So we finally see that a long waited tournament mode since beta days
What do we get from ns2+? a long needed performanc…
(Quote) And game were already dying when you joined here (Before NS2WC people were quitting but that tournament saved many players). Go ahead demand more from UWE but don't dream too much. I will demand NS1 HD version ( in No more NS2+?? Comment by Mige March 2016
You just need to wait when Mendasp monthly period ends
Well I think we will see or hear "g-sync 2" when freesync arrives (if amd delivers)
Only game right now is ns2 where I need to …
Yes there is lag when you are using g-sync if fps is maxed out (of course game needs to be low latency). You can google that many others are complaining this same thing. Also freesync doesn't use handicap buffer stuff, mostly nvidia used this to get…
OFF the new "x-factor" before f2p
Would be fine if I have time to adapt or interest to play
^^ even better with vsync -2fps
Great for g-sync, but you need to use fps max ~138 reduce g-sync buffer delay or something (also r_stats shows 0 ms GPU delay).. With out maxfps fps is 140-144 and have input lag( r_stats shows 4-5 ms GPU delay), if you are more interested you can r…
Go for it and NOW. Then new deal in Christmas with classic pack ... the long waited f2p with server variabl…
(Quote) Well about the key-cap size, couple funny photos(Quote)
Also superior to make awful noise, price + size. If people want a good rubber dome (scissor type) keyboard with quality better to buy apple keyboard. And that mind-game which in Mouse advice - Logitech G400s Comment by Mige November 2014(Quote) I dont remember if this already asked, but why not standalone DLC or Expansion / add on? I play combat once for a while, because public is boring like no good servers online yet
(Quote) Couple screenshots, 1920x1080 resolutionIs there any command to use vanilla scoreboard? Nice work but that vanilla was better for my 1920*1080 resolution :-/Nice to have 4K display supportI tried that 4K DSR with my 1080p 144hz display and I got same "hud problems". That 4k resolut…
NS2++ should have this Mendaspmaxfps may someday come to alive https:…
(Quote) Well we all know what happened with that reinforced/the hitcher update..Time to ditch all the 32 bit users for good,…
For me combat was smoother experience than normal NS2 269 build. I don't follow too much that FPS counter (g-sync), in reality that doesn't count if there is too much frame time or lagg. NS2 24slot pub server (thirsty onos) was jus…(Quote)
Evolve is getting a lot of players right nowL4D2 makers just launched big alpha and almost everyone is g…
Reaper pack bought, thanks to rantalogy who made nice saunamen logoNo fpsmaxLets hope that luajit update was goooood
And the one big question, one million dollar. Can you make NS1 HD or NS Classic version (like DLC) and get best things from n…
[offtopic] Crysis was badly optimized and also very demanding game (main thing was to stress future high-end pcs) + VERY BUGGY. Ofc patching helped a lot. Crysis warhead was better optimized. Spark just need +5.0ghz haswell/Ivy/sa…Maybe change this vent a little.. Skulks may have hard time to get in there when they need to attack.. like offload camping marinesin Request: Jambi Stuck Spots / Changes Comment by Mige October 2014
Long time ago december 2010 I bought this game and my all time favorite server HBZ is down. HBZ was the ultimate server in beta and couple weeks ago. It was the oldest and THE BEST (4.8ghz sandybridge but If I recall it died after 2 years) public se…(Quote) This game is pretty much dead in my eyes. Good servers are usually empty or dies easily if someone leaves. Last spring was playable, but now I think this season could be last one for us (Saunamen). The biggest problem to hold players was …Free week without the weekendWell maybe after 268 patch, which still have some anomalies, like holograms give hitching, serve…
My conclusion was that this will come when you die(Quote)
Yes please enable that we get more stutter and fps fluctuations, great. Like Borderlands 2 is Stutterlands 2 with phyx on. Gimmick feature(Quote)
Yep and again if you alt tab