maps. I have never seen them before, actually
I just added those to my Se… - are you supposed to create new levels right now, if all the thumbnails are black?
I recently had to re-install NS2 and just launched Spark. All thumbnails blackin Reinforced Editor Bugs! Comment by Maxunit September 2013
Nice, thanks.
Would love to see more -
Frank the Skulk is the cutest Skulk I have ever seen. Would cuddle it (him/her?)
Overall, those drawings are reall… -
To be honest:
As a lot of people said above: Keep NS2 fast-paced and do not change it into a "realistic" and slow shooter. There are enough Call of Duty Games/Clones and Battlefield Games/Clones on the market already.
Sure, i… -
Server Software for Windows and Linux uses AppID 4940 actually. 4920 is the game client.
And even if a Hacker finds a loophole, it most likely is getting fixed pretty fast...otherwise VAC takes care of the job, if external software is used for cheating and hacking. -
I do not know, if the console works on Linux using the -console command line parameter.
It works on Windows Dedicated and also worked on Linux machines, if you used WINE and a Desktop + VNC Server to access the Linux machine on the Deskt… -
I have the issues, which dePARA stated.
Also, the CM Storm Sirus has the soundchip built into the USB Hub. Here's a picture of it:Updated Server and mod. I highly enjoyed the balance changes so far, so did the others.
Should I continue to report on the Workshop Page or here on the Forums?...or both?It even gets worse then, in your case.
Patch 255 will introduce a new system to restrict modding even more, if you want to play on official Servers etc.
It is somewhere stated in the mailing list.
On the other han…I activated the mod on my Server, alongside with Shine Admin and sewlek's Beta Test Mod.
The Server is hosted in Germany, Falkenstein (close to Cologne). Server Name is: [VGU]Natural Selection 2.
IP:Port, if needed to direct-…This looks interesting. I will subscribe to it and check it out. Might add it to my server then as well.(Quote)
Oh, thank you for the headsup. I totally missed that one
Shine Admin does not have such a function to repeat a message every X Seconds or X Minutes (at least I am not aware of it). Something like a small LUA script, which calls "sh_say"/!say or "sh_csay"/!csay could do it. Those functions are included in …(Quote)
Natural Selection 2 and F2P?
The F2P model ruined a lot of games for me, at least. Mostly MMOs. Those games are flooded by childish people and kids by now and also have seen a great influx of spammers, botters, c…I added a MapCycle.json into the /config/ folder, since I specified the configs to be stored elsewhere and not in the main directory.
Shine Admin configs are loaded fine, if Shine is being loaded.
Right now:
I hav…