If you have no idea what's going on, I understand how it could appear this way.
Start by focusing on improving your aim and learning how to dodge and use different weapons/tech. Winning is not a biggie, as you're unlikely to change the o… -
If it doesn't appear in the server browser, it's probably filters. I'd use the steam legacy server browser instead tbh, you have a lan tab there. The NS2 server browser is incredibly clunky.
Just about everything you've shown here has to do with TCP/IP, when the game uses UDP/IP.
What's your ping like to your major servers? Hitreg is not so much of an issue on local <60ms ping servers, from what I've felt. It's absolutely… -
If you redesigned the gameplay, people will whine.
Mods don't really thrive in this game, the server list is partially to blame with its filters. -
I have a Nvidia 1080, Intel 3820 @ 4.6ghz, play at 2k res - with everything on low. But I get around 144fps on a 24 slot server. Thanks to the x64 release.
Why hasn't anybody else mentioned 2010. That's when it resembled what it is now.
You hear/see when they receive a medpack anyway. It helps marines significantly regardless, I used to lose aliens in the darkness. Now the health bar overlay allows me to track my target, additionally you cannot bluff like before. … -
But Spores have always been in NS2. They just nerfed them. -
And in NS1 Fade's had acid rocket.
I question the dev's sanity sometimes.
No doubt they'll make skulks able to reach maximum velocity without bouncing off walls? -
Perhaps if one analysed the win/lose ratio of map design in detail, more comprehensive guide on balance could be reached. On here there's an alien/marine win ratio of 50/50, now look h…
+1 using bios to overclock.
But be warned, if you're using the stock cooler on an AMD CPU - you might just end up lowering your performance, due to temperature throttling.
Install HWMonitor, view your temperatures and max cpu… -
Every time there's a new map, the community outright boycotts it. Eventually it grows on them.
I've seen it happen when the new Veil was released, Refinery, Biodome, Descent and Derelict. -
I was playing on Tactical Freedom the other day where vote kick is enabled, there was a continuous string of unjustified votekicks - some successful. If a player is too good, people just vote kicked. People generally just F1 any votekick.
Gorges OP. I suppose the Gorgie picked up the marine for a feast later on @ at the hive.
We need the plushie reaper skin in-game.
The faded died off because people didn't have patience IMO. They died and couldn't be bothered waiting until round end. The gamemode itself was fun.
From a modding perspective NS2 and that lackluster Spark engine was a nightmare.
UWE made the initial botch-ups when they released massive game breaking updates the day before a free weekend or major sale. Aside from this the performance then was so bad, people on free weekends complained and presumably never bought the game fol…
Observing rookie servers are interesting. Many commanders do not know what drifers are, what the sounds mean for space, how to build upgrades, etc.
Combat just wasn't fun. When it was a mod, it was.
Ultimately move/tick rates shouldn't be allowed to be set under the default rates - when players are on. There's far too many 20-25 move/tick servers now. Even for 24 slots.
I disagree.
Many games - such as Ark & Unturned release two kinds of updates, one which is compatible with the current version and is optional, one which is mandatory due to incompatibilities or major issues. Having… -
Censorship I agree with to some extent, most people don't see the moral decay and the kind of people it breeds.
Trump said it was as high as 40%, in one of his speeches. lol
That'd run NS2 well below the system requirements from what I've observed @ 24 players. Which is about a 4790k @ 4.0ghz (without turbo).
SEK2000_Fan could you please verify your permissions are correct by running these lines:
cd /home/ns2server sudo chown -R ns2server:ns2server serverfiles
We've had no pro… -
Nobody is how I imagined them to be.
The official servers were very underutilized, only people who desperately needed a server to play on - actually played on it. Not to mention they were missing mods many people would deem necessary such as NS2+.
Usually you have to popula… -
We're also interested.