Try a stress test of your PC, with a thing like OCCT for the GPU or with cpu-z for stressing cpu. There is good probabilities that one of the two test will run into the same problem.
Good to read this announcement. Question for @Obraxis -> Have you an estimated date for the release of "panic button + new engine" for public ? A lot of people whic…
I can confirm that the exact same bug appear again after playing with the geyser. I don't know what exactly trigger the bug, but i have done few construction in my base near the geyser and i realize after that that the bug reappears. I don't know if…
It doesn't really matter because if fact a looooot of country fit with the declaration of the author, so it's a very commonnly shared point of view. USA are, in fact, an exception in the world. In the world the vast majority of country ha…
I can confirm that i have the exact same bug.
Following idea on this topic and on other post on the net i have deleted those cell file (in Cellcaches dir) for testing :